Seeding The Future: Astrology Forecast December 18th – 25th
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
This week, no fewer than four cosmic alignments fuse together to seed your future with information direct from the Cloud, from deep space.
On December 19, the Sun passes through the Galactic Centre-our Homing Signal/Command Centre -as Mars squares the Great Attractor. The Galactic Centre is where our Milky Way Galaxy spawned itself and where new stars and radio waves are still being generated. It represents Source, spirit and the sense of universal connection underlying everything- that sense of Knowing that most people just don’t attune to.
If you are a Sensitive, this is your annual free pass to intuitive insights, epiphanies and data for you transform into new creations, services, products, communication platforms etc in 2023.
Hours before the Solstice, on December 20, Jupiter returns to Aries until May 2023, crossing the World Axis and supercharging this day with a cardinal spark- ideal for finding a symbol/totem/word to represent a fresh start in your personal life or business. With the Sun at 0 degrees Capricorn and Jupiter at 0 degrees Aries, the slate can be wiped clean of 2022’s dark materials.
After the exhausting journey through the final days of darkness in Sagittarius season, on December 21st the Solstice arrives. Reaching the lowest point in the heavens, the Sun finally returns to its path of ascent. Capricorn is where the cold hard reality of matter and the inner light of spirit meet – Winter is not the death of the life cycle, but its crucible.
The final Super Moon of 2022 arrives on December 23 at 1° Capricorn in a tight square to Jupiter at 0° Aries. Seismic and volcanic activity as well as extreme tides will track along horizon arcs across Northern Europe and down through China, Indochina, the Philippines and west central Australia.
Ruled by Lord of Time and Karma Saturn, one of Capricorn’s gifts is understanding that boundaries and rules are liberating – delivering freedom from worry and chaos. With this potent Capricorn energy, no matter what is in flux around you, seize the chance to create some serious order in your life
- insource your Saturn-claim back your autonomy
- tie up loose ends/get closure/strengthen personal boundaries
- focus on practical and attainable long-term goals
- clear the river of your own ecology
- make a deep commitment to keeping promises to yourself
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Chandra Symbol Super New Moon Capricorn 2

A Wisdom Tooth Removed – It Is Gold Plated
“It is useless to know certain things out of context, that kind of knowing does not serve you any longer. You must place yourself in the antithesis of what you have always known, and then when all seems lost, chaotic and super-strange, you must find deep inside you that spark of what you have always known, which holds true under impossible conditions. It always turns out that all the beliefs and concepts, fall away, crumble to dust. But what was deeply and truly learned and made your own emerges far stronger than ever and provides a basis for the future. Meanwhile, in the thick of the action, it can look pretty desperate until the need is so acute that you reawaken that special place and make it work for you, when truth is a matter of life or death” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Astrology Forecast December 18th – 25th
Aries Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
This week, be on the alert for glimpses of the new and make sure you capture them before they fade back into the ethers. On the 19th, fortunate Jupiter returns to your sign in a once every 12 years lucky transit until May 17th 2023. On the 21st the Solstice lights up your career zone followed by the Capricorn Super New Moon on the 23rd. Chiron turns forward in Aries, delivering insight, deep healing and the chance to permanently leave some of your self-sabotaging habits in your museum of history.
Glimmers of hope.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
More than most, you’ll experience this week’s high intensity burst of deep space energy in fellow Earth sign Capricorn as a light at the end of what has been a long dark tunnel. On December 20th, Jupiter returns to your 12th House-the engine room of your chart-until May, making it obvious which outworn plans and dreams need to be left behind for you to create a more expansive way of life. On the 21st, the Solstice expands your vision ahead of the Super New Moon on the 23rd – a day to plant seeds for the year ahead.
Out with the old, in with the new.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
Expect to be out and about meeting and greeting from December 20, when Jupiter moves back into Aries and your social life picks up momentum. Make the most of meeting new people during December when your spirits need lifting, thanks to the Sun, Venus and Mercury-your own planet-all gathered in an introspective part of your chart. On the 23rd, the Super New Moon in this same 8th House is a chance to take a look below the surface of your life and identify which repetitive negative beliefs need to be pulled up by their childhood roots.
Talk to a close friend or mentor who can help you see your blind spots.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
As happens at this time every year, your focus shifts from work to relationships. This week shines a spotlight on those nearest and dearest with the Solstice on the 21st followed by a seismic Super New Moon on the 23rd in your opposite sign of Capricorn. Of course, that’s where God of Change Pluto is activating the final degrees and his Xray vision is nudging you to remove those rose-tinted glasses to see the truth about one particular partnership. This could be either intimate or professional, such as a financial advisor or publisher.
Knowledge is power.
Leo Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
With Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Solstice plus a Super New Moon in you angle of health and work, there’s no mistaking the message: slow down and put your wellbeing first! Self-care is not just a nice slogan but a necessity, especially as Mercury is going to turn backwards from December 29th until January 18th, underlining the same point. As it’s holiday season, find some ways to relax. Now that Jupiter is in your 9th House, planning a big trip for 2023 or starting to study something that has always interested you, are creative ways to unwind with a purpose.
Enjoy the festivities but let others do the organising.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
It’s a huge week ahead and one that should suit you very well as a solar Virgo. On the 19th, Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries until May 2023, starting 6 months of luck and expansion where shared finances or professional partnerships are concerned. Then the Solstice and Super New Moon light up your angle of self-expression, pleasure and romance. Your own planet Mercury will slow down to turn retrograde here from the 29th until January 18th, giving you a second bite of the cherry. Enjoy the festivities and get super-creative, finding new ways to showcase your talents.
Which of your many skills have you been undervaluing? Now’s the time to polish them up.
Libra Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
It’s set to be a big week for everyone and that includes you. On December 20, Jupiter returns to your opposite sign of Aries until May 17 2023, giving a much-needed boost to your relationships. Don’t just sit back and wait for something to happen-do your bit by going out and about, meeting new people and telling those closest how you feel about them. Magic really can happen and ashes really can be rekindled. With the Solstice plus a Super New Moon in your 4th House, stoke up the home fires, keep them burning and enjoy the festivities.
A sense of belonging.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
Expect to be in demand this week with the Solstice and Super New Moon lighting up your angle of connections. Holiday time is usually sociable anyway but this year, more so than ever. With Mercury slowing over Christmas to turn retrograde on the 29th, give yourself a break and delegate whatever you can to others. Thanks to eclipses across your sign, 2022 has been somewhat stressful for many solar Scorpios and it’s easy to underestimate how much you need some rest and recuperation. Look back through your journal and diaries to remind yourself of your great powers of resilience and resourcefulness.
All is well.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
I hope you’ve enjoyed your birthday month to the full as the Sun moves on into more serious Capricorn at the Solstice on the 21st. As your 2nd House is stirred up by as seismic New Moon on the 23rd, your attention will shift to your finances. It may be the holidays but this is an excellent time to think differently about your value, your skills and your worth and ways to stop underselling yourself. Start now and by the end of December when Venus meets Pluto in your angle of income, you could come up with some practical ways to become a money magnet.
Money is energy, so energise yours.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
From the Solstice on December 21st, you’ll be back in your element with bells on. Not only has the Sun-our Light-returned to your sign but a seismic Super New Moon on the 23rd at 1 Capricorn aligned with expansive Jupiter points to a season of expansion and better luck. Imagine Jupiter as Father Christmas and, as he is now visiting your 4th House of home, that’s where your happiness is to be found. You may find yourself thinking about relocating or extending where you live or there might be an addition to your tribe. No matter how it plays out, let your heart rule your head.
Holidays and holy days.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
For you as a solar Aquarian, it’s the December 21st Solstice, not January 1st, that marks the start of your personal New Year. This when the Sun moves into your hidden 12th House-the engine room of your chart-nudging you to take some quiet time to yourself to mull over the events of last year and to draw a line under them, ready for a fresh start, now that Jupiter has moved into your angle of connections until mid-May next year. On December 25th, the Moon is in Aquarius and you could be particularly happy to be among those nearest and dearest to you.
Heart overhead.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: December 18-25, 2022
The Capricorn Solstice on December 21st marks the end of the year and is an energetic still point before the New Year can be born. This year, a seismic Super New Moon on December 23rd aligned with Jupiter newly arrived In Aries, promises a new perspective on both the events of 2022 and its lasting emotional imprint and the possibilities for a very different 2023. Make sure you take some private time to distil your hopes, dreams and intentions into sacred medicine. December 25th could be more sociable than usual with the Moon in Aquarius lighting up your social life.
Catch up with friends and reminisce.
Originally published at Hare in the Moon Astrology and reproduced here with permission.
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About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1
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