How To Discern Between True And False Synchronicities
A synchronicity is something that has gained lots of attention ever since Carl Jung coined the term to refer to meaningful coincidences.
By Paul Lenda | Contributing Writer
Two seemingly-unrelated situations have somehow entangled to have a greater meaning or message. Michael Talbot, in his book The Holographic Universe, found evidence of the dynamics of synchronicities having something to do with the nature of this universe being a hologram. Synchronicities occur more often the more you have experience an expansion of your awareness. Synchronicities can be exciting, yet some of them can also lead you astray. Not all synchronicities are ones that are authentic.
Types of Synchronicities
Let’s go over the main types of synchronicities.
- Prophetic Synchronicities – These occur before something big happens in your life and when you are at a point where whatever decision you make will affect you for a long time to come, for better or for worse.
- Wildcard Synchronicities – These happen when you do something that is completely different from your everyday routine, resulting in your future becoming more indeterminable.
- Insight Synchronicities – These will occur as symbolic metaphors when you experience something that profoundly shifts your consciousness, where you gain deeper insights about yourself or the nature of reality.
- Sign Synchronicities – These also occur as symbols, such as a repeating number, animal, or word that holds a message similar to how symbols in dreams offer helpful messages. Positive signs indicate you are on a good path, whereas ominous ones show you are heading down a dangerous path.
- Artificial Synchronicities – These are artificially-orchestrated synchronicities that are designed to trick you into believing they are authentic guiding signs, yet are actually traps to get you to agree to take some action that will negatively affect you. It is external manipulation by unseen forces.
How Do You Tell the Difference?
The next time you experience a synchronicity, you can ask yourself a few questions.
- Is there something you did outside of your usual routine that may have made it occur?
- Were you focusing on something related to the synchronicity earlier?
- Is the synchronicity looking like it is guiding you to do something that could harm you?
- Do you feel your energy expand and relax or contract and get uneasy?
- Are you making life decisions that are altering your life away from the mundane and repetitious every task you normally have your mind occupied on?
A synchronicity is usually your Higher-Self sending you a message in a way you can receive it more easily when you are pre-occupied with the 3D reality. When you become really in tune with your inner being, you end up not even needing synchronicities at all, because you have a direct communication channel opened up between your physical mind-body avatar and your non-physical soul. However, most of us have to go to work, take care of children or loved ones, or be involved in a variety of 3D-level things that take us out of that state where we can be in constant direct communication with the Higher-Self.
You should be wary of believing everything you think. This is because the mind has an easy time creating its own illusions, linking thoughts together that share no connection. Not every apparent synchronicity has some sort of high significance or is a divine revelation. That’s not to say that they are not true synchronicities, they simply are more mundane. Perhaps it’s a synchronicity to remind you that you need to take time to be present and breathe deeply. Be mindful of the self-delusion that we have a habit of creating sometimes. Everything has meaning, but not everything is as grandiose as the ego likes to make it seem.
There are no coincidences in a non-linear and holographic reality. Creative intention can lead to active synchronicity. The next time you experience a synchronicity, before you blindly accept it as true, put it through a quick discernment test to make sure. When you filter out all the false synchronicities, you will find that your personal evolution will get on an accelerated path, avoiding wasting time on decisions that will just postpone your growth.
About the Author
Paul Lenda is a conscious evolution guide, founder & director of SHIFT, author, writer, speaker, meditation teacher, life coach, and ambassador for the New Paradigm wishing to provide an integral role in personal transformation and the collective social transformation of humanity. Paul offers private one-on-one holistic life counselling & conscious evolution sessions, via Skype or phone. Paul takes into account all aspects of the hyper dimensional matrix when providing guidance, counselling, and coaching.
You can connect with Paul via:
- https://evolvingmandala.com/ (Website)
- https://www.instagram.com/evolvingmandala/ (Instagram)