Science & Tech
Scientists Reveal What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years
Ever wondered how humanity might evolve over the next millennium? Based on current trends and…
Science & Tech
Why Did Nikola Tesla Say That 369 Was The Key To The Universe?
“If you knew the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9, you would have a key…
Science & Tech
Scientists Reveal Exact Date Earth Is Set To Face ‘MASS EXTINCTION’
The University of Bristol found scary results which could signify the end of times.
Science & Tech
Scientists Find Alien-Like Predator In The Depths of The Ocean, Call It ‘Darkness’
Researchers from the US and Chile discovered Dulcibella camanchaca, a ghostly, predatory amphipod found at…
Science & Tech
Expert Predicts Human Immortality Will Be Achievable By 2030
Kurzweil has a track record of getting his predictions right.
Science & Tech
Nikola Tesla Solved The Impossible Riddles of Antigravity
Nikola Tesla has been credited for the creation of much of the technology that we…
Science & Tech
25-Year Search For The Source of Consciousness Ends – And Neuroscience Lost This One
Philosopher 1 - Neurologist 0
Science & Tech
The Solar System Has Artificial Origin & Was Created By A Rather Caring Hand
We Ask, "If all things have a creator, then who created God?"
Science & Tech
What Will Humans Look Like In A Million Years?
To understand our future evolution we need to look to our past.
Science & Tech
A First-of-Its-Kind Signal Has Been Detected In The Human Brain
Humans might have been around a long time, but the discovery of a new signal…
Science & Tech
What If You Traveled Faster Than The Speed of Light?
The world gets weirder the closer you get to the speed of light.
Science & Tech
Scientists Find 16 “Ultra-Black” Fish Species That Absorb 99.9% of Light
These alien-like creatures are virtually invisible in the deep sea.
Science & Tech
How Deep Is The Deepest Lake In The World?
Below are some interesting facts about the world's deepest lakes …
Science & Tech
“Zombie Virus” Revived After 48,500 Years In Permafrost
The record-breaking virus was still infectious after millennia underground, but don’t panic
Science & Tech
Truth-By-Repetition: No Matter How Outrageous, Repeated Lies Become The Truth
It doesn't matter how ridiculous a lie is. As long as it is repeated often…
Science & Tech
Our Language Is Inadequate To Describe Quantum Reality
The quantum world — and its inherent uncertainty — defies our ability to describe it…
Science & Tech
Scientists Can Induce Out-of-Body Experiences Without Drugs
This discovery could lead to better treatments for PTSD, borderline personality disorder, and epilepsy.
Science & Tech
New Experiment Produces Hydrogen With LEDs
Ammonia could be the key to storing hydrogen fuel — if you can get it…
Science & Tech
First CRISPR’d Cockroaches Open Door To Other Gene-Edited Insects
“We can now edit insect genomes more freely and at will.”
Science & Tech
Michio Kaku Makes 3 Predictions About The Future
Michio Kaku predicts the future, how we'll build cities on Mars, and why cancer will…