Top Physician Says Vaccines Will Be ‘Needed For Years’ To Combat ‘Ebola-Level’ Strain of COVID
Ebola’s average mortality rate is 50%!
By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit
A top physician says it will be necessary to keep “vaccinating the world for years” in order to prevent a COVID strain as deadly as Ebola from developing.
The comments were made earlier today by Frank Ulrich Montgomery, chairman of the global physicians’ society the World Medical Association (WMA).
“My great concern is that there could be a variant that is as infectious as Delta and as dangerous as Ebola,” he told the newspapers of the Funke media group.
According to Montgomery, “It will be necessary to vaccinate the world for years to come.”
The physician also called for draconian lockdown measures to be re-introduced to stop Germany’s current COVID wave.
“We should therefore close the Christmas markets nationwide,” he said. “There is no point in banning the Christmas markets in one region if people then go to another where they are still open.”
Montgomery also wants New Years Eve fireworks celebrations and other mass gathering events to be cancelled.
“If the incidences cannot be brought under control, the federal states would have to be able to close nationwide businesses again or impose curfews,” he added.
Montgomery may be leaving himself open to criticism of being alarmist given that the average fatality rate of Ebola is 50%, with some strains even having a 90% mortality rate.
The average fatality rate of COVID-19 is around 1% in high-income countries and highly dependent on co-morbidities, but far lower in countries with younger populations.
The new mutant strain was first detected in four people who were fully vaccinated, according to a public statement by the Botswana government.
As we previously highlighted, despite widespread fear over the ‘Omicron’ variant, South Africa’s medical chief Dr. Angelique Coetzee described the panic as a “storm in a teacup,” adding that she had only seen “very very mild cases” of the variant so far.
This article (Top Physician Says Vaccines Will Be ‘Needed For Years’ to Combat ‘Ebola-Level’ Strain of COVID) was originally published on Summit and is published under a Creative Commons license.