Discovery of The Ancient ‘City of Giants’ In Ethiopia Could Rewrite The Human History
There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the…
Riddles of The Ancients: 15 Archaeological Mysteries That Puzzle Us (Video)
Some of these will make you question your whole existence!
Year of Darkness: Why 536 AD Was A Terrible Time To Be Alive! (Video)
What caused the planetary horror of 536 AD?
The Mysteries of The Bimini Road: Ancient, Underwater… & Artificial?
Top Image: If the Bimini Road is artificial it would be startlingly old, but most…
3-Year-Old Boy Remembers His Past Life, Locates His Body & Identifies The Man Who Murdered Him
What happens when we die? Where does “consciousness” go?
A Mysterious Mayan Calendar Stumped Scientists For Decades: “A New Study Has Cosmic Answers”
References to an ancient 819-day Mayan calendar have long puzzled researchers, who now say they've…
U-Boat 85 & The Sea Monster: Terror From The Deep
Experts move a step closer to uncovering the mystery of the German submarine 'attacked by…
Did The Library of Alexandria Really Exist?
This illustration shows scholars using the Library of Alexandria. It wasn't the first library ever…
The Phantom Wolf & The Haunting of The Hexham Heads
The Hexham Heads seemed to be guarded by a terrifying phantom figure, described most frequently…
Atlantis vs Lemuria: Hidden History of A War of More Than 10,000 Years Ago
Strange indications began to arise in the sky. A crimson sun and a black path…
Nostradamus Predicts: What’s In Store For 2023?
The French astrologer and physician published his infamous book of predictions nearly 500 years ago,…
The Biggest Secret In Human History – The Anunnaki Creation- First Advanced Civilization On Earth (Video)
Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010), an eminent Orientalist and biblical scholar, was born in Russia and grew…
What Does Baba Vanga Predict For 2023?
You’ve probably heard at least one of Baba Vanga’s famous predictions. The Bulgarian mystic and…
The Hoax of Edward Mordake, The Man Afflicted With Two Faces
Edward Mordake (sometimes spelled "Mordrake") was a fictional newspaper creation that ended up in a…
Decadent Roman Party Town: The Lost City of Baiae
Today, a team of archaeologists and engineers are developing some surprising new technologies to protect…
The World’s Shortest War Lasted Just 38 Minutes
The little known Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896 is generally considered to be the shortest war…
Hyperboreans: An Ancient Extraterrestrial Race That Lived on This Planet
The word Hyperboreans comes from ancient Greek and means “beyond the North Wind or the…
Blood & Mortar: The Killer Architecture of Hitobashira
In ancient Japan, these construction human sacrifices were called Hitobashira. What is a construction human…
Practical Magic: The Summoning Spells of The Book of Abramelin
Exploring the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage
Herne The Hunter: Hooded Forest God of Britain
The tale of Herne the Hunter is one shrouded in layers of mystery. For centuries,…