New Documentary “DMT Quest” Brings Science of “The Spirit Molecule” To Mainstream Audience
The popularity of DMT has been growing in recent years. Still, there is very little scientific research on the matter.
Filmmaker Ben Stewart, who created the iconic documentaries Kymatica and Esoteric Agenda, shares his new film that looks into the science behind the visionary compound known as DMT.
The film features some of the biggest names in the psychedelic scene, including Dr. Jon Dean, Wim Hof, Dr. Mauro Zappaterra, Dr. Rick Strassman, Dr. Dennis Mckenna, Miles Lukas, and Nicolas Glynos.
The popularity of DMT has been growing in recent years. Still, there is very little scientific research on the matter. I think this is one of the best documentaries examining this mysterious substance.
DMT Quest Documentary!