Stephen Hawking’s Hypothesis Proven True? Someone Sends Us Signals From A Planet Very Similar To Earth
There is an exoplanet in the Libra constellation called Gliese581d. This planet is unique in its properties, and its chemical composition is similar to that of the earth.
By Soul:Ask | Guest Post
English astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who died in 2018, even called it the twin brother of the Earth, and subsequently his assumptions were proven by spectrographic studies. He hypothesized that 581d could very well be habitable and his statements have a number of good reasons.
Planet from the Habitable Zone
It is assumed that Gliese 581d is the fifth most distant planet in the system of its star, the red dwarf Gliese 581, and is in its habitable zone. Gliese581d belongs to the “Super-Earth” class, that is, its mass is greater than the mass of the globe (6-8 times), and its size is almost twice ours.
On its surface there are oceans, rocky soil, and it is enveloped in an atmosphere in which clouds and precipitation can exist. It is possible that at great heights the clouds are composed of dry ice, and that the illuminated side is always hidden by a reddish twilight due to differences in the composition of the clouds.

The basis of the planet consists of substances, the spectrum of which approaches the earth, but with a predominance of metals. On the planet, like the Earth, the seasons must change, but with a different duration. In addition, large explosions were observed occurring on its surface.
This indicates either the presence of a technogenic civilization on the planet, or active volcanic activity.
Bizarre Signals
In 2014, a team of scientists picked up a signal supposedly coming from the area where Gliese581d is located. Initially, they did not attach much importance to it, attributing it to an elementary manifestation of stellar activity, albeit an increased one. But the signals were recorded three more times: in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

The sensation was that in all cases it was the same, which nature, in principle, is not capable of. Only technology could handle this.
For some time there were no signals, and since 2020 they have been recorded almost every month. Initially, scientists explained this phenomenon by a feature of the radiated magnetic field of a star interacting with its reflected light.
But, if it were a natural phenomenon, then the interval between the passage of signals would be the same. In fact, the interval between signals was 16, 19, 22, 27 days. It is likely that someone is trying to get in touch with us.
On a different note, if there is no obvious pattern, then the Gliese signals may well have a natural source. As for the huge amount of metals in the spectrum of the planet, combined with powerful explosions, could suggest that the planet is relatively young. 2-3 billion years ago, the surface of the Earth was also covered with iron and volcanic activity ruled out any life on the planet.
By the way, if the planet is completely covered with iron and its derivatives, then it may well become both a source and a repeater of a very powerful signal, which can have a very clear periodicity, but not a constant direction. Since the periodicity of the signals is not a multiple of the periodicity of occupying the necessary position (or vice versa), we do not notice patterns either.

In any case, Gliese is two dozen light-years away from us. The return signal will not reach the recipient very soon, just as the sender may no longer be alive. US & British astronomers are trying to separate the signal from the accompanying interference, which may make it possible to decipher it.
Threat to Humans
Stephen Hawking suggested that the planet could be more than just potentially habitable. There may be a reasonable civilization, the level of development of which is much higher than ours, and this may pose a great threat to humans.

Earth’s inhabitants should be wary of possible aliens from other planets traveling such vast distances, expressed in light years. Since potentially the living conditions on the planets are as close as possible to each other, our planet can be a new territory for life.
Are there any grounds for such reasoning? Perhaps deciphering the signals from the Libra Constellation will give an answer to this question, or at least bring it closer.