Healing And Regeneration: Astrology Forecast May 9th – 16th, 2021
Expect to feel a shift towards healing and regeneration this week as the planetary kaleidoscope turns and forms new crystalline patterns in Taurus and Pisces. May is the month of Earth sign Taurus, the sign of the World 3rd Eye and the Buddha. It’s time to stop retreating into overthinking and empty virtual distraction and light – ground these new realities with projects and creations that lift your High Heart and return you to your Self.
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
On Tuesday May 11th, at the 21 Taurus New Moon the Lights are conjunct both Caput Algol – the World 3rd Eye – and Resurrection archetype Sedna. This is a doorway to soul retrieval from the living lost. As the New Moon is also aligned with expansionist Jupiter and Saturn in futurist Aquarius, the Great Eliminator Pluto in Capricorn and far-seeing Neptune in Pisces, make physical and somatic healing and restoration your priority. Your initiations-seedings will produce tangible results by November 19th’s Taurus Full Moon eclipse – the first of a new eclipse series to activate the Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-23.
On Tuesday May 11th , at the 21 Taurus New Moon the Lights are conjunct both Caput Algol – the World 3rd Eye – and Resurrection archetype Sedna. This is a doorway to soul retrieval from the living lost. As the New Moon is also aligned with expansionist Jupiter and Saturn in futurist Aquarius, the Great Eliminator Pluto in Capricorn and far-seeing Neptune in Pisces, make physical and somatic healing and restoration your priority. Your initiations-seedings will produce tangible results by November 19th’s Taurus Full Moon eclipse – the first of a new eclipse series to activate the Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-23.
Hopefully, that may mark the beginning of the end of the Woke movement along with its cancelling and no plat-forming groupthink, as this is a manifestation of the shadow side of Saturn and Jupiter in fixed sign Aquarius. Expect to be drawn to art and music, restoring romance, learning from history, connecting to your ancestors, developing your intuitive gifts, working with your dreams, healing wounds on all levels, taking spiritual pursuits seriously and being of service in whatever ways are needed.
Make your mantra: Be Kind. It’s Chaos.
The Chandra Symbol New Moon Taurus 22

A blindfolded woman who sees the future.
“Witnessing dispassionately the flow of time. Standing outside of all linear progression and knowing what is likely to happen here. Supremely disengaged from surface affairs but tuned right in to the thread of prophecy and inner vision. Granted a certain grace to follow the inner track. And serving a larger function as part shaman, part seer, and part advisor. Salty wit, earthy and pithy, no nonsense. You know where the bones are buried. Penetrating insight. A throwback to simpler worlds. One who warns of dangers ahead, and is not amused by factions and fragments and phantoms of common assumption.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
All the emphasis on upgrading where you live and making home your happy place- courtesy of your ruler Mars activating the roots of your chart -has probably involved splashing the cash. For the next two weeks under the beams of the Taurus New Moon, take a closer more realistic look at what you earn to see if you have been undervaluing what you offer. Starting on May 11th, create a practical blueprint for adding to your income stream and savings. From May 13th, gas giant Jupiter’s shift into the engine room of your chart could bring relief from recent stress as the great expansionist shows you the bigger picture and boosts your natural can-do spirit.
Raising your game.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
You’ve been benefiting from your own planet Venus being in Taurus and on Sunday May 9th, she departs for Gemini and your angle of income and resources. If you’ve had some ideas about attracting more clients or asking for a pay rise, do something about it early in the week. Your yearly re-set and energy re-boot comes on Tuesday May 11th at the Taurus New Moon and it is potent medicine. It looks as if your year ahead could see you integrating even more of your skills and passions, working at a high level of healing and creativity. On May 13th expansionist Jupiter moves out of your career zone until the end of July, releasing some stress and cutting you some slack. Friendships, groups and networks will grow in importance, as a backup and support in what is a big year for your public role.
Between May 9-12th, take some personal time for healing and restoration.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
On Sunday May 9th, Venus returns to your sign, so if you get an urge to try a new hairstyle, buy some new clothes or update your surroundings, follow it up. Feeling good about yourself is going to be extra important as Jupiter crosses the pinnacle of your chart on May 13th to stay until the end of July boosting your public reputation and making you more visible. On May 11th, the annual New Moon in Taurus lights up your hidden 12th House-the engine room of your chart. Take some time for yourself to restore your spirits and get your bearings ahead of your birthday. Lighten your load by removing clutter and purging your agenda and contacts.
Beauty is great medicine for the soul.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
For you, this week’s astrology has a soul refreshing quality about it after weeks of arid Aquarian dryness and head stuff. The beautiful Venusian Taurus New Moon on May 11th lights up your social network, groups and friendships. The extended period of restriction has changed your priorities, so take stock and nurture the connections that lift your spirits and release any that drain you or that you’ve outgrown. Then welcome expansionist Jupiter’s move into fellow Water sign Pisces between May 13-July 29th opening up wider horizons and nudging you to expand your interests through travel or study.
The magic lies outside your comfort zone.
Leo Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
There’s a lot going on behind the scenes for you as a solar Leo-especially where long term relationships-personal or professional are concerned-as Lord of Time and Karma Saturn slows in your opposite sign ready to retrograde on May 23rd for 5 months. Some emotional or business contracts will end between now and March 2023 and others will go from strength to strength. Tuesday’s potent Taurus New Moon delivers a career re-boot for you, so start thinking outside the box about what you passionately want to seed in the next 12 months. Anything you start now will become a reality in November at the Taurus eclipse. On May 13th, expansionist Jupiter enters your 8th House of partnerships, finances and life’s big issues until July 29th. Any hidden issues will be revealed so you can resolve them.
What or who have you outgrown?
Virgo Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
Both the big planetary alignments this week bring you support and boost your spirits. First, on Tuesday May 11th, the Taurus New Moon in a fellow practical Earth sign reboots your adventurous spirit. Make some travel plans for later in the year, do some background research or start a new programme of study into something you’re intrigued by. On May 13th, expansionist Jupiter slips into your opposite sign of Pisces until July 29. You’ll have a foretaste of what’s to come in 2022 when he merges with Neptune. This is a fantastic period to meet new people, to drop anyone who drains you and to make one important relationship more magical.
Feeling the love.
Libra Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
The potent Taurus New Moon on May 11th is going to reboot your 8th House of life’s big issues. It is strong medicine, suggesting that it’s past time to reveal the elephants under the carpet and face up to ongoing issues with money or partnerships. Anything hidden is liable to come into the light of day. The most likely scenario is that the reality of one relationship needs airing so don’t be surprised if you hear some difficult truths about imbalanced dynamics. Take it on board and let it sit with you for a few days. Meanwhile, on May 13th, Jupiter enters your angle of work and routine-it’s time to shake things up a little and find new ways to get things done.
Taking off your rose -tinted glasses.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
This is a week to restore your optimism and your spirits. On Tuesday May 11th, a potent new Moon in your opposite sign of Taurus rekindles one close relationship and reminds you just how important love and friendship is to your happiness. The Dark of the Moon is also about endings, so if one association has run its course, gently let it go and move on. On May 13th, Jupiter shifts into compatible Water sign Pisces until July 29th, bringing opportunities for fun, leisure, creativity and playtime spent with children or grandchildren. Both these alignments will go some way to helping you through the restrictions imposed by dour Saturn siting at the base of your chart.
To everything there is a season-turn, turn, turn.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
Tuesday’s potent and practical Taurus New Moon reboots your work, your workspace and your routines. Help it along by de-cluttering, updating records or folders, streamlining your communications and finishing off one project that’s become part of the office furniture. It could be that where you used to work is no longer as it was and you are now home based for at least some of the time. That makes it even more important to lift your spirits with flowers and bright colours and thanks to your personal planet Jupiter moving into your 4th House for two months, you can make it a reality.
Lightening your load.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
Tuesday’s New Moon in fellow Earth sign Taurus is in your 5th House of enjoyment. That says it all really, but what it means is it’s time for you to plant some seeds for a happier, better balanced and much more fulfilling life. Only you can do this……the planets provide the weather forecast but you have to take advantage of it. Be creative, think out of the box and ask yourself what your heart desires. If there are hobbies, pastimes or passions you’d love to take further, now’s the time. Your ruler Saturn is slowing to turn retrograde in your money zone in late May and bust restructuring your finances. What new income streams could you add from May 13th when expansionist Jupiter enters Pisces and brings helpful people to support your efforts?
Dreaming large.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
The potent New Moon in Taurus on Tuesday 11th is at the base of your chart, so home is very much where your heart is. Taurus is a practical sign, perfect for de-cluttering, spring cleaning or just messing about with some creative projects. New Moons bring endings as well as a reboot. If you are thinking about moving from where you live, make some enquiries, do some research and get started. You are supported by Jupiter moving out of Aquarius on May 13th into your money angle until July 29th. Although money will be coming in, it will also be going out quite rapidly.
Putting down deeper roots.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: May 9-16, 2021
This is a big week -literally-for Pisceans, especially if you have a very early Piscean birthday, as expansionist Jupiter is slipping back into your sign for the first time since 2009. His visit will only last between May 13-July 29th but it’s going to be more than enough to feel the potential. See it as preview of next year’s coming attractions. Be alert for any opportunities, ideas and new people and grab them before they vanish, especially as the Taurus New Moon on May 11th starts a new cycle in your friendships, groups and collaborative ventures.
Luck is being in the right place at the right time.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1