Moon Core
Science & Tech
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Says: “They Told Us To Get Off The Moon”
Aliens on the Moon: the truth exposed!
Science & Tech
This Documentary By National Geographic Reveals That There Are Aliens On The Moon
More evidence coming forward of whose really on the Moon!
Science & Tech
NASA Gives Blue Origin $35 Million To Turn Moon Dust Into Solar Cells
"First we return humans to the moon, then we start to 'live off the land.'"
Science & Tech
UFO Hunter Contacted Alleged Apollo 20 Astronaut & Said Mission Was 100% Real
The story of Apollo 20 first came into the limelight after William Rutledge released photos…
Science & Tech
Russian Scientists Stated In 1970 That Moon Is An Artificial Space Object
Is the moon a space station for aliens to monitor humans?
Science & Tech