Trigger Points & Hot Spots – Astrology Forecast May 12th – 19th 2024
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
Trigger Points & Hot Spots
This week, in an energy field already fritzed and fried by solar flares, make sure you ground and hydrate yourself as both the trigger points of the April Super Solar eclipse and the Jupiter / Uranus conjunction are reactivated:
Mars meets the karmic Node of Fate in Aries on May 18th on the eclipse degree.
The Sun conjuncts wild card Uranus on May 13th then Jupiter in Taurus on the 18th.
As above, so below. On the world stage – with no fewer than 9 planets concentrated in Aries and Taurus on hyper-sensitive energy hot spots – these trigger points are evoking uncompromising martial responses as well as mass protests and resistance. As old strategies of divide and conquer fail, volatile and unstable new cycles in global alliances are leading to unintended outcomes.
In your own life, between now and May 25th when Venus conjuncts Jupiter, if an opportunity arises to invest in yourself, to start a new business or side-line or to increase your fees to reflect the value you add, just do it. The optimistic forward-thinking energy continues into June but you need to create your own luck.
Here’s the Venus / Sun / Jupiter / Uranus in Taurus success formula again: Monetise, Monetise, Monetise.
- Don’t simply sit back and wait for shiny things to drop in your lap, it will be too late-the wave will have passed.
- At every choice point, choose new over old, then boldly act on it.
- Be ready to bargain and negotiate your way to a better situation.
- Be resourceful – sell old unwanted clutter to make energetic space for the new.
- Find your flow magic – the sweet spot between surrender to life as it unfolds and full- on engagement / participation.
- Notice what’s inspiring your imagination or pressing the accelerator on the engine of your creative expression.
- Plant an acorn that will grow into an oak tree. Remember, this is Taurus – the biggest gamble will take time and investment before you see the results.
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Chandra Symbol Sun

Chandra Symbol Sun / Jupiter Taurus 28: A man making candles out of beeswax.
“Harnessing the power of creation. Knowing how to tap the greater worlds for whatever we need in our basic existence. Being granted a very special aptitude for getting on with mediating between spirit purposes and earthly service. A great range of possible levels to do this on. A craft or guild of those who know how to manifest spirit without much lost in the translation. A vulnerability to despondency at times of lowest ebb. Immense reserves of life force and of core capacity. A truly remarkable depth of participation within the earth dance in its spiritual essence.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
This is a week to take full advantage of the auspicious money energy in your solar chart. From May 11th, first the Sun then Venus in Taurus re-activate the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of 10 days ago. Don’t let this rare opportunity slip by. Do something to invest in yourself-buy something meaningful, start a new income stream or increase your fees.
Handle your personal power wisely.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
It’s hard to overstate just how auspicious May’s Taurean astrology is for you. It’s a very rare time-almost a once in a lifetime of doors are opening for you where there were none before, of being rewarded for past efforts, for harnessing your personal power and agency. Be ready for some surprises this week as both Sun and Venus meet Awakener Uranus and Mercury enters Taurus. May 18/19th are exceptionally well starred.
Monetise your skills and ideas.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
The intense planetary activity in your 11/12th Houses is nothing less than a wake-up call. Your higher self via your unconscious is urgently making contact with you, so pay attention to signs, symbols, sudden insights, light-bulb moments and synchronicity. Keep your dream journal by your bedside. If you have a spiritual practice, joining others in a retreat or group meditation or seminar could catalyse a surprising breakthrough.
Capture your insights and epiphanies before they disappear.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
Hopefully, you’ve been pushing the boundaries of your former comfort zone, expanding your networks and taking some risks with your heart. This is all in the service of building a more resilient and reliable web of support for future you. The days between May 13-23rd will be filled with opportunities to meet new people or to fall deeply in love.
Resistance is futile.
Leo Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
My advice to you as a Leo is: don’t fall asleep at the wheel this week. This is one of those rare times when the sky’s the limit as long as you seize the moment and squeeze the juice out of it. Between May 13th-19th, the Sun and Venus conjure up career breakthroughs along with sudden inspiring ideas to monetise your pastimes or passions.
On May 19th, when your ruler the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Taurus, do something meaningful.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
As the planets cluster across Aries and Taurus, your 8th and 9th Houses are activated. Translated, this is about finding practical ways to monetise your ideas and your vision. The entire week from the 13-19th May will surprise you with moments of sheer luck and opportunity. Be ready to showcase your work, build a new platform or discover a new market.
Success appears when you stop trying to control outcomes.
What Russian Scientists Discovered In Antarctica TERRIFIES The Whole World!
Libra Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
Your one-to-one relationships have been forefront for a while. This week, expect things to hot up – literally – as Mars re-activates the degree of April’s doozy of an Aries solar eclipse. Someone could turn aggressive, awkward, demanding or cross your boundaries. Don’t fight fire with fire but stay centred and grounded in adult mode. With all the potential for increasing your finances, you have much bigger fish to fry.
Remember: Strong Back, Soft Front, Wild Heart.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
From May 13-25th, the Sun and Venus make stunning aspects to Uranus and Jupiter in your opposite sign of Taurus, opening you to surprise after surprise as well as serendipity in close partnerships. A close friend may deliver unexpected news or an intriguing invitation. A financial adviser may prove worth their weight in gold. Someone might suggest a business arrangement.
No matter how it plays out, seize the moment.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
Doors where there were none before will be opening wide for you between: May 13-25th. It’s a very rare time of great personal potential, especially where your work is concerned. Make sure you accept offers of support, sponsorship or mentoring – they could take you exactly where you’ve been longing to go. Make a note of May 19th when the Sun conjuncts your own planet lucky Jupiter and May 23rd when Venus does the same.
Expect surprises.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
The days between May 13-25th are love and light filled. Your creativity is on fire – don’t allow this rare period of Jupiterian good fortune to pass by without promoting and monetising at least one of your side hustles or passions. With Mars re-activating the Aries eclipse degree, what’s going on at home? Hopefully, not too many arguments. Instead, channel this can-do Aries energy into renovating, decorating or creating a workspace.
A boost of personal power.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
All the good things are happening in and around your home. The Sun conjuncts Uranus on the 13th and Jupiter on the 18th just as Venus is electrified by Uranus. There are pleasant surprises in store along with opportunities to improve your surroundings, perhaps by planting a garden or adding a work space. It could mean an addition to your tribe or family.
Time for a family get together?
Pisces Weekly Forecast: May 12th – 19th 2024
If your finances changed suddenly around the time of the Aries solar eclipse on April 8th, either for the better or the worse, this week expect a reprise as Mars re-activates the eclipse degree. If you lost a source of income, use this boost of momentum to move forward by actively monetising a side-line or a passion. With Sun, Venus, Uranus and Jupiter in your 3rd House of ideas and connection, write that book, start a blog or a program of study, enhance your IT skills.
Invest in yourself-be your own sponsor.
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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