Shadowy, Shady Dealings: Astrology Forecast 30 April – 7 May 2023
What to expect this week?
By: Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
May begins with some very intense shadowy energy when the out-workings of cause and effect become much more visible than usual. Pluto the Great Eliminator stations retrograde on May 1st – 2nd until October 10th. A Pluto station delivers pivotal days when events trigger deep Plutonic change on both a collective and personal level, especially if you have planets or angles very early in the Fixed signs or very late in the Cardinal signs.
In the middle of this, the second eclipse of 2023 occurs on May 5 in Pluto’s sign of Scorpio. Make a note of the dates between May 1-9, the extended geophysical seismic window, when storms, floods, solar flares, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are all possible. Cut back your agenda and get extra hydration and grounding.
At the lunar eclipse on May 5 2023 at 14° Scorpio, the Sun at the midpoint of Taurus is bracketed by Mercury Retrograde and unpredictable wild man Uranus. Full Moon eclipses symbolise the past and the present, sliding through one another and dissolving something in form and matter. Its time is over. Having fulfilled its destiny, it’s no longer needed in your life. Previous identities, roles, labels and past creations, are left in your dustbin of personal history.
This cosmic wild card eclipse across Taurus and Scorpio raises sensitive issues of money, attitude toward possessions, sexuality, your intimate relations. Expect a wake- up call to realising the true value of everything that begins with a loss, maybe small and more likely life-changing…… / continued in my subscriber-only May 5D Report.

Chandra Symbol SCORPIO 15: A woman with a gold tooth.
“An extraordinary gift. You invent, conceive, bring into being whatever you hope for and whatever you dread. In this cycle you scare up the world’s most extreme melodramas, each one of them marked “no way out, no way through.” If you should outlast your dread demons, you will find, in a very different direction, that there are equally powerful hope angels. You hope and wish and yearn for everybody to go free and this wishing has deep, uncanny power. For you have been nourishing for a very long time two counteracting worlds: the one dark and heavy with foreboding; the other swept clean by the magical will to bring the world around right. The one who made the light go out brings the light back in a seasoned, tempered form. And this renewed light is phosphorescent, glowing in the world’s darkness, seeing the way clear, knowing it can be done.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
This potent eclipse on May 5th continues the house clearing demanded by the New Moon eclipse in Aries on April 20th, which was a complete reset moment for you. Lunar eclipses signal the need to close the door on what no longer serves you and this one falling across your 8th / 2nd Houses suggests issues connected with intimacy, shared resources and financial arrangements.
Where do you derive your security, your ability to survive and feel safe in the world from?
Taurus Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
This is the axis of self and other, of independence and interdependence, of how to go your own way and co-exist. How you see yourself versus how others see you is at issue here, and if one is at odds with the other, you’ll need to reconcile the difference during this eclipse season. Ask yourself: does my personal style and approach to life fully reflect who I am? How is my personal style and approach working, or not helping, me in my relationship to others? Are my relationships keeping pace with who I am today?
You’re ready to express a new way of being in the world, and experience the evolutionary impact of others in your life.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
The lunar eclipse across your 6th / 12th House asks you to grow beyond the four familiar walls of your usual habits, your physical and daily work routines and enter a new relationship with your mind-body-spirit. Embrace a season of adapting to a new set of circumstances. You may discover you need a new set of work skills. You may finally face and conquer self-defeating psychological and health habits. Or you may reach a crisis point in your self-care and need to make new choices.
Rest up, and take care. This is a time for fixing what can be fixed and a time for surrendering what you can’t control.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
The emotional lunar eclipse on May 5th activates your 5th / 11th houses – the axis of creative contribution. As so much of what you enjoyed in the past slips into the ethers, make space for new passions and dreams. Make sure you use capture any fleeting ideas and inspirations before they fly away. Networks and groups of friends, allies and supporters are becoming even more important to the emerging vision you have for a different future.
Claim your talents and your need for sources of joy in your life.
Leo Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
This week’s Scorpio lunar eclipse is across two important angles of your chart – the 4th / 10th. These symbolise the most intimate areas of your life – home and family and how you get paid for being yourself. In the days and weeks that follow, you may discover something that changes your view of your ancestry and heredity. You may be recognised on a whole new professional level. No matter how circumstances shift around you at home and work, it’s time to align your values with your purpose.
Make integrity your compass.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
May 5th’s lunar eclipse activates your 3rd / 9th Houses – the axis of perception and expansive growth. Your habitual filters – your way of seeing the world, your beliefs, and your knowledge – all need a good shake out, an update and a reboot and here it comes. It’s time to expand out of the familiar four walls of your thinking. Take a class or a start a research project, travel, teach, and meet people with very different views from yours. Your search for meaning takes on much more importance in the days and weeks to come.
Time to rewire your mental circuitry.
Libra Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
With a lunar eclipse across the midpoint of Scorpio/Taurus, your beliefs around personal security, money and material possessions need updating. Situations will shift around you that nudge you to take stock about old beliefs inherited from your early family that are keeping you stuck or even sabotaging you. Do you have a scarcity mentality and hold on too tightly to what needs to be released? Are you careless or wasteful with your money, buying stuff just to make yourself feel better?
Take a look at the money, talents / gifts / skills / resources you have that can support you.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
With the Great Eliminator now at the roots of your chart and this week’s lunar eclipse in your own sign, you’re in an extended process of disentangling from both outgrown partnerships and attachment to where you live. You’re ready to express a new way of being in the world and to experience the evolutionary impact of others in your life. Look back to last October 25th’s solar eclipse in Scorpio for clues to how this theme of change is playing out.
New agreements, contracts and rules of the game need to be negotiated, even with long standing partners.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
The lunar eclipse across your 6th / 12th House asks you to grow beyond the four familiar walls of your usual habits, your physical and daily work routines and enter a new relationship with your mind-body-spirit. Embrace a season of adapting to a new set of circumstances. You may discover you need a new set of work skills. You may finally face and conquer self-defeating psychological and health habits. Or you may reach a crisis point in your self-care and need to make new choices.
Rest up, and take care. This is a time for fixing what can be fixed and a time for surrendering what you can’t control.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
The emotional lunar eclipse on May 5th activates your 5th / 11th houses – the axis of creative contribution. As so much of what you enjoyed in the past slips into the ethers, make space for new passions and dreams. Make sure you use capture any fleeting ideas and inspirations before they fly away. Networks and groups of friends, allies and supporters are becoming even more important to the emerging vision you have for a different future.
Claim your talents and your need for sources of joy in your life.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
This week’s Scorpio lunar eclipse is across two of the important angles of your chart – the 4th / 10th. These symbolise the most intimate areas of your life – home and family and how you get paid for being yourself. In the days and weeks that follow, you may discover something that changes your view of your ancestry and heredity. You may be recognised on a whole new professional level. No matter how circumstances shift around you at home and work, it’s time to align your values with your purpose.
Integrity is your compass.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: 30 April – 7 May 2023
May 5th’s lunar eclipse activates your 3rd / 9th Houses – the axis of perception and expansive growth. Your habitual filters – your way of seeing the world, your beliefs, your knowledge – all need a good shake out, an update and a reboot and here it comes. It’s time to expand out of the familiar four walls of your thinking. Take a class or a start a research project, travel, teach, meet people with very different views from yours. Your search for meaning takes on much more importance in the days and weeks to come.
Time to rewire your mental circuitry.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1
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