Type V Civilization: The Civilization of Real Gods!
A Type V civilization would be advanced enough to escape their universe of origin and explore the multiverse. Such a civilization would have mastered technology to a point where they could simulate or build a custom universe.
By: N. Hale | Ancient Mysteries
Renowned physicist Michio Kaku believes the next 100 years will determine our fate as a civilization. Will we remain a Type 0 civilization or advance to the stars?
The Kardashev scale, proposed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964 and was named after him, measures a civilization’s technological advancement based on its energy resources. It has three base classes: Type I, II, and III. But there are also Type IV and Type V civilizations.

A Type I civilization can harness all the energy from a neighbouring star to meet its growing population’s needs. We would need to boost our energy production over 100,000 times to reach this level. With this power, we could control natural forces like volcanoes and earthquakes.
A Type II civilization can harness the power of its entire star. One proposed method is the Dyson Sphere, a structure that captures all the star’s energy. With this much energy, nothing known to science could wipe out a Type II civilization.
A Type III civilization becomes a galactic traverser, with knowledge of everything about energy. Humans in this civilization may be cyborgs, with regular humans seen as inferior.
They would have colonies of self-replicating robots that colonize stars and build Dyson Spheres. However, they would be limited by the laws of physics, like light-speed travel. Kardashev believed Type III was the extent of any species’ ability, but some believe there could be further advancements.
A Type IV civilization can almost harness the energy content of the entire universe.
They would tap into unknown energy sources and use currently unknown laws of physics. This civilization would be like gods, with the ability to manipulate the universe.

For Zoltan Galántai (Hungarian futurist), a scale classifying civilizations should be based on their ability to survive catastrophes, particularly those of cosmic origin, such as an asteroid impact. Wikimedia Commons
Type V civilizations are the ultimate energy revolution. This hypothetical civilization is not merely galactic or universal but multiverse, meaning it has the ability to harness and manipulate the energy matter and even laws of multiple universes or dimensions. Its technology would be distinguishable from magic to lesser developed civilizations. They have the knowledge to manipulate everything as they please. Type V civilizations might be capable of creating or destroying universes at will altering fundamental constants of physics and even manipulating reality in ways we can’t currently comprehend. However, since our understanding of multiverse theory and higher dimensions is still in its early stages, these ideas remain purely hypothetical, but not impossible.
Scientists say, while humans are far from reaching this level, it’s not impossible if we take care of Earth, extinguish war, and support scientific advances.

The future of civilization is full of wonder and curiosity. Will we one day become a Type IV or even a Type V civilization? The possibilities are endless if we continue to strive for knowledge and progress. And the last question: Is a Type IV or Type V civilization already gazing on us since the beginning? Was the so-called “Big Bang” nothing more than a mere display of their impossible power of creation?
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WikiLeaks Document Confirms, The United States Destroyed An Alien Moon Base
An intriguing document was released by WikiLeaks, stating that the United States had a secret base on the Moon. It allegedly was later destroyed by Russia. Many have thought for years that something else unusual has been going on since the early days of space exploration.
Paranormal researcher Scott Waring said the following:
“I was researching the WikiLeaks website and I found this information pertaining to a secret lunar base that the United States had destroyed in the late 1970’s. The cable has only the details of the document, but not all because the document was written by hand and was never put in digital format.”
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Interesting! Somebody Else Is On The Moon: NASA Has Kept This A Secret For A Long Time
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