Over Lit & Overshadowed: Astrology Forecast February 5th – 12th, 2023
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
The significance of this liminal time – on the cusp of transpersonal archetypes Saturn and Pluto both changing signs in March – cannot be overstated. Liminal perfectly describes your sense of standing on a threshold, looking back at where you have come from whilst hoping that the door in front of you will swing open to reveal new hope.
It is a week when the karmic points of the Galactic Centre and Great Attractor are downloading important information through the Cloud of Unknowing – midway between the Real and the Unreal. Be alert for signs, symbols, dreams, totems – to that sense of just Knowing that bypasses your rational mind.
When Mercury meets Pluto on February 10th in the last degrees of Capricorn square the karmic Nodes of Fate, ask yourself:
”What is over? What is complete? What is ended? What am I no longer prepared to sustain?”
The next day when the Messenger enters Aquarius ask:
”What is beginning? What is opening up? What’s my invitation to renewal?”
The alchemical Waters of Aquarius and Pisces await: don’t be a consumer who never evolves into a creator.
Chandra Symbol Mercury/Pluto 28 Capricorn:
An architect carefully surveying old ruins.

“What is to be seen is the outer skeleton of things. What is to be known is the inner essence of things. The code, the extraordinary revelation, the realisation. A practiced eye can see inside, can penetrate and illuminate. The schooling in perception comes between lives and then overshadows each and every idea or notion anybody can come up with. But to access and do honour to this advanced faculty is rare. For seeing the whole truth is excruciating to the ego-mind. The battle is on to either awaken to your innermost truth or to sell your soul to the highest bidder.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
There are some adjustments needed in your career or decisions to be made about a change of direction. Be patient, as the next step will be clearer from late March. Spend more time with other people, especially close friends, and enjoy the feeling of belonging. This is a need that will become even stronger as the year progresses. Cooperating, collaborating and sharing will bring you more happiness than being a lone ranger.
People who need people…
Taurus Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
This is a time when that quiet voice within become more insistent. Listen closely. The events of recent years have diverted much of your unconscious awareness into the healing of old wounds. Part of you has felt alone, cut off and disengaged from what others seemed to think important. Now thoughts of new directions bubble up. There’s nothing to do, practise or strive for. Just let these ideas simmer and percolate until they are fully formed and ready to emerge into daylight.
A period of overshadowing is ending.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: Feb 5 -12, 2023
Mars spending 7 long months in your sign has given you a new clarity about what really matters and what is superficial. Often you spend your time in your head, trying on different options or belief systems for size. Notice how you are being drawn to greater involvement with like- minded people, involving applying what you know in practice, instead of in theory. It’s a summons to come down from the mountaintop and get involved in creating the future you want to see.
A call to contribute.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
If these in-between times are making you feel lost or directionless, remind yourself that by the end of March, when Saturn returns to Pisces and Mars to Cancer, you’ll be well and truly back in your own watery intuitive element. This week, stay grounded, sort out your finances and strengthen your foundations. Take time to relax, nurture yourself and refresh your physical surroundings. You don’t need to second guess how things are going to turn out, you just need to trust.
Ask yourself: “What’s one change I could make right now that would give me more peace?”
Leo Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
The Full Moon in your sign brings hints of an ending and the seeds of a new beginning. When Pluto enters Aquarius next month to transform your opposite sign for the coming 20 years, your Leo light will need to integrate this electric Uranian energy. It means balancing your own needs against the needs of the collective, cooperating and collaborating much more, rather than single-mindedly doing your own thing. Look around you and start noticing the opportunities to join in and contribute.
Inviting yourself to the party.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
Until February 21st, you have a lot on your plate- work to complete, deadlines to meet. As you’re doing your due diligence, start to notice which roles or responsibilities are weighing you down or were never yours to carry in the first place. In only four weeks’ time, Task Master Saturn will enter your opposite sign of Pisces until 2026, delivering a reality check and course correction. Start the process now on your own terms, by recognising the difference between what is yours to do and what isn’t.
Lighten your load.
Libra Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
No matter what is happening around you, find ways to create more peace and space for yourself. You need renewal and healing more than anything else. Being the trouble shooter for other people’s problems has been draining and now it’s time to stop. Strengthen your boundaries and refuse to allow the energy vampires to keep on taking. Think about a hobby or passion you’ve neglected and rekindle your enthusiasm. Go outside in nature. Allow yourself to re-balance in your own time.
Ask:” What can I adjust to enjoy more of the good stuff and less of the bad”.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
Make sure you tune in to family members, checking on their wellbeing without being intrusive. Put the needs of those closest to you first and you may be surprised at what you discover. Listen deeply and empathetically, resisting the temptation to step in with practical suggestions, no matter how well intentioned. As transformer Pluto moves into Aquarius next month, life in and around your home and tribe is going to be changing.
Use your intuitive superpowers to scope out the new terrain.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
A stream of fresh ideas, options and possibilities is attempting to break through the brick wall of your routines, habits and resistances. The summons to wider horizons and greater personal freedom will get stronger and more insistent, so listen to your dreams, your instincts and, above all, trust your intuition. The people you spend your days with are your echo chamber. Do you need new friends, new groups and alliances-people who share your need for bigger horizons and contribution? Where can you find them?
What is stale or outgrown?
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
Can you feel the sense of an ending, the closing of a door? The next few weeks will be in-between times for you as Pluto crosses the last degrees of Capricorn after 14 years in your sign, transforming you from the inside out. You, more than any other sign, need deep, prolonged rest, respite and restoration. How could you factor this in? It’s not a luxury or self-indulgent but an absolute necessity at this point in your evolution. Put your own needs first for a while, the better to walk a new path when the stepping stones appear one by one in front of you.
The end of a hero’s journey.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
Are you sensing that it is finally your time? Not just because it’s your birthday month but because Task Master Saturn is leaving your sign for another 29 years and change agent Pluto is about to enter Aquarius next month and start transforming your world for the next 20 years! During this Leo Full Moon over lighting your Sun, start to dream up new possibilities. Ask for guidance and support as the radically new begins to stream in. There is nothing for you to do, practise or strive for. Just listen to the quietly insistent voice of your interior angel.
Surround yourself with your Aquarian colours of electric blue, grey, aquamarine, white, purple, and turquoise.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: Feb 5-12, 2023
If you’re feeling adrift, know that you’re in the in-between zone, just before Lord of Time and Karma returns to Pisces for the first time since 1994 to take you through a reality testing process of crystallising a new maturity until early 2026. Take heart, as Venus is walking alongside you in Pisces, sending you night time dreams with important information. So much is hidden in the ethers, not yet available in reality. On February 14th, the Goddess aligns with your own planet Neptune and your creative and visionary gifts reach a new level.
The personal merges with the transpersonal.
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About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1
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