The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants: Astrology Forecast August 6th – 13th
What’s your horoscope this week?
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
On August 8th, we reach the 8:8 Lions Gate guarded by the Regulus Star Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow, ensuring that those of us who pass through the portal are not attached to the past or the future, but are creating with a focus on the Now or Zero Point.
This is when the Earth aligns with Sirius and Leo, unfolding a new cycle of Time/Space. In order to cross this threshold and move to a higher time-line or bandwidth of experience, choose to be in your highest consciousness and centred in your High Heart.
On August 13, retrograde Venus merges with the Sun at 20° Leo at the midpoint of her retrograde cycle, moving quite slowly across the zodiac at her nearest to the Earth and is, from our point of view, at her darkest.
This Dark Venus Black Out is akin to a total eclipse of the heart – one of those times when some of your most precious hopes and dreams have fallen apart and dissolved in front of your eyes. When it’s tempting to think that something has gone wrong, some great cosmic mistake has been made, that you’ve have failed, or been forsaken.
The truth is that it’s an opportunity to bring your inner map up to date with your current reality – a kind of somatic and psychic restructuring.
If you’ve been paying attention to your emotional world since the Goddess began her retrograde on July 23rd, now is when you might start to gain some clarity around a difficult emotional, financial or personal issue. But don’t expect to have a sudden epiphany or light-bulb moment when all your problems are magically dissolved-Venus will reverse all the way back to 8 Leo before turning direct on September 3rd then re-crosses the retrograde degrees before exiting into Virgo on October 10th.
The threads that bind us to others are both fragile and immensely strong. When it becomes apparent that certain heart ties need to be cut to free you from a life you’ve outgrown, be both kind and resolutely clear.
Your own life is at stake-far better to escape from entanglements that drain you than to be strangled by duty or obligation.
Start by moving in the direction of your true desires, no longer simply conforming to what you’re supposed to want.
The Chandra Symbol for the Venus Black Out Point says it all.
Chandra Symbol Venus Black Out 20 Leo

Chandra Symbol Venus Black Out 20 Leo: A Black pearl hidden in an Oyster.
“Working very hard to find again what is lost, to get at what is conspicuously missing, it takes tremendous inner forces to restore the pearl. But most of all, you must vanquish your pride and acknowledge from the core of your being that going through this world without your deep soul intact is hell. If you seek, you shall find. If you ache, you shall come to a restored wholeness. But not without the suffering, the grief, and the facing of the void; initiation in the depths. It is a superb path if you have the courage and stamina for it. But midstream it is cauterising, corrosive, and deadly; appearances are deceptive; nothing is as it might seem for a while. What matters supremely is guts and integrity.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
Venus is retrograding through your Leo 5th House-one of the most auspicious parts of your chart and psyche. You might be discovering or re-discovering a deeply creative part of you that has lain dormant and untapped or involved in a behind the scenes love affair that has to be kept secret. Around August 9th, you could discover something that changes your mind about someone or shocks you into making a sudden about face.
An emotional tide is turning.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
As Venus is your personal planet, Venus retrograde affects Taureans more than most. The Goddess will cross back and forward across Leo until October 10th, the base of your solar chart and angle of home, family and belonging. You could be discovering that your ancestry wasn’t what you’ve been told or noticing that where and how you live is no longer a good match for your current needs. When the Goddess meets the Sun in Leo on August 13th, seize the opportunity to start re-inventing yourself in any shape or form.
This is not sugary sweet Venus but take no prisoners Venus and your dreams and hearts desires really do matter.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
Venus in Leo is retrograding through your 3rd House of communication before turning forward on September 3rd. On August 13th, she merges with the Sun at her halfway point, making this the perfect moment to take stock of those you spend time with. Think about your friends, relatives or co-workers-in other words, your people landscape. Who energises you and lifts your spirits and who drains you or feeds off your energy? Now’s the time to change the guard and wave goodbye to the heart sinkers.
You are not here to be a life support system for social vampires.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
It’s time to pay attention to your finances as Venus-sign of money-is retrograding through your 2nd House until September 3rd. On August 13th, the Goddess merges with the Sun in Leo at her darkest and most investigative. Where are you leaking money, overspending, wasting your resources or undervaluing your skills? Could you cancel payments you’ve overlooked, call in money owed or sell some unwanted items?
Your money represents effort you’ve invested- treat it with the respect it deserves.
Leo Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
Since Venus is currently in her once in 8 years retrograde in your own sign, look back to 2015, 2007 and 1999 for clues to what this means for you. To avoid repeating old self-sabotaging relationship patterns, take your time to really reflect on how your emotional needs have evolved. On August 9th when Venus aspects Awakener Uranus, you might get a sudden insight into someone you thought you knew that changes your perspective. Then on the 13th, when Venus is at her darkest and deepest, ask yourself some searching questions about what you really want out of life.
Settling and compromising is not really living.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
The current Venus retrograde through the sign before yours could be taking its toll on both your emotions and your body. This is your private, hidden 12th House of unconscious dreams and defences, so shadow material that has lain undisturbed could emerge to be recognised. Healing can break your heart and shatter old dreams to create space for the new to enter. On or around August 13th, when Venus descends to her darkest point, see if you can find a way to withdraw from a busy agenda to look after your wellbeing.
Any form of retreat is medicine for your soul at the moment.
Libra Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
Just like Taurus, this Venus retrograde affects you more than most as Venus is your personal planet. The Goddess hasn’t retrograded in Leo for 8 years, not since 2015, so it’s worth looking back for clues. Leo is your 11th house of friends, allies, groups, networks and goals. On August 13th, as she reaches her darkest point, think about how the dynamics of these are working out for you. Are you oversharing on social media or passing on unverifiable theories? Do your closest friends have your best interests at heart and have you got their back?
The big question is-how closely does your current life match your heart’s desires?
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
The current retrograde journey of Venus through Leo is happening at the pinnacle of your chart. This is your highly visible career and public reputation angle. Even if you don’t have a paid job, you probably volunteer or make a difference one way or another and that’s what needs to be re-evaluated. Issues around love and money need addressing. Who have you aligned yourself with and does that need to change? You could get some sort of clarity around this on August 13th when Venus meets the Sun and again on the Leo New Moon on the 16th.
Keep your cards close to your chest until after September 3rd when Venus turns forward again.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
With Saturn in your angle of home for the first time in 29 years, you’re probably having to make some hard choices about how and where to live or reconfiguring your current place to better fit your needs. Then along comes the Venus retrograde in Leo, making you think about some of your favourite things, such as travelling, studying, writing, discovering new people and places. On August 13th, when Venus meets the Sun, you might discover creative ways you could get more of this into your life whilst still building strong foundations.
Your heart wants what your heart wants.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
Are you feeling unusually nostalgic, reminiscing, taking trips down memory lane? If so, this is the effect of Venus retrograding through your deep 8th House of ancestry and inheritance, excavating long forgotten hopes, dreams and memories. On August 13th, the Goddess is at her darkest point as she encounters the Sun in Leo. Now’s the time to think about some of those old unhelpful rules and beliefs you somehow inherited from your tribe of origin. Which of them need leaving behind in your dustbin of history?
More importantly, what would you like your own legacy to be?
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
As a solar Aquarian, you are midway through your personal year which started on your birthday 6 months ago-always a time to pause for reflection. This message is underlined by Venus slowly retrograding through your opposite sign of Leo until September 3rd. Depending on your unique astrology, this may test the strength of your closest partnerships or rekindle a passion that had gone cold. It might mean asking yourself what you really, really want as opposed to accepting what you’ve got. Take all the time you need before burning bridges or declaring your eternal love.
Focus on meeting your own needs rather than asking someone else to fix you.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: August 6-13, 2023
Both Saturn retrograding through Pisces and Venus retrograding through Leo are nudging you to take time out to re-assess, re-evaluate and reflect on aspects of your life. Venus is in your 6th House of health and daily routines until October 10th and retrograde until September 3rd, putting your work and your wellbeing are in the frame. This week, on August 13th, she merges with the Sun giving you some clarity on what needs changing. It could mean giving up sugar, de-toxing, breaking a bad habit or adding exercise. Or switching up your workplace and throwing a spanner into outdated working practices.
Focus on the benefits of changing.
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini.
In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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