Elemental Change: Astrology Forecast April 18th – 25th, 2021
This is the run up to the 1st of 2021’s 4 Super Moons on April 26/27th – a Full Moon at 7 Scorpio on steroids at its closest to the earth anchoring an April 24-30 seismic window. Extra grounding, hydration, rest and time spent outdoors will help you avoid feeling fritzed and fried.
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
On Sunday April 18th, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in late Aries starting a new cycle of connection and communication. Then between April 19-May 3 there is a palpable elemental shift from Fire to Earth as the Sun, Mercury, Black Moon Lilith and Venus conjunct the Great Awakener Uranus at 10 Taurus. When volatile Uranus is in the frame, anything can happen and probably will. There could be stock market volatility as Saturn in Aquarius squares the stellium.
Taurus is a Fixed sign, so clashes between tradition and innovation are inevitable. In your personal chart, this conjunction is tight and activating one area of your life, so it will make an impact. As without, so within. Something fixed and immoveable – a habit, a belief, a relationship, a dream- needs shaking up to let in some fresh air and fresh thinking.
With Pluto Lord of the Underworld and of your unconscious slowing right to maximum influence to station before turning Retrograde on April 27th, change is definitely not an option. You will feel Pluto’s shamanic power as a strong undercurrent from now on into May. If you have planets or points at 25-27 degrees of any sign or a birthday between 14-17th of any month, get ready for an insistent inner drive to eliminate whatever is dead in the water.
The Chandra Symbol for Mercury Conjunct Uranus Taurus 11

A woman with flames for hair.
“Direct, full on, and unstoppable. Pushing for optimal outcomes, you are self-convinced and hard-driving. So passionate about your own desire and impulse that anything off to the side is far out of the picture and all that counts is to have your say, to make an impact. Something long-gathering suddenly emerges as rage, self-intent, need, and craving. Personal to the Nth degree. Almost solipsistic. “Me” mattering after being counted out. You feel the surge of power of someone who recognises that they are bearing a life-force that can no longer be avoided and you follow the brightness wherever it takes you, blindly, insensately, and beautifully.” – Inside degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
This is a week to put your finances forefront and centre stage. This means taking a long hard look at the bottom line-your income, outgoings, debts or money owed to you. With Sun, Mercury and Venus conjunct planet of the unexpected Uranus in your 2nd House, do an audit of your resources, including skills, qualities, life experience, accreditations, possessions and the best use of your time and effort. Mars crossing the lowest point of your chart makes your home your work space, so customise it to make it feel meaningful to you. The next 10 days are the time to make your case for a pay rise, promotion or bonus or, if you work for yourself, to increase your prices.
Money gives you more options.
Taurus Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
After many long, dispiriting months, it’s time to put your umbrella away as the Sun returns to Taurus along with Mercury and Venus. Venus is your personal planet, smoothing your path and adding an extra element of luck to whatever you touch. Your birthday month will be fast paced and with Mars in your communication zone from April 23rd, it seems you’ll be busy with your networks, groups and community. As Venus collides with unpredictable Uranus on the same day, expect some shocks or surprises. This is a wakeup call to leave your comfort zone behind and go outside where the magic lies. Make a note of April 25th as a superb day for taking a relationship to another level or making a commitment.
Signs of renewal and hope.
Gemini Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
With the Sun, Mercury and Venus all moving into earthy Taurus, your deep 12th House, you will feel the energy shift. If you get the urge to retreat a little from busyness into your garden or the countryside or music, follow it. It’s a time to reconnect with your deepest longings and emotional needs, to review the last year and its true impact on your heart and soul in preparation for your personal solar New Year that begins on your birthday. On April 23rd, Mars leaves your sign for Cancer, your angle of money and resources. There could be bills to pay or you might feel the urge to splurge. Make a note of April 25th, a lovely day when your personal planet Mercury meets Venus and delivers some good news.
Smelling the roses.
Cancer Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
Between April 19th and May 3rd, the Sun, Mercury and Venus move together through earth sign Taurus meeting Awakener Uranus and reviving your social life with a dash of excitement and unpredictability. Anything connected with your networks, groups and teams is very well starred so come out of your cocoon and join in. Then on April 23rd, planet of momentum Mars enters Cancer to give you a Tiggerish bounce. Remember to eat well, rest and relax between bouts of activity. Think about how you can restore right relations and goodwill amongst the tribes you live with or work with.
Re-balancing your private and public sides.
Leo Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
This is a very auspicious period for you, your career, business or service. Last week Venus crossed the pinnacle of your chart and is now being joined by the Sun and Mercury. All three of them make a conjunction with Awakener Uranus. Make a note of April 23rd and 25th when an unexpected stroke of luck or serendipity comes out of the blue. These are days to be noticed, to put forward ideas and to showcase what you have to offer. With Pluto in your work zone, everything counts. There is a very potent Super Full Moon building across your home/career axis, peaking on April 26/27th. Use this week to re-jig your work/life balance.
Being in the right place at the right time.
Virgo Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
As the Sun and Mercury join Venus and Uranus in fellow Earth Sign Taurus, you’ll start to feel more at home in your own skin. They are all at a helpful and uplifting angle to your own Sun, so it’s time to stop and smell the roses. You deserve it. Taurus is your 9th House of wide horizons, so anything to do with travel-or may be just making plans to travel-studying, teaching, broadening your mind, meeting new people and having adventures is well starred. Make a note of April 23rd when Mars stirs up your creative zone and you find yourself full of bright ideas and the urge to express them any way you can. That same day, Venus meets Awakener Uranus so be ready for unexpected encounters or news out of the blue. Make sure you are out and about on Sunday 25th when Venus meets your personal planet Mercury.
Heart warming.
Libra Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
This is a week of change for everyone with options appearing where there were none before, but especially so for you as a solar Libran. Between April 18-May 3rd, there is a palpable elemental shift from Fire to Earth as the Sun, Mercury, Black Moon Lilith and Venus conjunct the Great Awakener Uranus at 10 Taurus. This grounded Earth sign is your 8th House of life’s big questions where issues such as intimacy, money or family secrets are often kept under wraps. On April 23rd when your personal planet Venus meets unpredictable Uranus, sparks may fly. This is likely to involve a close partnership or a financial contract. On the same day, Mars crosses the pinnacle of your chart for the first time in 2 years, giving your reputation and career a boost.
Break free from any job or role that is keeping you small.
Scorpio Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
Get ready to have your spirits lifted this week and next as the Sun and Mercury join Venus and Uranus in your opposite sign of Taurus. Relationships of all kinds, but especially the close and personal, are set to regain their lustre. Make a note of April 23 when Venus merges with Awakener Uranus. Expect the unexpected-meeting someone new and intriguing or rekindling an affair gone stale. The same day, Mars your personal planet heads into fellow Water sign Cancer and you could get itchy feet. Even if you can’t physically travel, at least plan and book a trip for later somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit. Use the days between April 24-27th – when your annual Scorpio Full Moon is a doozy-to brainstorm some exciting new beginnings.
All to play for.
Sagittarius Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
Right from the start of the week, as the Sun and Mercury join Venus in Taurus your 6th House of work, you’ll feel the change of pace. This practical grounded can-do energy can help you move mountains and with Venus smoothing your path, you may have extra help from a new work colleague. Both April 23rd and 25th are well starred to make your case for a pay rise or promotion, or if you work for yourself, to raise your prices. With the workplace opening up again in many places, you’ll want to get organised and also to create a buzz with innovative ideas. Apply this to your personal finances as well. Check the bottom line, call in debts and promises and raise your sights where your income stream is concerned.
No more under earning.
Capricorn Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
Feel your spirits lift this week as the Sun and Mercury join Venus and Uranus in Taurus-your angle of fun, creativity and life’s pleasures. If you thought you’d never laugh again, this will feel like your personal springtime, so put your umbrella away. Make a note of April 23rd, when Venus meets planet of the unexpected Uranus and Mars stirs up your relationship zone for the first time in 2 years. You might rekindle a relationship gone stale or meet someone intriguing. Matters of the heart are very well starred for the next two weeks so seize the moment. Decide to enjoy yourself whatever happens around you and indulge in something that makes you feel happy.
Life’s big and small pleasures.
Aquarius Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
This week the Sun and Mercury join Venus and Uranus at the base of your chart in grounded Taurus turning your attention to home and tribe for the next few weeks. In the build up to a doozy of a Super Full Moon across your home/career axis exact on April 27t, if you get the urge to spring clean and de-clutter, go for it. Pluto is slowing to turn backwards so eliminating anything past its sell by date will clear space for something fresh and new. Do it with heart, beautify where you live, add some greenery or flowers and you will build a stronger sense of belonging. Connect with far flung family and make some plans to meet up when you can.
Home is where your heart is.
Pisces Week Ahead Forecast: April 18-25, 2021
ou’ll definitely feel this weeks’ energy shift as the Sun and Mercury gather with Venus and Uranus in grounded earth sign Taurus. This activates your 3rd House of communication, siblings and your neighbourhood and locality. If you can, get out and about, chat to neighbours, suggest social meet-ups or make plans for a community event later in the year. With Pluto turning retrograde, commit to a charity or a purpose bigger than yourself, build networks and start to make a practical difference. Both April 23rd and 25th are golden. With unpredictable Uranus in the frame, expect both the unexpected and the intriguing. Be open to rekindling a relationship or to giving someone another chance.
Meeting and greeting.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1