Going Offline: Astrology Forecast August 20th – 27th, 2023
Everything you need to know for the upcoming week.
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
Expect to really feel the elemental shift this week from Fire to Earth, as the Sun exits Leo on August 23rd returning to Virgo where Mercury is stationing retrograde on the same day. The Messenger rules Virgo so this retrograde between August 23-September 16th and 21-8 Virgo will be especially strong.
This is the 3rd Mercury retrograde of 2023 in an Earth sign – channel the potential by being practical, grounded, strategic and resourceful, tending to the small stuff before it becomes the big stuff.
Literally or psychologically, we have all been scorched in the flames of August and the effects on our nervous systems will only intensify when Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus on August 29th right in the August 28 – September 3 seismic geo-cosmic shock window of the August 30 Blue Super Moon.
Just think about the continuous physical and emotional wear-and-tear/trauma you have endured in the last few years. We all need some gentleness now. We all need some healing. We all need a rest. It starts with being kinder to yourself and then kinder to others. Gently remind your old self who is used to striving, constantly seeking newness as a distraction, that you need a tremendous amount of alone time, that your body, mind and spirit are crying out for sanctuary, for cocooning, to just sit and be, to befriend yourself.
Give yourself the gift of Mercury-Hermes medicine by making an honest inventory and unbinding and disentangling yourself from the invalidations, compromises and hesitations that weigh down your wings. Open up your connection to your own guidance by simplifying and clearing your space back to essentials.
Make it a priority to resource yourself in practical ways as fully as possible. We have all been under-resourced for far too long in terms of friendship, love, community, support and encouragement.
Keep your connections in balance enough to be creative and emotionally happy but not be overloaded, swamped or trapped. Cut ties with anyone who amplifies drama by virtue signalling or reposting images of emergency situations.
Chandra Symbol Mercury Rx VIRGO 21

Chandra Symbol Mercury Rx VIRGO 21: A dark river and distant bell.
“So much to be done. So many fragments to move with. Such a confounding. The one inside is calm and quiet, poised and accepting, knows what shall be. The one outside is frantic with events and experiences which do not add up. Severe conditions to test the soul and give the mind quite a scare. The process is to keep going into it a little further, despite yourself, and to keep losing who you thought you were in the bargain. But there is somebody to be when there is nobody left to be, and only then.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Your soul is always communicating with you, but often in ways that are unexpected and even bewildering to the part of you who believes it is in control.
Aries Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
As the week progresses, there’s definitely an end of holiday, back to work feeling. On the 23rd, the Sun leaves Leo and enters Virgo just as Mercury turns retrograde. This is your 6th House of daily routines, work and service, so clear the decks, de-clutter your work space and make sure all the tools of your craft are polished and ready. With Mars aligning with Pluto on August 25th, something connected with your career or status is coming to an end. Are you changing your legal name, committing to marriage or ready to walk away from a role you’ve outgrown?
Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure you check the small print.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
As a solar Taurean, you’ll welcome the return of the Sun to Virgo on August 23 with a sigh of relief, as it’s a practical, grounded earth sign highly compatible with yours. Since Mercury turns backwards here at the same time, the supportive energy will continue into October. Virgo is your 5th house of creativity, fun and romance, so it’s a good time to take a trip or a late holiday. Mark the 25th as a day to go on an artist date or to indulge in something that you’ve always wanted to experience.
Time to jump off the hamster wheel of routine.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
When the Sun leaves Leo for Virgo on August 23rd, your family and tribe will take much of your time and attention for the next month. Since your own planet Mercury slows to turn retrograde in Virgo on the same day, it’s a clear message that an arrangement needs re-thinking or reworking or that someone close is going to need your love and support. Don’t expect everything to go smoothly and build in extra time for delays and obstacles.
With a Super Full Moon in your career zone approaching on the 30th, is a change of direction on the cards?
Cancer Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
Expect to feel relief from the 23rd when the Sun leaves fiery Leo and returns to earth sign Virgo. Mercury slows to turn retrograde also in Virgo at the same time. Frame this a signal to ground your energy after the depleting scorching physical and emotional temperature of late July through August. Get in touch with friends you’ve been missing, arrange to meet up and touch base. On August 27th, Mars will cross the base of your chart into Libra and for the next two months family will take up much of your attention.
Put your own mental, emotional and physical wellbeing first.
Leo Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
It’s certainly been a Leo season to remember and, for some, for all the wrong reasons. The temperature-literally and emotionally-has been scorching. Relief comes from the 23rd when the Sun leaves your sign for another year and enters practical Virgo. On the same day, Mercury slows to station retrograde until mid-September. Although Venus will remain in Leo until October, changing your life from the inside out, it’s time to focus on your finances. Get back a sense of control by chasing up debt or paying them off, sealing up leaks in your spending, creating a workable budget.
Think about the big picture – are you overspending or undercharging?
Virgo Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
Are you feeling frazzled, depleted or burnt out? If so, you’re not alone. This year’s Leo season amplified by Venus retrograde has been exhausting and, as a solar Virgo, it’s been affecting you more deeply than most. Take heart! Relief is at hand as the Sun enters Virgo on August 23rd and your birthday month begins. On the same day, your personal planet Mercury slows to turn retrograde also in your own sign-a clear signal to slow down, be kind to yourself and to give yourself both time and space to take stock.
Take your time-a rare Super Full Moon on August 30th in your opposite sign of Pisces will shine a celestial spotlight on the gap between your heart’s desires and your current life.
Libra Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
You’ll definitely notice the shift in energy from August 23rd when the Sun exits fiery Leo and enters earthy Virgo. This is your hidden 12th House-the sign behind yours- and with Mercury slowing to turn backwards there until mid -September, expect many messages from your soul. This part of your psyche is the engine room of your chart, a repository of your dreams, unconscious drives, desires and defences. If you are a creative-in any sense of the word-the next few weeks will be a wellspring of ideas, insights and inspiration.
From August 27th, Mars returns to Libra for the first time in two years helping you to turn those ideas into reality.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
As the Sun leaves the pinnacle of your chart and enters Virgo on August 23rd, some of the pressure will be lifted. On the same day, Mercury slows to turn retrograde in the same sign. This is your angle of friendships, groups, networks and associations, so, in any arrangements, factor in delays in communication or crossed wires until September 15th. As August’s 2nd Full Super Moon approaches on the 30th, make a note of the dates between the 26th and September 3rd when the seismic window will be wide open and anything could happen.
Start now to eliminate anything that is not needed on your journey.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
Although you are a Fire sign, the recent intense scorching Leo intensity may have been too much, even for you. From August 23, the energy shifts quite noticeably when the Sun enters Virgo and Mercury slows to turn backwards until September 15th. This is activating the base of your chart, so issues connected with your family and tribe may arise. It could simply mean that you’re redecorating your house or buying some new furniture but since a rare and potent Super Full Moon is approaching across your career/home axis on August 30th, take a look at the bigger picture.
Use your emotional intelligence to read between the lines.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
You’ll be relieved to know that the Sun leaves fiery Leo on August 23rd for Virgo, a fellow compatible Earth sign. Notice your stress levels subside. On the same day, Mercury slows down to turn retrograde until September 15th. If you have travel plans in place, be prepared to be flexible and expect delays. It will also affect anything to do with study, university education and publishing. If you have podcast or an online programme to launch, wait until after mid-September. Use the Mercury retrograde to edit or redesign your offering.
On August 27th, Mars crosses the top of your chart for the first time in 2 years, giving you an edge.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
Expect to feel almost instant relief on August 23rd when the Sun leaves Leo for practical Earth sign Virgo. All that intense fiery energy throughout August has been stressful on top of Venus retrograding through your partnership zone. Mercury slows to turn backwards in Virgo, focusing you on your finances. Frame this is a chance to look at the big picture, to review your goals and saving and spending patterns. Where are the money leaks? How could you add another income stream?
On August 27th, Mars enters Libra giving you the urge to take off on a trip or to enrol in a programme of study.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: Aug 20-27, 2023
As a Water sign, the last four weeks of intense leonine fire has felt both stressful and exhausting. Breathe a sigh of relief-on August 23rd, the Sun moves into earthy Virgo, your opposite sign and Mercury turns retrograde until September 15th. It’s going to be all about your relationships for the next month, whether romantic, professional or family. Expect to re-evaluate the significance of someone close to you or to deal with an unexpected shift in the power dynamics. Factor in that on August 30th, August’s second Super Full Moon will be in Pisces conjunct Lord of Time and karma Saturn.
Take your time, don’t burn any bridges and trust your wonderful EQ.
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Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between April 20 and May 19, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Taurus. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the earthy, extremely sensual bull — and you might be curious about Taurus compatibility.
We’re talking Taurus love compatibility, Taurus friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Taurus, be ready for a life partner. “Taurus energy slows things down and settles into comfort,” says Aganza. “This is an ideal sign for someone who needs that kind of balance. They can be the most stubborn of the signs, but also the most reliable; they’re resourceful and they have staying power.”
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READ MORE: How To Use Oracle & Tarot Cards For Deep Inner Work
Learn About: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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