The Light Will Crack You Open – Astrology Forecast May 19th – 26th 2024
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week.
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
The Light Will Crack You Open
“And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, they danced by the light of the moon” from the Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear.
Make the very most of this big, warm- hearted week as Jupiter slow dances with Venus in Taurus then merges with the Sun and Sedna in Gemini by the light of a glorious Sagittarius Full Moon.
Known as the Festival of Good Will, the May 23 Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon culminates the inner work of the Taurus Full Moon – from Taurus Buddha- mind and wisdom to Gemini will and purpose through balancing opposing forces. The Sun at 2° Gemini conjuncts Sedna / Jupiter / Venus / Uranus while the Moon makes auspicious aspects to both Pluto in futurist Aquarius and visionary Neptune at the Omega Master degree of the entire zodiac at 29° Pisces.
In perfect synchronicity, Sagittarius’ ruler gas giant Jupiter enters airy Gemini on May 25th until June 2025 and life begins to become a lot more intriguing, interesting and complex. Jupiter in Gemini immediately conjuncts Resurrection archetype Sedna and trines Pluto – agent of transformation – in Aquarius, intensifying your need to break free of limited thinking and explore what’s trying to emerge. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, and optimism, seeking meaning and concerned with the higher mind, philosophy, truth and religion, known for bringing good fortune. Sagittarius is the ruling sign of Jupiter — a far-reaching sign directly opposite chaotic Gemini.
Gemini, hungry for new information, asks “What is this?” while Jupiter simultaneously asks, “What does this mean?”
This transit will shake up your mental circuitry – why you think the way you do, ways in which your beliefs are out of date and no longer serve you. You are presented with an unlimited palette of ideas and possibilities from which to view or experience life. Your angles of perception begin to multiply, expanding your minds and increasing your options. If you hit a crossroad during this yearlong transit, you won’t see one split path — you’ll see a tangle of paths, shortcuts, bridges, and underground passageway.
Do something this week that expresses your own brand of goodwill towards the earth:
- Plant a balcony or do some guerilla gardening.
- Join a charity that protects trees, birds, wildlife, Gaia.
- Volunteer to clear a beach or river of rubbish.
- Get away from your screens and reconnect with your body.
- Gather your friends for a cleansing fire ritual.
- Clean your crystals and leave them outside.
- Pay it forward.
Your inner Sagittarian Archer is firing arrows towards the far horizon. You need an intriguing new personal Quest – What might it be?
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This is the Pluto in Aquarius future – we need safe platforms to connect with each other.
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Chandra Symbol New Moon

Chandra Symbol New Moon SAGITTARIUS 3: Clouds overhead seen in a reflecting pool.
“Enlightenment rarely comes by pursuing straight lines, by following predictable tracks. If you wish to find the secrets to the mysteries, you must give yourself over completely to the flux and to the ferment and allow the winds of destiny to prevail entirely. This immediate sense world casts a very different glow than the heavens ever could. By identifying yourself with each shifting nuance, every flicker of instantaneous movement, you find the inner worlds way to waking up here in this Earth. But this journey is a perilous one, for you become awash in so many far-flung spheres, and there is no map and there are no shortcuts. You must somehow see right through your own most addictive and compulsive impulses and ride the wild waves homeward through sheer presence of mind and gut conviction that everywhere leads to the same place” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
It’s a big week for everyone as Venus meets Jupiter and the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all change signs into Gemini. Add in the stunning Sagittarius Full Moon on May 23rd and the sky’s the limit. Gemini is your communication hub, so expect to be caught up in social events, messaging back and forth and generally catching up with everyone. Make a note of May 28/29th when Pluto and the Moon get together. There could be some behind the scenes arrangements being made or a changing of the guard as someone leaves your circle.
Reach out and connect.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
What a week, what a month, what a year for those of us who are solar Taureans. And it just gets better… this week, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all move on into Gemini but not before Venus and Jupiter leave a gift by the door. Do something special, just for you, on May 23rd Thursday’s glorious Sagittarian Full Moon. Jupiter in Gemini is going to help you expand your flow of income for an entire year until July 2025, especially if you work for yourself.
Polish up your appearance, marketing and persuasion skills.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
This week marks the start of a year of growth and expansion, as Jupiter returns to Gemini for the first time since 2012, accompanied by the Sun and Venus. Then there’s a glorious Full Moon in your opposite sign of Sagittarius on May 23rd dancing with visionary Neptune at the pinnacle of your chart. It’s your year to escape your comfort zone, to have a grand adventure to surprise yourself and everyone else with the scale of your ideas.
As poet Mary Oliver wrote “What are you going to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Cancer Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
One by one this week, the Sun, Venus then Jupiter leave Taurus for Gemini. As they do, the glorious Sagittarian Full Moon with Venus and Jupiter slow waltzing is perfect for some kind of celebration or get-together. Gemini is the sign just behind your own, when your solar batteries run low before your birthday, so build in some slack and factor in quiet time to process everything that’s been happening in the last few weeks.
Make a note of May 28th when Moon and Pluto are in cahoots – a secret may come to light.
Leo Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
Make a note of May 22/23rd as days to make your mark in some meaningful way. Launch a blog, exhibit your artwork, get publicity… whatever works for you. The Fiery Sagittarian Full Moon with Venus dancing with Jupiter will give your creativity rocket fuel. On May 26th Jupiter moves into Gemini boosting your connections and expanding your alliances until July 2025. One caveat: Pluto in your relationship angle aligns with Jupiter at the end of the week – be prepared for a skeleton falling out of the closet when someone you thought you knew reveals a secret.
Seize the moment.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
Circle May22/23rd, when a stunning Full Moon in Sagittarius has Venus waltzing with Jupiter. In your astrology, it’s a celestial celebration of home, family and tribe, so arrange a get together or reach out to those who really matter. You’re going to need the grounding family provides as Sun, Venus and Jupiter all move on into Gemini and cross the pinnacle of your chart. Jupiter will stay until July 2025, expanding your profile, reputation and career.
Stepping stones will magically appear if you know where to look.
Libra Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
If you’re ready to leave your comfort zone behind, your world is about to expand out of all recognition. The glorious Sagittarian Full Moon on May 23rd is the push you need to get a bigger perspective, take a trip, plan an adventure and spread your wings. The Sun, Venus and Jupiter all leave Taurus for Gemini, an Air sign very compatible with Libra. For the next year, until July 2025, Jupiter is going to widen your horizons and nudge you to stop underestimating yourself.
Setting your sights higher and higher.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
On May 23rd, do something special just for you to make the very most of a stunning Full Moon in Sagittarius when Venus and Jupiter dance together. Celebrate love and the pure joy of being alive. Write a poem, paint a picture, create a vision board – let your ideas flow. Then, one by one, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all exit Taurus for Gemini, starting a year of deeper commitment and connections.
Transformation is afoot where joint finances or assets are concerned.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
With your personal planet and guide Jupiter forefront and centre stage, it’s as if events are magically aligning to deliver luck wherever you turn. On May 22/23rd at the stunning Full Moon in Sagittarius, Venus waltzes with Jupiter, just before they both enter your opposite sign of Gemini. For the next year-until July 2025-all good things will come about through your closest partnerships.
It’s going to be a season of growth and expansion.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
Make sure you do something meaningful, enjoyable and special on May 22/23rd at the beautiful Sagittarius Full Moon when Venus and Jupiter dance together before leaving Taurus for Gemini. On May 26th, Jupiter enters Gemini until July 2025, starting a year when work will be your main focus. If that doesn’t sound too appealing, remember that Jupiter is a gift-bringer and could help you delegate or find a collaborator, investor or mentor.
Start thinking creatively about your vision.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
All month, your attention has been focused on home, family and tribe and on May 23rd, there’s some sort of beautiful culmination or celebration at the Sagittarian Full Moon with Venus and Jupiter together in a slow waltz. Then, one after the other, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter exit Taurus and move into fellow Air sign Gemini aligning with Pluto in Aquarius. Even better, Jupiter will stay in your Gemini 5th House of creativity and self-expression until July 2025.
Time to let your essential self out to play.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: May 19th – 26th 2024
As a mutable sign, you’ll really notice the energy shift this week as first the Sun, then Venus then Jupiter leave earthy Taurus for airy Gemini. Jupiter is going to stay in Gemini until July 2025 expanding your home, tribe and family. This might mean a new baby, a relocation, a new home work space or investing in property. On May 23rd, the Full Moon in Sagittarius lights up the pinnacle of your chart, boosting your career and reputation.
Not just thinking out of the box but stamping on the box…
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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