Your Monthly Astrology Forecast October 23rd – 30th, 2022
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
This astrology forecast October 23rd – 30th, 2022 means business. Switch your bullshit detector on and take absolutely nothing at face value. The truth may be out there but it’s deliberately camouflaged, hidden and masked in power plays, subterfuge and fake agendas posing as reality.
Lord of Karma Saturn turns direct on October 23rd in Aquarius in a clash with Uranus/Node of Fate in Taurus. A partial solar eclipse at 2 Scorpio on the 25th of October anchors a seismic shock window that extends from October 18 to November 1.
This is the same eclipse family as the potent April/May Taurus/Scorpio eclipses. Visible from parts of Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Africa, expect geo-thermal activity, chemical accidents and with the accompanying Mars Max retrograde station, international tensions bordering on military conflict. Safeguard your resources and finances.
Remember that an eclipse conceals, it never reveals, so if you have anything near or aspecting 2° Taurus /Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius in your chart, avoid important decisions and big expenditure. Eclipses are maverick wild cards that shine a spotlight on the reality of your circumstances or coincide with a crisis. This is just the lead up to a doozy of a seismic Total Blood Moon eclipse on November 9th in Taurus.
In a recipe for yet more chaos and confusion, Mars in Gemini stations retrograde on October 30th until January 13th square slippery Neptune in Pisces. Anticipate communication failures, including deliberate miscommunication in the media along with technological breakdowns, power cuts, hacks, theft, fraud and cyber wars. Also watch out for accidents on the road and in the air and be careful while driving. Double check for mistakes creeping into your texts, posts or emails accidentally offending people.
New! Pluto’s Extinction Burst is intensifying. Jarring events will escalate in November at the Total Blood Moon Eclipse -be prepared-sign up to my NOVEMBER 5D REPORT. For immediate access to 12 Reports per year for only $4.08 /£3.70/ 6.31 AUD per month or one payment of $46.12/£40/68.24 AUD, sign up in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
Chandra Symbol Solar Eclipse SCORPIO 3

Pigs Being Fed
“Feast or famine. Generating a world with an either/or switch. As soon as you have had your fill you starve yourself down to spiritual emaciation. Denying yourself is a karmic pattern that you are chronically hooked on. Granting yourself brief reprieves from this ancient sentence is the only way to blow off steam and survive for another round. Everything points forward as soon as you stop blaming yourself for past misdeeds and come afresh to life, hungry and willing.” – Elias Lonsdale
Smoke & Mirrors: Astrology Forecast October 23rd – 30th, 2022
Aries Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
Make a note of October 23rd when Saturn turns forward again after months of go-slow and the Sun and Venus enter your angle of joint finances together. On the 25th, a New Moon eclipse in Scorpio is the 3rd this year bringing changes to what you earn and spend. Pay attention to information at work or in the markets this week and next as the next total lunar eclipse across Taurus on November 9th is going to be a doozy, permanently ending one source of income. Your personal planet Mars is slowing down all week to turn retrograde on October 30th until January 13th 2023 affecting your communication platforms. Frustrating as it may be, avoid pushing ahead with new projects and rework old ones instead.
Time for a deep dive into what really matters.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
With unpredictable Uranus in Taurus since 2018, you’re no stranger to the rollercoaster of change. Get ready for another round between October 25th and November 9th as two eclipses shake out your own sign and your opposite sign of Scorpio. The New Moon eclipse on Tuesday 25th is gentler and involves a partnership. Perhaps it’s time to jointly renegotiate the rules-both spoken and unspoken. This may involve discussing shared finances as Mars slows to turn backwards until January 13th in your money zone. Since August, there’s been money coming in and flowing straight out but now it’s definitely time to turn off the spending tap and start saving.
Building a reserve.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
This is a week of planetary shifts and, for you, a time of getting back to basics. A New Moon eclipse in Pluto’s sign of Scorpio on October 25th in Scorpio is a nudge to take your health and fitness more seriously and make some overdue changes to unhelpful habits. No need to start a punishing regime but gently release some unhelpful behaviours between now and the doozy of a total eclipse on November 9th. Underlining the need to go back over old ground, Mars in your own sign is slowing to turn retrograde on October 30th until January 13 2023. The Warrior is at odds with slippery Neptune creating smoke and mirrors and making it hard to discern truth from conspiracy and friends from foes. Save any big moves until next year.
Navigating in fog is dangerous.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
On the 23rd, the Sun and Venus enter fellow Water sign Scorpio together followed by a New Moon eclipse there on the 25th. This is a supportive nudge for you to do more-much more-of what makes you happy. It’s a reminder that life is for living, whether it’s the start of a new romance, a passion or a course of study that’s intrigued you for years. As Mars slows right down to turn retrograde in your deep 12th House until next January and Jupiter moves off the top of your chart, breathe a sigh of relief that the pressure is off your career for a while and look inwards. The next two months are perfect for dream work, psychotherapy or researching your ancestry.
Diving deeper.
Leo Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
The first of two eclipses will arrive on October 25th in Scorpio at the base of your chart. Think back to May 2022 for clues as to how this could progress issues connected with your home or living space. New information might arrive from a family member that changes your plans. The second eclipse on November 9th will be much more impactful, affecting your public life and career. No matter what happens during the eclipses, take your time and wait until the dust settles-no rushing to judgments. Mars turns backwards on October 30th until January 13th, pressing the pause button on anything to do with group activities or public platforms.
What comes, comes. What goes, goes.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
It’s certainly a week of planetary shifts, so be prepared to go with the flow rather than rigidly sticking to linear plans. On October 25th, a supportive New Moon eclipse in Scorpio renews your contacts and connections. Find creative ways to improve your communication platforms, to break through a writer’s block or to develop a project close to your heart. This is important as action planet Mars is slowing right down to turn retrograde on October 30th until January 13th at the pinnacle of your chart. It could feel as if your career or direction is falling into the doldrums but, in reality, it’s an opportunity to do important behind the scenes preparation ready for a re-launch in the New Year. This could involve research, upgrading the tools of your trade or going back to the drawing board to redesign the blueprint.
Breathing space.
Libra Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
A stunning merger between the Sun and Venus in Libra on October 22nd lights you way ahead. It’s a reminder of how loved you are, how life is too short to hold grudges and to do more of what brings you joy. On the 25th a New Moon eclipse in Scorpio shifts things around in terms of your income. One current source could disappear but don’t rush to judgment or to action before the next eclipse on November 9th in Taurus affecting joint finances. Action planet Mars is stationing all week turning retrograde on October 30th until January 13th. With Neptune involved, it’s going to be hard to know who or what to believe for the next two months. Think of it as driving in thick fog and slow right down.
Do nothing until the eclipse dust has settled.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
The planets shape shift this week and so should you. Eclipses are wild cards bringing sideways escalators- sudden changes in situations around you that you weren’t anticipating. On October 25th, a New Moon eclipse in Scorpio-the first since 2013-is a time to permanently release whatever has lost its purpose, to leave outgrown plans and dreams by the roadside and move on. Saturn has just turned forward at the base of your chart ending a situation that has been dragging on involving your home, your family or your parents. It will take until March next year to finally draw a line under it all, so be patient.
Letting go gracefully.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
If you’re feeling as if the ground is shifting under your feet, that’s hardly surprising. On October 24th, a New Moon eclipse shines a spotlight into your deep hidden 12th House. This is the engine room of your chart, where your unconscious stores your dreams, your defences and your ancestral karma. Something that has long held you back may be released now. In two weeks, a second total eclipse brings your health and wellbeing to your attention. Meanwhile, Mars slows to turn backwards on October 30thuntil mid-January in your relationship zone. You’ll find yourself questioning certain alliances that are undermining you instead of supporting you.
Toxic or fake friendships need to go.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
On Saturday 22nd, the Sun and Venus join at the top of your chart making this a very favourable day for a career breakthrough or for a reward for your earlier efforts. On the 23rd, your own planet Saturn turns forward after months of blocking your earning potential. Between now and early March 2023, you get much clearer on ways to create more consistent sources of income that align with your core values. Then on the 25th, a New Moon eclipse brings a changing of the guard in your friendships and alliances. Someone might leave your circle or you might choose to say goodbye to a group that doesn’t feel on your wavelength any longer.
A week of flow and flux.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
The planetary kaleidoscope turns once again. On Sunday 23rd, your own planet Saturn moves forward and over the coming days and weeks you’ll start to find ways under, over or around the obstacles that have been blocking your progress. Then a New Moon eclipse at the pinnacle of your chart on the 25th starts four weeks of shifting events at work. With a doozy of a total eclipse on November 9th, someone might leave, leaving a space for you to occupy. Eclipse dominos continue to fall for 6 months after the exact date, so be ready to seize the moment whenever it arrives. No matter how it plays out, permanently let go of work that doesn’t satisfy you or a role that is too small for you.
Listen to your supporters, not your detractors.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: October 23-30, 2022
The welcome news is that lucky Jupiter is returning to Pisces for a brief visit until December 20th when he leaves for Aries, not to return to your sign for another 12 years. That’s why you need to seize any opportunity to expand your platform and your horizon in the next 8 weeks. You have support from the New Moon eclipse in fellow Water sign Scorpio on the 25th which is setting up ways for you to get your opinions and voice heard by many more people than currently. Then as Mars turns backwards at the base of your chart on October 30th, start digging out old projects, ideas or dreams you’d left by the wayside to see if you can breathe new life into them.
Playing the ace in your hand.
Originally published at Hare in the Moon Astrology and reproduced here with permission.
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Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1