“There Is No Try, Only Do Or Not Do” – Yoda: Astrology Forecast August 14th – 21st
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
The powerful Fixed sign energy from the Aquarius Full Moon square the Nodes of Fate, Uranus and Mars in Vulcan’s sign of Taurus now needs earthing and channelling into action.
The Full Moon was “at the Bending” – exactly at the midpoint of 2 pairs of wild card eclipses across Taurus/Scorpio-those of April 30 and May 16th and the next arriving on October 25th and November 8th.
This is a full stop, an ending to an old story and a turning point in our collective experience.
This Full Moon is activating revolutionary shock waves in our global experience and, as it wanes over the next 2 weeks, it will be obvious even to those most in denial that we are never going back to the pre-2020 way of life, which a new paradigm is emerging. The heart of chaos contains seeds of renewal.
This message is underscored by Mars entering Gemini on August 20th not for the usual 6 weeks but for 7 months (!) completing an entire retrograde cycle in Gemini between Octobers 31st and January 12 2023. Mars is warrior, can-do energy, so in the midst of the collective upheavals, decide what you can and must do and just do it. Factor in stress or fatigue and instead of pushing on using strong will power, use skilful will.
In the next 7 months, expect all sorts of dynamics and mind-altering information incoming from every direction. You will need to be flexible, adaptable and open-minded, moment by moment. Starting now, there is a massive adjustment period ahead to align with the organic realities of incoming Triality, as the inorganic manipulated realities of Duality die off.
Much more about this in my subscriber – only SEPTEMBER 2022 5D REPORT.
Chandra Symbol Mars Gemini 1

Knots in a cord. They are a message in code
“Coming up against limits. Aware of what is not. Inhabiting a bittersweet combination of longing and the quickening of awareness. What is sought and desired being indefinitely held away. Going through cycles of a very extreme kind. Always self-critical. Pressurised and suspicious. And yet you move through all of this as quickly and as sharply as is desired or sought. Arbitrary self-will stops the flow and a reversal of emphasis starts it moving again. Trials, ordeals, initiations, exile, and return.” – Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
Last Friday’s doozy of a Full Moon marked the end of a long phase in your finances and how you manage them. Think of it like a permanent full stop under your pre 2020 money attitudes, habits and beliefs. Hopefully, you’re consolidating what you have, building strong foundations and finding multiple ways to develop income streams in case one dries up. Look at the value of what you already have and decide what’s worth keeping and what you could sell or move on. August 18th is a potentially lucky day when Venus in Leo makes a stunning aspect to gift bringer Jupiter in your own sign. On the 20th your own planet Mars enters Gemini to stay for 7 months instead of his usual 6 weeks! For you, anything connected with writing, speaking, editing, blogging is the way to channel this energy.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
The stunning astrology of Uranus, Node of Fate and Mars in Taurus linked to Saturn in your 190th House of career is your chance to clarify your career direction of travel. If what you’re investing time, money and effort into is bringing results, then do more of it. If not, this is the time to move on. Awakener Uranus in Taurus until 2026 is giving you second sight, superb instincts and the ability to second guess the future. Make sure you are channelling that into your work, business or service to be way ahead of the field. If you’ve long thought about being self-employed, take the first practical step without leaving what you have behind.
Mars in your angle of income for the next 7 months will amp up your motivation and energy.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
The big news for you as a solar Gemini is Mars entering your sign on August 20th. Instead of staying for the usual 6 weeks, the warrior planet is going to travel back and forth across Gemini for 7 months! Expect to be engaged in even more conversations, debates, online scrolling, social media posting than usual. Better still, turn your incessant thirst for information into something to support others who may be trying to separate reality from virtual reality and truth from deliberate disinformation. Don’t get embroiled in soap operas and sidestep conspiracy theories-these will proliferate in the coming months as people search desperately for simplistic information to put the current chaos into a neat box.
Be a creator not a consumer.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
Last Friday’s Full Moon put a permanent and indelible full stop under outgrown ways of managing both your finances and relationships. Circumstances beyond your control have changed the global resources landscape and this is having a trickle-down effect on you. Knowing this, do an audit of what you have and what you earn. Make a practical plan to diversify your income streams and also to prune back your expenditure. On August 20th, energy planet Mars moves into the most hidden part of your chart for 7 months. Changes will come through withdrawing, self-reflection or retreat. See it as an inner pilgrimage and a time of immense creativity.
Finding the treasure in hidden in your unconscious.
Leo Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
On August 18th, welcome one of the luckiest days of the year when Venus in Leo makes a stunning link to gift bringer Jupiter in fellow Fire sign Aries. Invest in either travel or study or both and this will pay dividends in the coming months. On the 20th, Mars fires up your social life not just for the usual 6 weeks but for the next 7 months! The people you surround yourself with are your echo chambers so choose carefully. Make a clean exit from toxic friendships, victim groups or activities you’ve outgrown.
A heads up! Uranus is slowing to turn retrograde in Taurus in your career angle on August 24th. Start thinking now about a change of direction.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
On August 18th, Venus in fiery Leo makes a stunning link to Jupiter in Aries, linking your 12th and 8th Houses. Secrets or discoveries about your ancestry or family or even a forgotten savings account or inheritance could come to light. Then on August 20th, energy planet Mars arrives at the pinnacle of your chart to stay for 7 months instead of the usual 6 weeks! This will give your career, reputation and public image a huge boost of recognition. The sky’s the limit if you channel your motivation and absolutely refuse to be distracted from your goals.
Getting your mojo back.
Libra Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
Last Friday’s doozy of a Full Moon put a big full stop under how you are handling your finances as well as your creativity. Obviously, the two are linked in some form or another. Look at the reality of your situation by asking yourself if you are getting the results you need, then update your habits, beliefs and attitude to devise a new practical blueprint for the next few months. The way ahead is going to be through study and travel or maybe both. As action planet Mars kick-starts your 9th House of broadening your horizons for the next 7 months, you have a green light for success through publishing, podcasting, or pilgrimages.
Teach what you most want to learn.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
Gift yourself with some quiet time to digest, synthesise and make meaning from events around last Friday’s Full Moon across your home, career and relationship angles. No matter how it is playing out in events or people around you, it marked a permanent end to a long cycle begun in 2020.There’s no going back – it’s time to update your habits, beliefs and expectations to match current realities. On August 20th, Mars exits Taurus for Gemini, your 8th House of secrets, intimacy and shared assets. Watch closely for someone you thought you knew inside out to reveal a hidden side you never suspected. As Mars moves back and forth here for the next 7 months, it’s a perfect opportunity to rediscover valuable aspects of yourself that you abandoned long ago. Think about your childhood hobbies and passions to see if they still speak to you.
Hidden treasure.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
If situations around last Friday’s Full Moon came to the boil at work, breathe a sigh of relief as August 18th, one of the luckiest days of the year, smooths your path and gives you well deserved boost or even a promotion. Another welcome shift is can-do planet Mars moving into your opposite sign of Gemini on August 20th for 7 months. All your one-to-one relationships will feel the heat. If a love affair has lost its spark, choose whether to rekindle the ashes or walk away. Someone or something is likely to wake you up and show you a bigger, brighter way forward
On fire.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
Last Friday’s Full Moon drew a permanent line under your current approach to money and resources. Your pre-2020 lifestyle and expectations are no longer viable in today’s world of crises and shortages, so take some time out to look at the bottom-line realities and get your thinking up to date. You are supported by can-do planet Mars moving into Gemini on August 20th for an extra-long 7 months stay. Your work and routines will be busy, busy, busy. Make sure you build in enjoyable ways to de-stress and relax as the pace builds towards December.
Fast forward.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
The annual Full Moon in Aquarius last Friday was off the scales in terms of pressure, so please don’t keep on keeping on but gift yourself some quiet time to restore your balance and your perspective. No matter what is happening around you or in the outside world, make your wellbeing-mental and physical-your first priority. Your own planet Awakener Uranus is slowing down to turn backwards on August 24th at the roots of your chart. Expect to come up with some really innovative ideas for improving your home and your entire way of life, boosted by action planet Mars activating fellow Air sign Gemini for the next 7 months.
Insights and light bulb moments.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: August 14 -21, 2022
Your work life is going to be busy, busy, busy until August 23rd but there’s nothing you can’t deal with and the results will pay off in spades. Mark August 18th as one of the luckiest days of the year when Venus makes a stunning link to Jupiter in your money zone. Benefits could arrive in the shape of a bonus, a promotion or an unexpected gift. On August 20th, action planet Mars crosses the base of your chart to move back and forth for the next 7 months! Life at home is going to change. Whether through a house move, a renovation, a building project, you’re going to want to match your physical surroundings to who you are now.
Working from home could be your ideal.
Originally published at Hare in the Moon Astrology and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1