Entering The “Dreamspace”: 9 Ways To Become Multidimensional
There are two ways of living your life: one, as if nothing is a miracle; two, as if everything is! We’re living in two world’s not one: the old is one of systems, logic and control, which strangles the juice out of life. It’s a reality long past it’s self-by-date, essentially because it’s divorced from the flow.
By Open | Contributing Writer
Then there’s another world – it’s one of mystery, miracles and magic, where everything has a deeper meaning, a deeper significance and purpose. It’s this that I call the ‘dreamspace’. In fact it’s far more real, far more fulfilling than ‘reality’. What is this dreamspace like? How can you become multidimensional? How can you live it?
Related: Enlightenment: The Next Evolutionary Step For Humanity
Can You Hear the Dreamspace Calling You?
In my life I work to live as spontaneously as possible. Quite frequently yes, there are agreements I’ve made with people that have to be honoured, appointments to be fulfilled. But as much as possible, I leave the moment open, to flow as one with the deeper underlying purpose.
This evening, on my way home, there was a clear pull to take a detour. I didn’t know where to, but as usual, when the dreamspace is calling more strongly, it’ll speak through signs and synchronicity. In this case, my attention was spiked to the movement of cars, number configurations on number shields, and the sudden darting movement of birds. It led me out into the country, until there by the side of the road, on a hill overlooking an open Somerset valley, was a Kestrel hanging in the air; majestic, wings outstretched, hovering, and very much calling to me.
So I honoured the invitation, pulled up just as soon as I could, and followed the guidance. It took me to a quiet space, high on the valley side, surveying the panorama, which looked very primordial in the dimming evening light as the sun began to descend behind a distant hill. The busy road in the background steadily faded away, as if into some distant galaxy. My soul was transcending space and time. The trees, bushes and rocks were speaking to me. Not in words of course, not even in thoughts, but with feelings, that brought me completely as-one with it all. Now the mystical dreamspace was speaking magically. What an experience!
What’s the Purpose of the Dreamspace?
The dreamspace is the space between the spaces. Each and every moment has a deeper purpose, a deeper meaning and message, which seldom people hear about within society because their minds are too full, they have too many unnecessary objectives, their consciousness is too distracted by the endless gadgetry. It divorces people from the real juice of life.
You have to empty the mind, still the distraction, drop into the heart space, and feel through the senses to truly transcend the moment into the dreamspace. It wants you to know yourself, as an intimate part of the miracle of existence. It wants to invite you deeper into yourself, and into the co-creation with nature. It wants to dance you all the way back home again, to the open arms of the divine.
You have to be listening, feeling, and open to how you’re being guided. You have to be patient, relaxed, without intention or deadline. Nature has eons to catch you. Eons to reel you back in. But only if you are listening and feeling.
Accessing the Dreamspace
Here are some important keys to accessing the dreamspace…
- Spend plenty of time each day in stillness, softening the internal contractions, the resistances to quiet emptiness.
- Reduce your reliance on electrical gadgetry. No one’s saying don’t use the mobile phone, just use it only when it’s smart to do so.
- Spend as much time as possible letting go of intention-created life. At least take quality time off without a plan.
- Go free-wheeling by yourself often, responding only to the landing of higher knowing or a pull through the heart.
- Allow the guidance to carry you until you feel to stop. Soften into that place and time. Breathe, observe, notice all five senses keenly, and then feel through them, so as to transcend the physical density.
- Feel the lightness of the moment – how it connects with life around you, especially nature.
- Notice how this deeper connection makes you feel. What sense does it resonate inside?
- Imagine the dreamspace is now speaking to you. What would it be saying? It’ll be telling you how to change your life, how to reveal more of your true self, what Right Action to take.
- Celebrate in the joy of synchronicity, the language welcoming you back home as a cosmic child of the universe. Congratulations, you’ve arrived!
Related: The Bringer Of Light: How The Ego Is The Catalyst To Awakening
More Real Than ‘Reality’
The dreamspace is that where the movement of divine energy is beginning to breakdown old constructs and reshape new ones for the purpose of education, exploration and further evolutionary growth. It’s searching out and manifesting the possibility of a higher harmony – one that serves ALL life in the co-creation.
That’s why the dreamspace landscape is more real than ‘reality’. Because it directs to what reality is already newly becoming.
It feels like the whole of life is celebrating with you, singing and serenading you. In a way that cherishes your very nature. That’s the sense of it when recording this video from an Openhand retreat that had very much the sense of a magical “5D” dreamspace…
What are your experiences of the magic of the dreamspace?
Do share. I’d love to hear.
Originally published at www.openhandweb.org and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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