Transformative Fire: Astrology Forecast October 9th – 16th, 2022
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
This week, both events and emotions reach another peak of intensity at Sunday’s fiery Aries Full Moon square Great Transformer Pluto now direct in Capricorn. Mars in Gemini is at odds with Neptune in Pisces, sowing disinformation and multiplying hidden agendas. Mercury re-enters Libra opposing Jupiter in Aries-just watch the plotlines play out as soap operas or personal dramas.
On the world stage and in your own life, this plutonic Full Moon conjunct Chiron sparks a strong desire to burn away anything blocking the path forward. If you channel this constructively, you can reconnect with your personal agency and remember that you are already whole. Whereas impatience, frustration or angry outbursts are signs that your boundaries are being trampled and you need to speak out.
Chiron will push into your awareness any way it can whatever aspect of your existence you have neglected via a healing process that removes the mind from the driving seat. When you constantly hide from the truth of a situation you live with a hole at the bottom of your life. This hole drains every ounce of your energy, enthusiasm and passion. Coming out of denial may seem scary but it’s one of the most liberating things you can do – it clears the fog, allows you to draw a line in the sand and start afresh.
At this Full Moon, ask yourself what you can do with this powerful energy. Align with your breath and move your body.
New! Be prepared-get “Making Eclipses Work for You”-18 practical eclipse strategies
Chandra Symbol Full Moon 16 Aries

Three sculptured birds: one black marble, one white marble, one solid gold.
“Genius. An extraordinary consciousness in a three-fold sweep of the phases of intelligence. At first naive confidence in mental powers, and in your own ability to know what everyone needs to know and do what everyone needs to do. But later on, there creeps in the terrible knowledge that you know nothing, understand even less, and are operating in the dark. This can be terrifying, but is also redemptive in radical measure. Then there comes a synthesis, a cooking up of the raw intelligence into a vital grasp of the essentials in life, and in particular of your own place in this world, with a brilliant awakening to the total design and how your own awareness is perfectly poised in the centre to reflect all that is.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
Sunday’s potent Aries Full Moon puts you right back in your element, firing up your ambition, your motivation and your can-do spirit. It is also a reminder that win/win, balanced relationships are the foundation stone of your life. Tread extra-sensitively and carefully and cut yourself and those close to you lots of slack in the next few days. Pluto has turned forward at the top of your chart, heading for the exit from Capricorn. Get serious and focused about career changes and put yourself back in the driving seat.
Returning to your centre.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
You are probably already feeling the incoming changes ahead of the two approaching eclipses in October and early November in your own and your opposite sign. With Awakener Uranus in Taurus since March 2018, so much of your past is disappearing that you’re becoming quite adept at letting go and releasing whatever has outlived its purpose. You are freeing yourself up for a bigger life and surprising yourself and those around you with some of your decisions. Pluto is going to move on to the pinnacle of your chart from next March, helping your direction, purpose and career to really flower. Channel Sunday’s Full Moon to re-imagine your goals and dreams, releasing any that have lost their juice.
Choosing the road less travelled.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
Sunday’s fiery Full Moon re-energises your social life right across the board. It may nudge you to leave an old association behind, leaving you free to find more like-minded fellow travellers. Watch for insights into ways to heal old wounds about belonging. If you’ve always felt like an outsider, is that really true or the remains of a defence you learnt as a child to protect yourself? Have you been too quick to rush to judging others to avoid feeling vulnerable? As Mercury and Venus join the Sun in Libra, do something enjoyable just for yourself and switch off your inner critic.
Seeing through old limiting patterns.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
Both your home and career axis are being activated until late October. With the Sun, Venus and Mercury together in Libra aspecting Jupiter, perhaps you can find ways to create a better balance in these competing parts of your life. Sunday’s fiery Aries Full Moon at the top of your chart puts your career and reputation in the frame. This annual full stop always marks a time to have a re-think about your purpose and direction. Pluto turns forward in your relationship zone, heading for the exit next March. In the next 6 months, some important work alliances will end, leaving you to strike out on your own.
Looking at the big picture.
Leo Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
All the activity across Aries and Libra is activating your 9th/3rd Houses and the urge to escape – mentally or physically – will be strong. The underlying message is that you need to actively disrupt your usual routines and habits and start expanding your horizons. It doesn’t matter how-through travel, teaching or study-as long as you break out of your comfort zone and look at the world with fresh eyes. Sunday’s Full Moon in fellow Fire sign Aries will motivate you to take a leap of faith. So, too, will Mars in Gemini in your 11th House of groups and networks until next March.
Shaking up your people landscape.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
Pluto has just turned forward again in fellow practical Earth sign Capricorn, so it’s time to get those creative projects off the back burner and completed, ready to launch before the Great Transformer leaves this supportive part of your chart forever next March. Sunday’s Full Moon in Aries marks an ending of some sort where partnerships and shared financial assets are concerned. You might have a tax demand or an inheritance windfall to deal with around October 12th, when Mercury and Jupiter align. All month and through to March 2023, Mars is at the top of your chart, pushing and motivating you to make solid progress in your work or career. Make the most of it, before Mars turns retrograde on October 30th.
Money, money, money.
Libra Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
Out of all the signs, Libra is especially blessed this month. You have the Sun, Mercury and Venus at your back until late October, smoothing your path and creating harmony instead of conflict. Sunday’s Full Moon in your opposite sign of Aries expands these feelings, offering the chance to rebuild bridges after the events of the last few months. It’s possible a healer, teacher or mentor may enter your life and give you the confidence to expand your ambitions. Mark October 12-14th as times to go out and do something that makes you happy, just for its own sake.
Look for the grace in this silver lining.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
Just like Taurus, you are probably already feeling the incoming changes ahead of the two approaching eclipses in October and early November in your own and your opposite sign. Look back to late April and mid-May for themes that came up during the previous eclipses, probably involving close relationships. They are coming round again for resolution and evolution. No matter how it played out for you, the message is insistent: stop clinging to people, situations or things that have outlived their usefulness and let them go. At eclipse time, events occur that show you how little control you really have. Add to this Pluto-your own planet-turning forward in your angle of connection and communication and your skills of rapport and bridge building will be needed. Sunday’s Full Moon could feel intense and emotional so factor in some quiet time to be on your own.
Better to de-stress than burn out.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
It’s an intense start to the week with a Full Moon in fellow Fire sign Aries, nudging you to put romance and enjoyment right at the top of your agenda. The more you spend time with those you love, the greater your sense of wellbeing and healing. Mars is boosting your relationships for the next few months and is currently in a beautiful alignment with Venus and the Sun, suggesting that friends will be extra supportive. You may need this if someone at work tries to step into your territory or suddenly starts being competitive or challenging. The threat will start to recede around October 30th.
Pay the love forward.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
October is going to bring important changes and endings for you as a Capricorn. It began as Pluto turned forward in your sign on October 8th, after 5 months of go slow. The Great Transformer will exit Capricorn permanently in March 2023, leaving you an entirely different person than you were back in late 2008.Pluto’s gift to you is nothing less than personal reinvention, resilience, wisdom and superb survival instincts. Your own planet Saturn will also move direct on October 23rd, nudging you to secure your financial foundations ahead of the approaching eclipses across your career and identity angles.
Cut your family and tribe some slack at Sunday’s emotional Full Moon.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
As an Aquarian, both rulers of your sign-Saturn and Uranus- have been creating change after change in your previously settled life since late 2020.But an end is in sight. Their current clash in October will be the last, as Saturn will leave Aquarius in March 2023 not to return for another 29 years. On October 23, the Lord of Time and Karma turns forward, giving you a green light to expand your horizons on your own terms. Channel the healing energy of Sunday’s Aries Full Moon to build bridges, to reconnect with old friends and to restore family relationships. The last two years have demonstrated how much the people in your life really matter.
Listen more than you speak and be supportive.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: October 9-16, 2022
Gift bringer Jupiter, one of your two personal planets, is heading back into Pisces on October 28th until December 20th, when he exits stage left for another 12 years. Start thinking now about how to make the very most of this expansive, lucky energy. A big clue arrives on Sunday’s Aries Full Moon in your angle of income. Take a long look at your financial bottom line. Are you on track or have you let opportunities to set up new income streams slip by? There’s still time to get creative. The key for you as a Pisces is – as always- making the most of your superpower of flexibility. Don’t just settle for one role or one source of revenue- multiply.
Putting your many talents to practical use.
Originally published at Hare in the Moon Astrology and reproduced here with permission.
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About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1