Astrology Forecast September 29th – October 6th 2024 – Release, Rebalance, And Renew

Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week.

By: Lorna Bevan Hare In The Moon

Theme of the October 2nd Eclipse: It is not the job of others to take care of your unlived life for you

Watch for sudden sideways elevators as October opens with a wild card Super Moon solar eclipse at 10 Libra-the very last in the series of five Aries/Libra eclipses since April 2023.

With the Super Moon at its closest to the Earth, expect enhanced geo-physical activity – storms, floods, earth movement – along with noticeable geo-magnetic effects on your nervous system manifesting as that strung out tired but wired frizzed and fried feeling.

Eclipses conceal-they never reveal-as both the Sun and Moon are occulted then rebooted. Do nothing significant on the day of the eclipse.

This is especially important at this karmic South Node of Fate New Moon eclipse when something in your relational life needs to end before something new can begin.

It’s Time To:

  • Stop repeating behaviours or habits that don’t serve you or others.
  • Pay attention to how circumstances are nudging you back on track.
  • Seek feedback on how you may be undermining or sabotaging yourself.


  • Your people landscape-ending toxic relationships.
  • No more over giving, needing to be liked.
  • No more people pleasing.

Make A Commitment

  • To supporting your own emotional needs.
  • To creating win/win relationship dynamics.
  • To developing alliances, friendships and support systems that you trust to become an integral warp and weft of your psychological safety net.

New! Get Your Personal OCTOBER 2024-25 Year Ahead Forecast!

New! My OCTOBER 5D REPORT: ”Spinning Towards 2025”. Starting with a potent Super Moon solar eclipse, October’s intense astrology is a foretaste of 2025 – a year of Reckoning / Resurrection. As the month progresses, you’ll feel as if you’ve been plugged into a power grid.

“I’m A Time Traveller From The Year 2345, I’m So Sorry For What’s Coming”

Includes Master Coaching on Personal Re-orientation – a sorting/re-ordering aligning you with the new resonant timelines which are all about living from Self, Core and Personal Power.

Chandra Symbol

Chandra Symbol Solar Eclipse LIBRA 11: Tea leaves that form a pentagram.
Chandra Symbol Solar Eclipse LIBRA 11: Tea leaves that form a pentagram.

Chandra Symbol Solar Eclipse LIBRA 11: Tea leaves that form a pentagram.

“Destiny openings. Carte blanche to enter upon fresh directions. Offered by spirit protection and guidance, encouragement and empowerment. You are the exception to the rule, the special exemption for future purposes extracted from the old regular patterns and given the chance to follow the inward instincts and sensibility completely. The start of something big. Granted permission to make mistakes, make a fool of yourself, and still come up as the one everybody knows can and will do astounding things, just because down the road somebody is calling you onward, who cannot be refused.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Aries Weekly Forecast

This is the last eclipse in your opposite sign for another 9 years-it’s past time to either make a commitment or walk away. With the Sun/Moon conjunct Mercury, wait until after October 2nd to agree a contract, seek legal advice or sign divorce papers.

Taurus Weekly Forecast

When a powerful solar eclipse reboots your 6th House, it’s time to pay attention to the state of your health and wellbeing. Are your daily routines sabotaging you or supporting you? Which bad habits need to go? The more you befriend yourself, the easier it becomes to listen to what your body and soul are saying to you.

Gemini Weekly Forecast

Do you need a reminder to stop and smell the roses? If so, here it comes in the form of Wednesday’s solar eclipse in fellow Air sign Libra aligning with expansive Jupiter in Gemini. Pay attention to feedback from friends and family, especially if they would like you to come out to play more often.

Cancer Weekly Forecast

Wednesday’s solar eclipse brings news of changes in your family and tribe. These have been in the pipeline since early last year but you may still be taken aback by how it all unfolds. You may have to drop everything to have an impromptu family conference. One thing is certain-something is ending or someone is leaving, disrupting the old dynamics.

Leo Weekly Forecast

Ever since early in 2023, your old familiar ways of thinking have been challenged by the reality of circumstances and situations changing around you. This week’s final eclipse across your angle of connection and communication will reveal any mismatch between reality and your inner map of the world. Time to adapt.

Virgo Weekly Forecast

If you’ve been undervaluing or underselling yourself, your skills or your work, what comes to light just after Wednesday’s New Moon eclipse in your angle of income and self-worth will reveal which limiting beliefs and habits have been holding you back. It’s time to stop playing small.

Libra Weekly Forecast

Wednesday’s extra powerful New Moon eclipse has your name on it. With the Sun and Moon conjunct Mercury in your own sign aligned with expansive Jupiter, think of it as being reborn and rebooted. Your ideas are your biggest personal currency now, so connect with as many people as you can over the next week to support, sponsor and back you.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast

Trust your instincts this week and befriend yourself by reducing your agenda so you can retreat and withdraw, especially around October 2nds Super Moon solar eclipse. The Sun and Moon are being occulted in your 12th House, the hidden engine room of your chart. Deep emotions may come up for release as a cherished dream disappears into the ethers. Let it go.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast

Expect to be busy, busy, busy this week talking, texting, messaging and brainstorming. Wednesday’s eclipse is all about those you work and collaborate with and the focus is in pulling together as a team to launch progressive solutions to old problems. Your motivation and enthusiasm are being rebooted.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast

A rare Super Moon solar eclipse across the pinnacle of your chart on October 2nd is closing down one chapter in your career or public life and opening another. Circumstances may rearrange themselves to allow you to get paid for being yourself, for aligning with your purpose. Capricorn needs to find meaning and the opportunity has rarely been greater.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast

Let yourself indulge in some blue sky thinking this week, coming up with imaginative ways to expand your horizons, update your thinking and give your brain a work out. A rare Super Moon solar eclipse in fellow Air sign Libra on Wednesday is the nudge you need to turn your ideas into reality. Start a new program of study. Teach what you know. Travel and research…whatever has the most pull, the most attraction.

Pisces Weekly Forecast

If September was all about your partnerships, a powerful solar eclipse in Libra on October 2nd refocuses your thoughts on life’s big issues. On one level, it might seem to be about dealing with joint finances, but on a much deeper level, it’s about your values and your need for intimacy. How much of yourself do you withhold from others? Does it play out symbolically through control of money?

New! Get Your Personal OCTOBER 2024-25 Year Ahead Forecast!

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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.

We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.

Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”

Continue reading …

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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

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Hare In The Moon

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