Time’s Tuning Fork: Astrology Forecast April 24th – May 1st, 2022
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
The warp and weft of your cumulative past decisions and choices will reveal itself in the karmic out-workings of this week’s astrology.
Not only is the potent seismic field of the eclipse wide open but Great Transformer Pluto is slowing to station at his most impactful at the end of Capricorn, turning retrograde on April 30th.
The April 30 partial solar eclipse anchors a strong geophysical shock window from April 23rd through to May 7th. Expect a surge in notable seismic activity, including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions during this shock window. It is the energetic gateway to the total lunar eclipse at 25 Scorpio on May 16.
On April 30/May 1, visible only in southern South America and Antarctica, a New Moon Solar eclipse takes place at 10 Taurus. The Lights conjunct Awakener Uranus, Mercury enters Gemini, Venus is exactly conjunct Jupiter and close to Neptune in Pisces. Pluto turns retrograde on the same day until October 9.
Eclipses are powerful energetic events that can openly reveal for a moment what lies in the dark. The conjunction with Awakener Uranus in Taurus makes this something of a maverick eclipse and the synchronicity of an eclipse with a conjunction of Venus, Neptune and Jupiter is very rare and auspicious.
Reduced to its bones, expect some truly heroic healing breakthroughs, along with some monumentally bad acting out behaviour.
This evolutionary process began in November 2021 and will not complete until October 2023.
New! Existential Times /Existential Eclipses…
Never has learning to future proof your resources been so crucial….
Don’t miss out on essential strategies for maximising the potential of the maverick Taurus solar eclipse on April 30/May1st and the May 16th Scorpio total lunar eclipse.
“Shaken and Stirred-the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses” is essential guidance for those of you who are sensitives, creatives, and path pavers.
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“Lorna is a Seer, Thought Leader, Spiritual Coach… her astrological predictions are both profound life guides and business coaching. I highly recommend signing up to her monthly reports.” – Elizabeth M London
Chandra Symbol New Moon 11 TAURUS

A woman with flames for her hair.
“Direct, full on, and unstoppable. Pushing for optimal outcomes, you are self-convinced and hard-driving. So passionate about your own desire and impulse that anything off to the side is far out of the picture, and all that counts is to have your say, to make an impact. Something long-gathering suddenly emerging as rage, self-intent, need, and craving. Personal to the Nth degree. Almost solipsistic. “Me” mattering after being counted out. You feel the surge of power of someone who recognises that they are bearing a life-force that can no longer be put down and you follow the brightness wherever it takes you, blindly and beautifully.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.
Aries Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
Both your 10th and 2nd Houses are delivering change this week, courtesy of Wealth God Pluto in your career zone turning backwards on Saturday and a New Moon eclipse in your income angle on the same day. This eclipse is conjunct unpredictable Uranus, so possibly one source of income might disappear and a better opportunity arise. No matter how it plays out for you, the dominos will continue to fall until November’s next Taurus eclipse, so make strengthening your personal security a priority. With Venus, Jupiter ad Neptune melding in your deep 12th House, old dreams are fading and what matters to you is shifting.
Capture your insights, dreams and ideas ready to make a bold move when entrepreneurial Jupiter enters Aries in mid-May for the first time in 12 years.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
As a solar Taurean, it’s your week, your month and your year, as long as you flow with and adapt to changes rather than resisting them. Your own planet Venus is weaving together the magic of Jupiter and Neptune, bringing luck and opportunities your way. The more you meet and mix with likeminded people, the more your life will expand and flower. There’s more….. a New Moon eclipse conjunct Awakener Uranus activates 10 degrees Taurus on April 30th. Something or someone is leaving, making space for you to welcome something even better. It’s a renewal and a release, freeing you up to make a change of direction.
The evolutionary fun continues at the total lunar eclipse across Scorpio/Taurus on May 16th.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
As a Gemini, there is so much rare and soulful planetary magic being woven by Neptune, Venus and Jupiter at the pinnacle of your chart that you are inspired. If you are an artist of any kind-a film maker, photographer, dancer, sculptor, writer-or a healer, seize the moment before it disappears. Get creative, capture insights as they arise and have fun. All of this is happening at the same time as a New Moon eclipse wakes up your deep 12th House. This is where your unconscious directs your life from behind the scenes, where old dreams come to die and the seeds of new ones are sown.
Your intuition will be working overtime so get a journal for all those insights and inspirations.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
These last days of April bring you a special sort of magic, thanks to Venus, Neptune and Jupiter merging in fellow Water sign Pisces. This is a rare event, made even more auspicious as it happens on a New Moon eclipse in Taurus, bringing both release and renewal, especially socially. Anything to do with teaching, studying or travelling-in other words, broadening your horizons-is very well starred. Take some artist dates, wandering around a museum or art gallery on your own or book a working holiday to chill out and learn a new skill at the same time. Just after the eclipse, your social circle could change. Now’s the time to gracefully withdraw from groups or associations that are no longer on your wavelength.
Seize the moment!
Leo Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
It’s a week of power, magic and change -what a combination! In a rare event, Saturday’s Taurus eclipse lights up the pinnacle of your chart, your 10th House of career and public reputation. Luckily for you, Venus merges with Neptune and Jupiter at the same time, suggesting that doors will open where there were none before. Someone at work could leave, creating a space for you. Venus is the planet of money and Jupiter expands whatever he touches, so you might receive a bonus or gift of some sort. With unpredictable Uranus conjunct the eclipse, anything could happen.
Remember to look after your physical wellbeing to avoid burnout.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
As Pluto turns backwards on Saturday’s Taurus solar eclipse, change is definitely in the air. For you, this eclipse looks well starred as Taurus is a practical Earth sign highly compatible with Virgo. At the same time, Venus merges with Neptune and Jupiter in your opposite sign-an auspicious and rare planetary event. Since unpredictable Uranus is tightly conjunct the eclipse, you might get a message out of the blue or begin a new and exciting program of study. Start coming up with ways to share your skills and experience with others on a much wider platform. Never assume that everyone knows what you know-they don’t and what you have to offer has value.
People remember how you made them feel, not what you said.
Libra Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
This is set to be a week of inner and outer change, thanks to a New Moon eclipse in Taurus on April 30th – the first of two with a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio coming on May 16th. This is underlined by Transformer Pluto slowing to retrograde on the same day. In your solar chart, your home life, your work and your personal relationships are all in a process of evolution. Take heart, as your own planet Venus merges with Neptune and Jupiter, smoothing your way and delivering solutions to old health and work issues. It’s crucial you take quiet time for you and disentangle yourself from outgrown obligations or contracts and that includes within the family and tribe.
The most loving thing you can do is to put your own welfare first.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
This Saturday’s New Moon in your opposite sign of Taurus is the start of a once in 18 years’ re-set in your relationships. It is not a one-off event but flows directly into an emotional total lunar eclipse in your own sign, the gateway to more Taurus/Scorpio eclipses through to late 2023.This week’s eclipse could mark either the beginning or the end of a close partnership. Remember, these cosmic wild cards work by disrupting situations around you which then have a domino effect on your own life. Fortunately, at the same time, Venus merges with Neptune and Jupiter, suggesting release and renewal.
Eclipses can be draining, so make sure you reduce commitments and cut yourself some slack until after May 16th.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
Expect a quick moving week-just how you like it-with situations changing around you, both at home and at work. In a rare and auspicious planetary event, Venus is merging with Neptune and also your own planet Jupiter at the roots of your chart. You’ll be feeling warm hearted and hospitable, inviting friends and family to enjoy your home. If you’re planning on renovation or redecorating, you’ll be inspired. Having a relaxing sanctuary is going to be extra important as the Taurus New Moon eclipse on Saturday April 30th will bring changes at work. Someone might leave and some else arrive. You might sign a new contract or apply for a new job.
No matter how it plays out, trust your instincts.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
This is a week of rare astrology, so make the very most of every opportunity that comes your way. Make a note of Saturday April 30th when a Taurus New Moon eclipse brings change to your emotional life and Pluto turns retrograde at the very end of Capricorn. The eclipse is conjunct unpredictable Uranus, so surprises are likely. Taurus is a compatible earth sign and, luckily, Venus is merging with Neptune and Jupiter at the same time. You might be meeting someone new or falling in love. If a relationship has lost its spark, this eclipse could either rekindle it or douse it forever. Now that Transformer Pluto has reached the end of your sign, it’s time to start major completions, ready for a new focus from March 2023.
Look for hints about a possible change of direction.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
It’s going to be a week of changes for just about everyone, whether they start immediately or are set in motion during the coming 6 months. For you as an Aquarian, both your home and your finances are undergoing evolution. Happily, Venus, Neptune and Jupiter are in a rare conjunction in your angle of income, suggesting that good fortune will play a part. Saturday April 30th is a big day with a New Moon eclipse in Taurus at the roots of your chart and Transformer Pluto turning backwards at the same time. You could get some hints about how to restructure where you live to better fit your lifestyle or start planning for an empty nest or retirement.
Security is all in the mind.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: April 24 – May 1, 2022
The Gods of good fortune are smiling on you this week, Pisces. In a rare celestial event, first Venus conjuncts your own planet Neptune then expansive Jupiter in your own sign, exactly on a New Moon eclipse in Taurus on April 30th.This is auspicious for all Pisceans but especially if you have Sun or planets between 23-30 Pisces. Feel the love….people will be smoothing your path, supporting you and enjoying spending time with you. It’s a wonderful day to invite family and friends to your home just to celebrate being alive. Whilst all this is going on, remember to capture all the fresh insights and inspirations that the eclipse in your communication zone is about to download.
These are huge energies, so factor in some quiet downtime.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1