Russian Scientist Explained How UFOs Actually Travel The Universe
Director of the International Information Centre for Ufological Research Valery Uvarov spoke about this in an interview with FAN.
By Myth & Mystery | Guest Post
Traveling faster than light is an inevitable longing for the human species, which aspires to expand through the cosmos.
But in reality, if we think about it, light moves very slowly compared to the immense scales of the universe: Earthlings would have to wait more than four years for a ship travelling at the speed of light to reach the closest stars, and 25,000 years to get to the nearest galaxy, Canis Major Dwarf.
Civilizations that do not have the technology to travel through space by creating electromagnetic fields around their ships cannot visit the solar system.
Director of the International Information Centre for Ufological Research Valery Uvarov spoke about this in an interview with FAN.

Valery Uvarov told how, in his opinion, brothers in mind travel in space, who have outstripped us in development.
“Those civilizations that have mastered flying on a special kind of ships, which we see in the sky and so far we call UFOs, use a powerful electromagnetic field to move in space,” he said.
“With its help, a certain passage is made between spaces and a so-called step is made, they do not even move forward.”
“Civilizations that do not possess such technology and fly linearly from point A to point B cannot appear in our solar system,” researcher explained.
“Electromagnetic propulsion could send a spacecraft farther and faster into space than any propulsion system known to man.”
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