Visioneering – Astrology Forecast April 28th – May 5th 2024
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
The gathering of planets in Aries / Taurus increases this week as Venus enters her own sign of the Bull on April 29 and Mars returns to his own sign of the Ram on April 30, crossing the World – Axis square the karmic Galactic Centre.
Simultaneously, Jupiter / Uranus together in Taurus are removing your blinkers and rose – tinted glasses, turning you into a clear-eyed visionary as a new 13 years’ cycle of opportunity begins.
On May 2nd, transformer Pluto slows to turn retrograde at 2° Aquarius until October 12th, briefly returning to the master 29 degree of Capricorn. This retrograde period is a time to update old beliefs about power, money, authority, convention, contrarianism, humanitarianism, technology, and progressive ideals.
For the next few years, the part of your chart between 29° Capricorn – 3° Aquarius is your most rewarding zone for re-invention. If you exert yourself in the area of life these degrees symbolise, you’ll tap into a dimension of strength and renewal you never knew existed.
From May 25th, Jupiter in Gemini aligns with Pluto in Aquarius – underlining how skilfully you use emerging technology and social media platforms, collaborate with the groups you associate with and the causes you support will be crucial to your evolution.
No one is coming to rescue us, so grab the reins. There’s a lot of freedom in this chaos.
- Simplify, streamline, pare back to basics.
- Say no to everything that is not absolutely essential.
- Clean up your environment, throw out what you do not need and take care of tasks that you have long procrastinated over.
- Make radical permanent changes – no more tinkering at the edges.
New! Just released! my MAY 2024 5D Report “Multiplying Your Paths to Growth”- with master coaching / journaling prompts on turning opportunities into reality. Don’t miss out-subscribe: HERE!
Chandra Symbol Pluto

Chandra Symbol Pluto RX Aquarius 2: A woman strolling in a garden. She is unaware she is being watched by elves
“We adopt a split-screen mind when the outward frame of things seems so insistent that we must be reasonable and logical and make complete sense in a quantitative, functional way. But what happens is that the other side of our awareness, the outlawed side, gets very strong in the subconscious and stays alive. We can almost play off of it in emphasizing our sceptical or worldly approach to things. But there is a joke to it. For you are aware of what you are not aware of–you are tuned into the very things you deny. This kind of edge hones the mind and the soul. It teaches invaluable lessons, not the least of which is to make way for the unknown while hugging the known close to you, knowing all the whole how profoundly the unknown beckons.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
It’s all systems go this week as your personal planet Mars returns to Aries until June 10th after a 2 years’ absence. Tempting as it might be, don’t rush in where angels fear to tread but first, weigh up your priorities – when you look closer, you’ll find they’ve changed in the last few months. With Venus joining Sun, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, sorting out your personal finances will be high on your to-do list.
Pace yourself.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
In 2024, as a solar Taurean, you hold the lucky cards. Transformer Pluto is on the pinnacle of your chart for the next 20 years, vastly increasing your influence, whilst the current conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus at 22° Taurus is launching you on a new 13 years’ cycle of personal reinvention. This week on April 29th, your own planet Venus returns to Taurus, smoothing your path and lifting your spirits.
May will be an exceptional birthday month this year.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
With so many planets in the two signs behind your own, transformation is happening behind the scenes, mostly internally. But please don’t underestimate this quiet revolution taking place in your thinking, your beliefs and your unconscious – it has the potential to change everything. As Mars moves off your Mid Heaven and Venus lights up your 12th House – the engine room of your chart – don’t be surprised by an urge to start creating a radically different way of life.
Trust your instincts.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
The gathering of so many planets in Aries and Taurus suggests that your career and your people landscape are both evolving quite rapidly and surprisingly. This week, Mars moving on to your Mid Heaven for the first time in 2 years will give you a boost of energy and momentum, whilst Venus will smooth your path, drawing others to you. Jupiter / Uranus in Taurus marks the start of a new 13 years’ cycle of friendships, alliances, networks, teams and groups.
Make co-operation and collaboration your watchwords.
Leo Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
On April 29th, Venus returns to your Mid Heaven-the pinnacle of your chart – smoothing your path and supporting you as you make some radical decisions about your career or direction, thanks to the Jupiter / Uranus conjunction in Taurus. You don’t have to do this on your own. Seek out a coach or mentor to be a sounding board for your own thinking. On April 30th, action planet Mars enters his own sign of Aries and puzzle pieces from April’s solar eclipse will start to slot into place.
The magic lies outside your comfort zone.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
You’ll notice a change of pace this week, now that your own planet Mercury is moving forward and both Mars and Venus change signs. Some of the solar eclipse dust is clearing, allowing you to see what or who has left for good and what your key priorities need to be. As Venus joins the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus in fellow Earth sign Taurus, clear out the cobwebs, open your doors and windows and make plans to broaden your horizons.
Slow down and pause to smell the roses.
Libra Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
Your opposite sign of Aries is already hosting the Node of Fate, Mercury and Chiron and now, on April 29th, Mars returns here for the first time in 2 years. It looks as if your relationships are centre stage. Someone close could be extra demanding or making all the running. Remember – there is no law that says you have to jump through hoops to keep them happy. Make sure you prioritise your physical and emotional wellbeing over everything else.
Get absolutely clear on what is negotiable and non-negotiable.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
The eclipse dust is starting to settle now and, with Mercury direct, you can finally re-organise your wellbeing and work priorities. This week, your own planet Mars returns to Aries giving you a welcome boost of momentum and motivation on the work front. Then Venus joins the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus to restore some sort of harmony to your closest relationships.
Wind in your sails.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
You’ll notice a shift in energy this week as Mars returns to Aries, a compatible Fire sign. With Mercury now moving ahead and Venus joining the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, it’s time to embrace an exciting new 13 years’ cycle both at work and at home. During May, Mars will reactivate the recent solar eclipse point and you’ll finally see what has permanently changed and how you can benefit from it.
Your personal planet Jupiter is expanding your opportunities – don’t fall asleep at the wheel.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
The huge wave of Aries eclipse energy is being amplified by the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, an Earth sign compatible with yours. On April 30th, action planet Mars enters feisty Aries for the first time in 2 years and in May will reactivate the eclipse energy. Over the next 6 months and beyond, it looks as if aspects of your home, family and tribe are undergoing change and transformation. No matter how it plays out – as in who departs, who arrives – let go of any resistance and go with the flow.
As Venus is smoothing your path in Taurus, love will overcome any personal agendas.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
This week could prove to be transformative as Pluto slows to his most impactful at 2° Aquarius to turn retrograde until October. Not for nothing is he known as the Lord of the Underworld and he is settling into your sign for a long, slow 20 years’ transit. This can manifest as deep, intense, somatic feelings which need physical release. Try running, dancing, martial arts, digging the garden – whatever feels right for you.
Happily, from April 28th, Venus lights up life at home for a few weeks.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: April 28th – May 5th 2024
As a sensitive, you’ll really notice the elemental shift this week. First Mars conjuncts Neptune at 28 Pisces, giving your dreams the rocket fuel to turn them into reality. Switch off your logical mind and get into water-a lake, a river, a bath – then wait for stepping stones to appear. You’ll know instantly which path just feels right as Venus joins the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus-your 3rd House of communication.
Use Venusian charm to persuade others to go with your ideas.
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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