A Woman Says That An Angel Showed Her 4 Major Things That Are Going To Happen In 2025
By: Michael Snyder | T.H.E.
Are you ready for complete and utter chaos to break loose in 2025? In this article, I am going to share with you a very alarming video that a friend sent over. I watched the entire video, and it really resonated with me. A woman says that an angel showed her 4 major things that are coming in 2025, and all of the major things that this woman was shown have also been seen by others. In recent years, people all over the world have been having supernatural experiences in which details about important events that are going to happen in the future are revealed, and this is something that I have been documenting for a long time. Unfortunately, most of the global population is not interested in such warnings.
The video that contains this woman’s account of what happened was posted by Joseph of the Great Miracles Avenue YouTube channel.
I have come across a number of his videos before, and I really like the guy.
He doesn’t speak English very clearly, but thankfully you can easily follow along with what he is saying because his words are there for you on the bottom of the screen. If you have a few minutes, I very much encourage you to watch the entire video…
According to her testimony, this woman had a very unusual supernatural experience on March 26th.
She got home from work at about 9 PM, and she was quite exhausted.
She decided to take a shower, and as she was getting out she fell and hit her head.
Then she had some dinner and went to bed.
At about 11 PM she heard a voice calling her.
A little bit later, she once again heard a voice calling her, and this voice was coming from outside.
But she didn’t want to go outside to see who was saying her name.
After that she was taken into a very deep sleep and that is when her experience began.
At one point during the experience, it appears that she was standing outside of heaven.
An angel suddenly appeared before her, and this angel told her that it was not time for her to go inside yet.
This really got my attention, because this is the sort of thing that I have heard in countless near death experiences.
Was this woman’s head injury far more serious than she realized?
The angel told her that her work on Earth had not been completed yet, and she was given a message to take back.
In fact, the angel clearly stated that he had been sent to deliver this message to her.
The angel explained that in 2025 there will be “a lot more hardship” than we have experienced this year.
This goes right along with what so many others have been shown as well.
This woman was told that the people of God do not want to turn away from their sins and that God has sent warnings but most have not listened.
She was also told that God is not happy with how the leaders of the world are treating His children.
Following that, the angel went through four major things which are going to happen in 2025.
#1 The angel said that there will be great civil unrest in 2025.
The woman saw two people fighting with each other.
One was in blue and one was in red.
She did not know what the colours mean, but those of us that live in the United States certainly do.
For a long time, many of us have been warning that the outcome of the upcoming election will unleash chaos all over the nation.
And now we have yet another confirmation that this will indeed be the case.
#2 The angel said that there will be “economic hardship” in 2025.
Of course we are definitely experiencing plenty of “economic hardship” right now, but it sounds like it will get a lot worse during the next calendar year.
Apparently there will be a “severe financial crisis”, and “all great nations” will be affected by it.
And the angel also said that there will be very serious consequences.
We will just have to wait and see if this prophecy is fulfilled or not.
#3 According to this woman, the angel also said that there will be “famine” in 2025.
That isn’t much of a stretch, because famines are breaking out all over the globe here in the middle of 2024.
In fact, millions are at risk of starving to death in some parts of Africa by the end of 2024.
But if what this woman is saying is true, it sounds like the global food crisis is going to intensify significantly in 2025.
The angel explained that there will be “food shortages”, and she was instructed to warn people to “store up food”.
I think that is very wise advice.
In poorer countries, supplies of food are going to get tighter and tighter.
In wealthier countries, the global food crisis will initially manifest itself through much higher food prices, and that is something we are seeing right now.
But it is only a matter of time before we experience food shortages as well.
#4 This woman also claims that the angel showed her that great natural disasters will happen in 2025.
The angel said that there will be floods, earthquakes and tsunamis.
And the angel also specifically mentioned Europe, America and “some parts of Asia”.
Needless to say, I have been sounding the alarm about global instability for quite a while.
The number of “billion dollar disasters” set an all-time record last year, and I think that we will set another all-time record this year.
But it sounds like things could really kick into high gear in 2025.
Interestingly, the angel told this woman that there will be signs “in the last days of 2024” which will confirm what is coming in 2025.
I don’t know what that means.
But for some time I have felt like the last three months of 2024 will represent a major turning point.
So let’s see what happens.
On a positive note, the angel told this woman that God is looking for those with “a clean and a pure heart”.
At this time, we should all be seeking to get closer to God.
That is more important than any other preparations that we could be making.
Because without God there is no hope, but with God all things are possible.
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Must Have: I highly recommend buying Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos”; its insightful content and engaging narrative make it a must-read for anyone seeking knowledge and inspiration.
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