Tangerine Dream Pisces Super Moon: Astrology Forecast February 19th – 26th
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
There could be no clearer sign that a new era is beginning that Monday’s Super New Moon at 0 Pisces.
Super New Moons are New Moons on steroids and the February 20 Stealth Super Moon heralds a seismic tide and storm potential extending from February 17th – 23rd. Apart from its geo-physical footprint, there’s an enhanced bioelectric/hormonal surge from its conjunction with Saturn.
Pisces is the 12th sign, ruled by Neptune – archetype of altered consciousness – and Jupiter-planet of expansion-surfing the invisible etheric channels like a wave. This tangerine dream Super Moon is potent enough to open your 3rd Eye so you can seed the New and collaborate with What Will Be.
Before Saturn enters Pisces on March 8th with his rulebook:
- attune to your intuition, your senses, your Knowing
- swim, bathe, surf, walk on the beach-just get near water
- have your dream journal ready
- conjure up your wildest, most improbable goals
New! Sign up to my subscriber – only MARCH 5D Report: ”The Saturn/Pluto Event Horizon” – Includes master coaching on managing the physical symptoms of the chaotic new magnetics.
The reality changing astrology of March 2023 will deliver the 2nd phase of the 1st Saturn/Pluto Event Horizon in 2020 which literally changed life for all of us as we knew it when half the planet was put under lockdown. Now the Men in Black are aligning once more-the impact is going to be a huge quantum Wave all the way from the transpersonal to the personal and back again.
Chandra Symbol Super New Moon 1 Pisces:
A field teeming with dandelions.

“Teeming with mass consciousness. You feel yourself to be as anonymous and undifferentiated as you can possibly be. Hiding in this identification is comfortable, cosy, and safe, and it can be prolonged indefinitely. While you wait here with individuality suspended and all of life being right at hand, the most remarkable discoveries can take place. In particular, you are welcomed and invited to know the ancestors, to know the collective, to know the sweep of evolution intimately and compulsively, to be swept along on the tides of time, to stay bonded and rooted in the dream plant state. It is a rapture and an abandon. Eventually it satiates itself. And then you are sprung very fresh and very new, to be free in the world, and to make the ultimate discovery of the vast difference between casting your fate to the winds and being vitally present in the moment’s dawning.” – Inside Degrees, Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
From February 20th, the there’s a noticeable elemental energy shift from Air to Water and, for you, a restorative time of putting heart before head. Monday’s Super New Moon at the beginning of Pisces is in your 12th House of the unconscious, where your secrets, defences and deepest desires are hidden. Pay attention to your dreams and make sure you journal any fragments and insights, as your intuition will be rarely so strong. Venus moves into Aries, smoothing your path and reminding you to do more of what brings you pleasure.
Messages from your soul.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
After a month with the Sun in Aquarius putting your career in the spotlight, the Super New Moon in Pisces on February 20th will come as a welcome relief. It’s time to reconnect with your tribe, your friends and your networks, to enjoy the company of those you care about without any agenda. For the next month, your powerful instincts and intuition are your best guides. Listen and trust that quiet voice inside you that always has your highest interests at heart, as wisdom teacher Jupiter in your 12th house of the unconscious encourages you to dream large.
Those wishes have the potential to turn into reality near your birthday.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
Your career, purpose or direction is in the celestial spotlight from February 20th when the Sun and Moon create a stunning Super New Moon in Pisces. Its marks the end of one phase and the seeding of another, underlined by Saturn moving over the pinnacle of your chart from March 8th. The next 30 months will bring experiences that challenge you to grow and evolve in ways you’ve never dreamed of before. Prepare for this once every 28 years passage by sorting the wheat from the chaff in terms of who and what is worth your attention.
A changing of the guard socially.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
As a sensitive and intuitive, you will certainly appreciate the elemental shift on Monday 20th at the Super New Moon in fellow Water sign Pisces. This is a Moon for dreaming, meditating, drifting and setting heartfelt intentions. Some of those dreams will be about travelling and finding ways to broaden your horizons. After practical Saturn enters Pisces on March 8th, you will be able to firm up those dreams into solid plans. Jupiter and Venus at the pinnacle of your chart will bring a rare moment of luck and serendipity to your career.
Seize opportunities before they fly by.
Leo Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
For weeks you’ve been focused on your relationships as the Sun travelled through your opposite sign of Aquarius. On February 20th, a Super New Moon lights up Pisces and your 8th House of depth psychology. If there are issues needing to be resolved concerning shared finances or possessions, professional contracts or any deeply guarded secrets, those skeletons in the cupboard could tumble out this week. If so, let the light in and wipe the karmic slate clean ready for Lord of Time and Karma Saturn’s 30 months’ visit here starting in early March.
Personal integrity is your super power now.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
On February 20th, a stunning Super New Moon in Pisces brings endings and beginnings in your relationships. Enjoy the feelings of empathy, sensitivity and deep emotion that rise within you-they are messengers from your better angel. Is there a close connection that needs repairing or a love affair that needs rekindling? If so, when Saturn returns to this angle of your chart from March 8th for a stay of 30 months, sorting the wheat from the chaff will be much easier, as will leaving behind outgrown alliances.
Love is all you need.
Libra Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
Lucky you! With both expansive Jupiter and now Venus in your opposite sign, your path is being smoothed every step of the way. Your best source of joy and fulfilment is the strength of your relationships, whether personal or professional. Collaborating with other people will give you wings to start a new work cycle on February 20 at the Super New Moon in Pisces. A new start means de-cluttering your office, updating your platforms and deleting old projects that no longer have juice in them.
Look for forgotten treasure in the junk pile.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
As a sensitive and intuitive, you will certainly appreciate the elemental shift on Monday 20th at the Super New Moon in fellow Water sign Pisces. This is a Moon for dreaming, meditating, drifting and setting heartfelt intentions. In the days that follow, don’t be surprised if you find a wellspring of creativity bubbling up inside you. Something is ready to be born. As Venus joins Jupiter in Aries, demands on your time and attention will grow. Know what and who is a priority and say a firm No to the rest.
Prepare for Saturn to turn what were pastimes or hobbies into solid business ideas.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
How are those wildly impossible plans and goals going? Remind yourself whenever you hesitate that your personal planet Jupiter is giving you a rare opportunity between now and mid-May to take some risks, broaden your horizons, have some adventures and kick back and enjoy life. If you’ve always wanted to start your own business or go freelance, now’s the time. Especially as Monday’s stunning Super New Moon starts a new cycle in Pisces-your home, your roots, your family and tribe. Is there a space you could use to work from? How about de-cluttering and brightening up the décor to boost your motivation.
Find a workable way to keep a regular income whilst starting a side hustle.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
Big changes are just around the corner. You can sense them but, for the moment, they’re still in the ethers. The biggest shift for you will be Pluto leaving Capricorn for Aquarius on March 23rd until June-giving you a foretaste of the next 20 years hosting the God of Change in your 2nd House of money and resources. Before that, on March 8th, your own planet Saturn moves into Pisces until 2026, evolving your communication style, platforms and networks. On Monday February 20th, the stunning Super New Moon in Pisces starts the process-get out and about, meet new people and have your voice heard.
Pay more attention to your helpers and not your unbelievers.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
As Saturn prepares to leave Aquarius on March 8th, finish up old projects and get ready for a fresh start. On the 20th, a stunning Super New Moon gives you a foretaste of Saturn in Pisces’ coming attractions. Hint: it’s all about the money. Update your business and personal finances, call in debt or pay it down. Collaborate with Saturn by getting rid of old things that no longer serve a purpose or fit your lifestyle-pass them on, recycle them or sell them. Venus with Jupiter in Aries will help you connect with just the right person.
Clearing the decks.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: February 19-26, 2023
Give your birthday month and personal New Year a big welcome after several weeks of hassle and low energy. This year it starts on February 20th with a stunning Super New Moon in Pisces, blowing the cobwebs away and giving you a preview of the next 30 months of hosting Saturn in your sign for the first time since 1994. With both lucky Venus and Jupiter in your angle of self-worth and finances, be ready to seize any chances of promotion or a bonus by preparing a solid case based on evidence of everything you contribute.
Many happy solar returns.
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About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1
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