Spiritual Endings And Positive Beginnings: Astrology Forecast December 27th – January 2nd
What to expect this week?
By Nikki Harper | Guest Writer
There’s a very new yearsy feel to this week’s astrology, which isn’t always the case at this time of year. We’ll move from a fresh spiritual start to boisterous, optimistic New Year’s Eve energy, and then straight into a practical, plan-ahead vibe with the first New Moon of 2022.
Following the materialistic excesses of the festive season, Jupiter moves back into spiritual Pisces on Tuesday, ushering in a more reflective and ethereal mood.
This is quite dreamy energy which puts us in touch with our spiritual roots but also inspires and uplifts – it’s very psychic energy too, as the veil between what we currently understand and what we cannot yet see becomes thinner.
Mercury conjuncts Venus on Wednesday, boosting interpersonal relationships and helping us to sincerely express whatever is on our minds. This is head and heart working in excellent harmony through sensible Capricorn, and it’s a good day to say what needs to be said before the year comes to a close.
If you’re working this week, the nebulous Jupiter energies may make focus difficult, but Wednesday is the best day for getting “stuff” done, urged on by the Mars-Saturn sextile. Thursday also has intellectual, intelligent vibes, courtesy of Mercury’s conjunction to Pluto, although this aspect carries something of a power trip atmosphere too – avoid lording it over someone else just because you can.
New Year’s Eve is blessed with a happy-go-lucky, boisterous Sagittarius Moon, which conjuncts high energy Mars either several hours before or just one minute after midnight, depending where you are in the world. This is great astrological energy for a New Year’s party, but be careful that recklessness doesn’t get out of hand!
2022 begins as it means to go on, in a progressive mode. The Sun trines Uranus on the first day of the new year, inspiring us to think outside the box for solutions and surprising ideas, while Mercury moves into Aquarius, that most forward thinking of signs.
Then the Capricorn New Moon on January 2nd is the perfect blend of optimism and practical, get-on-with-it energy; ideal for making sensible new year resolutions (as opposed to the wild, Sagittarius-inspired ones you came up with at ten minutes to midnight on New Year’s Eve). Armed with this grounded energy, there are definitely reasons for optimism in the early days of 2022.
A few days peace and calm between the holidays and the New Year would be ideal. Some time spent in solitude matches the Jupiter in Pisces energy, and you’ll find this an especially fruitful period for meditation, healing, psychic work or dream work. New Year’s Eve sees you in an adventurous frame of mind, and you’ll certainly be up for a party. Beware of peer pressure in the dying hours of 2021, however, as you’ll be surprisingly easily led at this time. The New Moon on Sunday is perfect for planning your career path through 2022. Focus on your long term goals – with the year so young, it’s important to have a bigger picture vision.
Your humanitarian streak is activated when Jupiter returns to Pisces, so the period between Christmas and the New Year is ideal for volunteering or charitable efforts of any kind. You’re likely to be deep in thought in the run up to the New Year, however, and you may feel quite sober and serious on New Year’s Eve itself. Avoid dwelling on jealousy, infidelity or vengeance if you feel you’ve been wronged. Let it go with the fading of the year. The New Moon on Sunday brings you the chance to stretch your wings – it’s perfect for planning expansive travel options for 2022.
Jupiter’s return to Pisces activates your career zone, and once again you’ll feel the pull to ensure that your work and the way you earn your living are in tune with your higher spiritual goals. You sense that you’re missing some wisdom, some insight which would help you make the best decisions at this time. New Year’s Eve has a focus on your love life as the Moon shines from your love zone – this is a great time to forget your worries and simply to focus on your sweetheart. The first New Moon of 2022 is deeply thoughtful for you, and urges you to make good on promises you’ve previously made.
Your desire for answers skyrockets once Jupiter returns to Pisces and sends you off on what feels like another spiritual quest. You will be keen to learn from others, so this is a good period to join a group of like-minded souls. New Year’s Eve finds you feeling very grounded, and with a desire to get on with the year to come – somewhat impatient, you’re in a hurry to get the celebrations over with. The first New Moon of 2022 on Sunday occurs in your love zone – if you’re single, this lunation could bring a very significant meeting for you, which has the potential to impact your whole year. If you’re already in love, refresh your commitment and work together to make 2022 your ideal year.
Jupiter’s spiritual transit helps you to examine your own motives carefully in this final week of 2021. Forgiving others is important, but most of all, you need to forgive yourself following a tumultuous year. New Year’s Eve is a good time to start – with the Moon in your joy zone, this looks set to be a loving, passionate celebration of all that’s good in your closest relationship. If you’re single, it’s also an amazing time for a date! Look to an early return to normality as 2022 gets underway. The New Moon on Tuesday occurs in one of the most practical areas of your chart, helping you to get back up to steam quickly.
Jupiter is now transiting your love zone again, making this a spectacular week for finding a new partner, if you’re single, or for reigniting the magic in an existing relationship. New Year’s Eve has a very domestic feel to it as the Moon transits your home zone, so staying in to celebrate would be good. This is also a very nostalgic and somewhat bittersweet vibe, so expect to feel emotional as the year fades away. The good news is that the first New Moon of 2022 occurs in your joy zone – this energy helps you to find great pleasure in your free time, your love life, your hobbies, and yes, your work.
Jupiter’s expansive influence seems to allow you to stretch time, fitting in much more than you could imagine in this final week of 2021. It’s also a very healing time for workplace relationships, so if you’ve had to deal with difficult colleagues in the run up to the festive season, things should get easier now. The Moon on New Year’s Eve is in the most communicative area of your chart, and the most sociable too, so this is a great time for a party. The first New Moon of 2022 occurs in your family zone, so this is an ideal time to focus on home and family goals for the coming year, particularly if you hope to move house or to renovate your current home.
Jupiter’s transit brings out the wilder side of you, which can be a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it allows you to dream like never before, and pushes you out of your comfort zone to achieve new things. On the other hand, it encourages extreme risk taking and recklessness, so be careful! The New Year’s Eve Moon is in your money zone, so you might want to get an early start on making some new year financial resolutions. It’s back to business at full speed in 2022, with the New Moon on the 2nd offering you the chance to refresh your motivation.
Karmic links are the focus of Jupiter’s transit through Pisces, so don’t be surprised during this final week of the year if you sense that you are more connected to other people – even those you don’t like – than you had realized. The Sagittarius Moon on New Year’s Eve encourages you to wave goodbye to 2021 enthusiastically – if a little bit recklessly. Get ready to manifest plenty of abundance as the New Year begins, however. The New Moon on January 2nd occurs in your money zone and is primed and ready to go.
Jupiter’s transit is very thoughtful for you, and encourages you to keep an open mind, especially regarding other cultures and new traditions. Step out of your intellectual comfort zone and embrace the new and the mystical. As 2022 dawns, the Moon dances through privacy zone – not one for a party, you’d prefer to see out 2021 alone or with just your partner, deep in thought about what the year has meant for you all. Your joy and confidence will return with a bountiful and promising Capricorn New Moon on January 2nd.
Jupiter, that most fortunate and lucky of planets, is now transiting your abundance zone again. Spend some time being thankful and grateful for your many blessings before 2021 closes out. There’s a very sociable vibe on New Year’s Eve, so you’ll definitely want to ring in the new year in the company of good friends and family if possible. The Capricorn New Moon on January 2nd is a spiritual pause, however. Use this energy to decide how you will work on your spiritual gifts during 2022, because your ethereal growth is a focus for the year.
With Jupiter now back in your sign, you’re embodying your ethereal nature at its most spiritual this week. Mystical, psychic, intuitive and able to see the undercurrents of the cosmos swirling around us, you can teach others a great deal. However, the Moon on New Year’s Eve causes you to shy away from being anything like an authority figure; you’ll want to stay in the background, but circumstances may dictate otherwise. Look to a sociable and friendly New Moon on January 2nd to regain some of your confidence as 2022 gets off to a start.
About the Author
Nikki Harper is a spiritualist writer, astrologer, and Wake Up World’s editor.