Weekly Astrology Forecast June 25th – July 2nd, 2023
Navigating Celestial Energies: Weekly Astrology Forecast June 25th – July 2nd, 2023
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
Give yourself plenty of leeway this week to feel your way through the fog as Neptune stations to turn retrograde on June 30th until December 6th.
The Sea God at 27 Pisces is square the Galactic Centre – the unified field of Source or the Noosphere from where intuition and vision seem to originate. As the veils lift, there is no choice but to remove your rose-tinted glasses to see things as they really are, not as you want them to be.
With Lord of Time and Karma Saturn also retrograding in Pisces, it’s time for a reality check on the comfort zones of denial, avoidance, spiritual bypassing, numbing addictions and escaping into virtual reality.
It’s time to unplug yourself from trying to make things happen; from working on yourself; from suffering, martyrdom or being a victim- no more allowing personal wounds, shadow – triggers and blame to run the show.
It’s time to say goodbye to egocentrism, narcissism, the conceited artist, the irresponsible child, the drama queen.
If you’re feeling – as so many of us sensitives are – down, depleted, drained, alone or in a void like floating on the Dead Sea, understand that you are not fading, falling or failing but energetically detaching from the ending of planetary cycles and outgrown timelines. The past is withdrawing from us and we are in the process of disabling the past.
For those of us who are empaths, mavericks and edge walkers, this deep space energy is a chance to shift into Creator mode -intuitively doing what feels good/right/aligned in the moment. Knowing that there are no spiritual/ unspiritual activities. That there’s no longer the choice of staying in your spiritual comfort zone or of trying to control things. You are learning to master being in the moment, in the zero point and creating from there. With intention but no expectation or insistence on specific outcomes.
Be kind to yourself, be discerning, patient and tender towards your growing edge.
Make time for loving self-care.
Stay grounded and strengthen your boundaries.
Be alert for cyber scams and secure your communication platforms.
No Sign Forecasts today – needing to rest.
New! The JULY 5D Report: ”Writing Your Own Book of Revelations” will be emailed to my subscribers tomorrow June 26th.
New! Get your Personal JULY 2023-24 Year Ahead Forecast in the shop: Hare In The Moon
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The Christ Consciousness Frequency
People have lost their jobs, there is increased anxiety, depression and great uncertainty on different levels.
It seems darkness has blanketed the world and we are experiencing what appears to be an inverted reality.
The focus of this article won’t be on the incalculable human suffering taking place in the world right now but what each individual can do, can become through self-realization to assist in manifesting a new reality, heaven on earth.
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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