Time Machine
World News
People Are Convinced Old Photo Showing Child Holding ‘IPad’ Is ‘Proof of Time Travel’
The photo, taken in 1941, has left Reddit users seriously scratching their heads
Science & Tech
Santiago Flight 513: The Missing Plane That Landed After 35 Years With 92 Skeletons On Board!
Santiago Flight 513, a Commercial Airliner that takes off in Germany in 1954, and lands…
People Claim This 1860 ‘Time Travel’ Painting Seems To Show A Woman Holding A ‘Smartphone’
A closer look at “The Expected One,” a painting by 19th century Austrian artist Ferdinand…
Science & Tech
Mike Marcum, The Man Who Worked on A “Time Machine” And Mysteriously Disappeared
In early 1995, Mike “Madman” Marcum attempted to construct a time machine on the porch…
Science & Tech
‘Time Traveller’ Who ‘Went To Year 8973 & Met Telepathic Robots’ PASSES Lie Detector Test
'Time Traveller' Who 'Went To Year 8973 And Met Telepathic robots' PASSES Lie Detector Test
Something Weird Is Happening At CERN! No One Can Explain!
Letter to LHC Scientists: "You Are Evil and Dangerous"
Science & Tech
Nikola Tesla Solved The Impossible Riddles of Antigravity
Nikola Tesla has been credited for the creation of much of the technology that we…
Science & Tech
What If You Traveled Faster Than The Speed of Light?
The world gets weirder the closer you get to the speed of light.
Science & Tech
Quantum Entanglement Wins 2022’s Nobel Prize In Physics
They say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. But thanks to these three pioneers in quantum…
Science & Tech
Marine Officer: I Have Spent Over 15 Years On Mars In Secret Space Program
According to claims of a retired officer, not only have humans made it to Mars…
The Craziest Forecast For 2023: “Champions” Will Rule The Earth, Only 8,000 of Us Will Remain
Another self-proclaimed “Time Traveller” from TikTok published at the very end of 2022 one of…
Science & Tech
A Physicist Came Up With Math That Shows ‘Paradox-Free’ Time Travel Is Plausible
Your grandfather is safe.
The Man From Taured Who Vanished As Mysterious As He Came!
In 1954, Man arrived from Tokyo Airport. He had passport issued by a country named…
Elon Musk FINALLY Reveals Artificial Gravity Starship 2022!
Defiantly exciting times to be alive!
Science & Tech
Dr. Basiago: “I Have Physically Travelled In Time & I Can Prove It!”
To date, time travel is impossible for science. However, Washington native lawyer Andrew Basiago claims…
‘Time Traveller From 2671’ Warns Aliens Could Hit Earth In The Next Few Months
The presence of aliens has been a widely debated topic. Some questions like whether they…
“Astronauts of The Third Reich” Travelled In Time: From 1943 To 1990
World War II is the most terrible event in the history of mankind. However, it…
Is This Ancient Greek Laptop Another Proof That Time Travel is Possible?
A statue showing a young girl holding up what appears to be a laptop -…
Science & Tech
Here Are 7 of The Strangest Authentic Images Photographed On Mars
Some really strange things have been photographed on Mars!
Science & Tech
Extraordinary Phenomenon In Space Captured By Spellbinding New Image
The Universe is full of wonders.