Science & Tech
Ex-Military Releases NASA Video Showing A 3,200 km Long Spacecraft of Unknown Origin (Video)
Bob Dean is a former NATO intelligence member and senior military officer who has been…
Science & Tech
What Makes Us Never Return To The Moon: Former Astronauts Who Hold The Record For The Longest Moonwalk REVEALS THE REASON
The Moon Landing from 1969 is by far one of humanity’s greatest expeditions and achievements.
Science & Tech
Russian Navy has declassified their UFO records!!!
Science & Tech
Valiant Thor, The “Extraterrestrial” Who Worked With The US Government
Valiant Thor seems human, but he does have some important physiological differences and above all…
Science & Tech
Real Alien Evidence: This ALIEN Body Was Captured After The Military Shot Down One of The UFOs – Most Impressive ALIEN Video Ever!
UFO sightings are "frequent and continuing," Pentagon officials said.
Science & Tech
Ex Head of Israel’s Defence Ministry’s Space Directorate Says US In Contact With Aliens
A "Galactic Federation" has been waiting for humans to "reach a stage where we will…
DNA Tests Reveal That Paracas Skulls Are Not Human
Who were these mysterious beings? Did they evolve separately on earth? What caused them to…
Science & Tech
Mike Marcum, The Man Who Worked on A “Time Machine” And Mysteriously Disappeared
In early 1995, Mike “Madman” Marcum attempted to construct a time machine on the porch…
Science & Tech
Burning Ice, Metal Clouds, Gemstone Rain – Tour The Strangest Known Exoplanets
The Voyager Interstellar Mission has the potential for obtaining useful interplanetary, and possibly interstellar, fields,…
Science & Tech
Marine Officer: I Have Spent Over 15 Years On Mars In Secret Space Program
According to claims of a retired officer, not only have humans made it to Mars…
A Viable Alien Spaceship Detector Is Here & Nearby Habitable & Water Covered Planets Have Been Found
For thousands of years, people have wondered, “Are we alone?”. Astronomers have now ascertained, statistically…
US Air Force Scientist: “Giant 250 Meters Alien Ships Enter Our World Through The Portal”
“They travel through wormholes, and another possibility is a portal between parallel universes.”
Science & Tech
Somebody Else Is On The Moon: NASA Has Kept This A Secret For A Long Time
Are aliens on the moon? Let’s find out!
Science & Tech
VIDEOS: Area 51 Engineer Reveals “We Are Working With An Alien Race In Terms of Technology”
This 71-year-old retired engineer has stated multiple times throughout his career that he actively worked…
Is This Ancient Greek Laptop Another Proof That Time Travel is Possible?
A statue showing a young girl holding up what appears to be a laptop -…
Science & Tech
A New FRB Signal Has Buzzed Nearly 2,000 Times In Just Two Months, Raising A Mystery
Something isn't adding up.
Former Area 51 Employee “We Have Extraterrestrial Spacecrafts In Top-Secret Location Known As S4”
S4 is a secret military base that functions as a research centre for alien spaceships.…
Secret Space Program Whistleblower Claims Humans Are On Mars Since The 70s
A secret space program whistleblower claims Humans have been traveling to Mars for decades.
Science & Tech
Here Are 7 of The Strangest Authentic Images Photographed On Mars
Some really strange things have been photographed on Mars!