Ancient Peruvian Death Mask From 10,000 BC? It’s Made of Unearthly Material!
Researchers discovered the oldest mask of the Inca god made from a material that is literally not found on Earth!
By: N. Hale | Ancient Mysteries
In January 2019, a number mysterious artefacts were discovered off the coast of Florida in the United States. Their antiquity was obvious, but their origin was unknown. In total, seven items fell into the hands of scientists. All of them are created from copper, gold, silver and a key material that is practically not found on Earth ― iridium.

Of course, these items were created by the hands of humans and in quite earthly conditions. The fact is that iridium is found in large quantities in fallen meteorites. Apparently, the ancient people noticed the “sign” from heaven and went after it. Having obtained the most precious stone, they began to create cult objects.

Analyses of the artefacts showed that they are at least 10,000-12,000 years old. Considering that iridium is a very refractory and hard material, it is probably worth reconsidering the level of profoundness of metallurgy among the ancients of that region.
Presumably, these items belong to them, and of course, the ancient civilizations possessed transcendental knowledge in those areas that have not yet been conquered by modern humanity. Therefore, there is no doubt that the masters were able to create these masterpieces thousands of years ago.
Of greatest interest was the mask of the god Viracocha. Its thickness is only 1.7 mm. At the same time, there is a drawing of a great deity and various religious symbols on it.

It is known that before the arrival of the conquistadors, the Inca civilization experienced its heyday. For understanding, it must be said that in between 1,200 and 1,500 AD, the Incas could skilfully work only with gold, silver and other low-melting metals.
Their metallurgical furnaces produced temperatures slightly above 1300 degrees. To melt iridium, it must be very close to 2500 degrees.
The image of the god Viracocha allows you to accurately determine the origin of the artefact ― it was created by the Incas. However, modern history indicates that the Inca Empire is one of the youngest civilizations. So how did they do it? And how these artefacts could be 10,000-12,000 years old at all? ― These are the baffling questions, to which researchers are scratching their head.
Many think that mainstream historians deliberately hide the truth about the ancient Incas or know very little about their authentic culture. Remember, the Anglo-Saxons destroyed the great history of the Indians, so that there was a feeling that America was built not on the death of Indian civilizations, but on the territories occupied by uneducated nomadic tribes.
Our knowledge is subjected to a similar purge. History cannot be trusted. Thank God, artefacts like these help to find out the forgotten (forbidden) truth.
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200,000 Year Old Ancient Anunnaki City Discovered In South Africa
A group of scientists recently came upon a metropolis in South Africa around 93 miles away from the port of Maputo. After looking through the artefacts in the area they were able to discern the fact that the site dates back to at least 200,000 years ago.
This metropolis appears to have been built sometime around 160,000 – 200,000 BC and as far as we can tell it was built either by the ancient Sumerian Anunnaki or in their name.
The discovery was made by Johan Heine and Michael Tellinger as they apparently discovered one of the oldest if not the oldest metropolises ever encountered by mankind.
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READ MORE: Zecharia Sitchin’s Translation of 14 Tablets of Enki: Complete History of Anunnaki
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