Walking Your Talk: Astrology Forecast July 26th – August 1st, 2021
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
Saturday’s Full Moon in Aquarius was a wakeup call to stop arguing for your limitations and to move forward. This week the energy shifts quite noticeably- with 3 planets- Jupiter, Mars and Venus- changing signs and all the inner planets -Mercury, Venus and Mars– aspecting 5D karmic points and planets plus Pluto, Sun and Jupiter.
On July 29 Mars moves into Earth sign Virgo opposing gas giant Jupiter just returning to Aquarius, followed on August 1st by a Sun/Mercury conjunction in Leo activating the game changing Saturn/Uranus square.
Expect a lot of hot air! Mars/Jupiter means soap opera style dramatics, overpromising and under delivering, clashes of opinion and self-promotion. Sun/Mercury in Leo can be ultra-narcissistic -two billionaire rocket men spring to mind…
Channel Mars in practical Virgo conjunct Regulus to do some house clearing-literally and metaphorically – to sweep away excuses for inaction and to start doing the next right thing, one step at a time. Turn Strong Will into Skilful Will.
With Sirius streaming through Leo this month between 2 Aquarian Full Moons, we all need to be focusing on love, emotional intelligence and freedom.
New! Sign up to my AUGUST 2021 5D Report: ”Blowing in the Wind” covering the unfolding planetary cycles accelerating the Climate Emergency, the karmic US Pluto Return, the 8:8 Lion’s Gate plus essential strategies for future-proofing your support systems: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
The Chandra Symbol for Sun/Mercury Conjunction 10 Leo

A man putting olive oil all over his body.
“Physical life is so much agony and ecstasy that it stretches your body’s ability to move with the flux and ferment. You are called upon to witness the central flame and to endow your personal embodied self with a daily rhythm of revitalisation. You can do nothing for anybody else unless you are whole within yourself. There is an urgent call, an inward stirring to offer to yourself the full power of your destiny path, to become bonded and fused with the truth of your being. There is also a transcendent power, a greater selfhood-presence blessing, preserving, and sustaining your path in this world. So that the light can burn brighter through the joy in your heart and your vital physical embodiment, given through yourself to all.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
With the Sun in fellow Fire sign Leo for the next 3 weeks, your desire nature is very strong. Your personal planet Mars moves into Virgo and opposes gas giant Jupiter, blowing things out of proportion. Stay grounded, practical and keep a watchful eye on your health and wellbeing. As Sun and Mercury combust in your angle of self-expression, you have the perfect platform to make your voice heard. Do it to make a difference, not to enhance your reputation.
Be a visionary warrior, not a juggernaut.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
Your home is where you can make the biggest difference this month. The Sun merges with Mercury in this part of your chart just as Jupiter returns to the pinnacle of your chart working with Saturn to expand your career, calling or public reputation. If you can, work from home and use it as a platform to craft some of your recent insights and revelations into value added products and services for like-minded people. As Mars enters compatible practical Earth sign Virgo in your angle of expression and creativity, send out your signals and wait for feedback.
This is your questing field.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
Last Saturday’s Aquarian Full Moon was a reminder to make the most of the potential for expanding your horizons, whether through study, travel or teaching and publishing. Anything to do with podcasting, blogging or posting is well starred. This week Mars makes a link to gas giant Jupiter nudging you to put your money where your mouth is and start a new project, just for the sake of it. Be ready to ring the changes at home-renovations, redecorating or even following the urge to move.
The magic lies outside your comfort zone.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
Last Saturday’s Aquarian Full Moon may have set you thinking quite deeply about some important issues that you’d kept pushing to the back of your mind. This week Jupiter returns to this area of your chart, bringing awareness, insights and the motivation to change what needs to be changed. As a Moon -ruled Cancerian, sometimes you hang on to people, places, possessions and situations long after they’ve lost meaning for you.
Go out into nature to re-assess your hopes, dreams and plans.
Leo Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
You are back in your own element for the next 3 weeks as the Sun shines in Leo bookended by 2 (1) Aquarian Full Moons lighting up your relationship zone. Expanding this theme, Jupiter returns to Aquarius this week bringing many more one- to- one encounters. These include partnerships and transactions of all kinds, both personal and professional. July 29th could set things alight! Adding to your personal charisma quotient, the Sun conjuncts Mercury at the end of the week in your sign. Think about how you would like to be seen, recognised and known in the world and begin to share your ideas and resources about the future.
Move from Self to Community.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
Last Saturday’s Aquarius Full Moon lit up your 6th House of work, routines, service and health. Full Moon always bring a completion of some sort, so think about which part of your work identity has outlived its usefulness and let it go. As Jupiter returns to this angle of your chart opposite Mars in your own sign, life is about to get busy. Discern the difference between strategic and urgent, keeping your own priorities at the top of your agenda. With both Venus and Mars back in your own sign allied with Awakener Uranus, you’re coming into a new identity.
Lots to think about. What really matters?
Libra Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
Last Saturday’s Aquarian Full Moon reminded you of how long you’ve been putting your own enjoyment on the back burner for the sake of harmony. But there’s only so long you can let things simmer before it’s past time to prioritise your own need for pleasure, fun, creativity and self-development. Fortunately, Jupiter is back in this part of your chat until December giving you the confidence to follow your dreams, be they romantic or personal. Your personal planet Venus is now in Virgo nudging to go on holiday, take some time out and recharge your batteries.
If you were to put your on highest interest first, what would you do differently starting now?
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
With the Sun spending the first 3 weeks of August at the top of your chart in your career zone, you may be postponing holiday plans until later in the year. Make the most of the Sun /Mercury conjunction to get your voice heard or to launch a new work platform or product. Last Saturday’s Aquarian Full Moon was the first of two at the base of your chart-the second arriving on August 28th– suggesting that a phase of your home and family life is coming to a natural end. Now that Jupiter is back in Aquarius, it’s time to think out of the box, in terms of where and how you want to live. The process is likely to take several months to come to fruition, so start your research now.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
Last Saturdays Aquarian Full Moon brought a long project connected to study, teaching or publishing to a conclusion. Take some time to acknowledge all the effort you invested in it and to enjoy the moment. One door closes and another one is opening. By the time of the second Aquarian Full Moon on August 28th, you’ll have new plans to set in motion. Now that big picture Jupiter is back in this part of your chart, it’s time to stop underestimating yourself, reach out to people and become more ambitious. One word of caution-on July 29th Mars enters Virgo, your career zone, for five weeks. Pick your battles at work very carefully.
All to play for.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
That Aquarian Full Moon on Saturday July 24th was significant in terms of your finances. Unusually, there’s a second one in Aquarius on August 28th, suggesting that any issues arising now can be resolved in the next four weeks. The picture could be better than expected but take a long hard look at the bottom line, at earned income and at outgoings and debt. The more information you have, the more choices. The Sun merges with Mercury-planet of business -in your 8th House of shared assets and resources on July 29th.Make good use of that day to discuss money with your partners-business and professional.
Feedback is worth its weight in gold.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
Unusually, last Saturday’s Full Moon in your own sign was the first of two this year-another is arriving on August 28th.Frame it as a planetary check in to see how 2021 is working out for you. After all, you are hosting dour Saturn in Aquarius until March 2023 -an extended process of growth-and that can feel quite oppressive. Happily, Jupiter returns to Aquarius on July 29th until December lifting your spirits and bringing hope and optimism. Others will be seeking your advice for help in combatting their own struggles. Focus on looking outwards rather than dwelling on your own emotions.
Nourish yourself with peace, space and restorative silence.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: July 25-August 1, 2021
Now that both Venus and Mars have moved into Virgo, your opposite sign, relationships are on a roll. Think of it as having a team of supporters and sponsors at your back whenever you need them. Get out and about as much as possible to reconnect with people you haven’t seen for a while and strengthen the ties that bind. You need an injection of sheer fun after a long and challenging 18 months. Make sure that you also invest time, love and energy into your intimate one to one partnership. With enough commitment, it can go from strength to strength this month, even if the embers have been burning a little low.
Do more of what makes you happy.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1