The Middle Way: Astrology Forecast September 24th – October 1st, 2023
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
“All the greatest and most important problems of life are fundamentally insoluble…They can never be solved, but only outgrown.” – Carl Jung
The esoteric mantra for Libra is: ”I choose the way that leads between two lines of force”. This means that rather than making a simplistic choice between what seem to be two extremes, you stay in neutrality, able to include both ends of the spectrum in your understanding.
Yet, as the Sun returns to cardinal Libra at the Equinox, the schisms, splits and ideological polarisation of the over-culture fanned by social media have never been more obvious or more dangerous. Increasingly, it seems many no longer have the ability to occupy the space in-between which contain many different shades of grey-simply unable to stay with the discomfort of not knowing but actively encouraged to be tribal and to react, instead of thinking.
For the next 18 months, as the karmic Node of Fate crosses backwards through Aries, bringing five Aries/Libra eclipses with it until 2025, the repercussions of this will play out very clearly.
Underlining the theme, this week’s Full Moon at 6° Aries on September 29th is a reminder to strike a balance between meeting your personal needs and attending to the needs of others with their own agendas.
Ask yourself:
- Where do I fall on the spectrum between being overly Independent-pushing others away/ lone ranger syndrome-or Co-dependent – clingy, needy and other focused?
- How flexible are my boundaries around autonomy / sharing-are they too weak or too strong?
- In my relationships, can I be myself without any need to compromise who I am or what matters to me?
Chandra Symbol Full Moon ARIES 7

Chandra Symbol Full Moon ARIES 7: A double-headed eagle, the heads face in opposite directions.
“Two completely separate identities can be lived at once. What is important is to be mentally prepared, vigilantly watchful, and intent upon moving straight on and not looking back. Your alter-ego, your double, your nemesis and shadow is seeing life through the rearview mirror, completely wrapped in the diametrically opposite world to the one consciously pursued. Living along this edge hones the sensibility, clarifies things immensely–if ever both ends are claimed, honoured, and given their due. It is a challenge and an adventure to be dual, a karmic crossroads with immense struggle and conflict and power. It contains a deep-down gnawing hunger for resolution and reconciliation and integration, so elusive, so unattainable, and yet so needed and sought in the destiny-reckoning that refuses to stay split, whatever it will take to fuse the bipolar visions into unity.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
This week’s Full Moon in Aries is the midpoint of your personal year-always your time to stop and reflect on the last six months. What has happened and how do you feel about it? The Sun in Libra is shining a solar spotlight on all your relationships. Who are your greatest supporters and who drains you? Do you need more personal resources?
What needs re-balancing?
Taurus Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
As the Sun joins Mars in Libra, be mindful of your health and wellbeing, as you could be feeling tired, drained and exhausted. Instead of overriding your instincts and pushing yourself to do even more, find ways to create a better balance between doing and being. With a wild card eclipse across Taurus in only four weeks, avoiding burnout needs to be your highest priority.
The Full Moon on the 29th in your 12th house will bring this home to you.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
After several weeks of dealing with family issues, now the Sun has returned to Libra, you’re ready to go out and socialise. Face to face works best now and the Full Moon on September 29th in Aries is perfect for joining new groups or organisations. In your enthusiasm, don’t over- reach yourself-prune back any outworn commitments first so you’re free to get involved in people and projects that engage your interest.
Changing the guard.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
With both Sun and Mars in Libra at the roots of your chart, you may be dealing with family related issues. Now is the time to delegate more or to re-balance those responsibilities instead of taking it all on your own shoulders. The Aries Full Moon on September 29th is a reminder that your career plans also need re-adjusting. How can you create a life that supports your wellbeing at all levels?
Food for thought.
Leo Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
After quite an intense couple of months emotionally, the Sun enters Libra at the Equinox, nudging you to re-balance your priorities and your mental wellbeing. Perhaps talking to a trusted friend or therapist would give you a helpful outside perspective. Later this week on the 29th, the Full Moon in fellow Fire sign Aries reminds you that there is a big wide world out there to explore.
How might you broaden your horizons and get some fresh air into your life?
Virgo Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
With your own planet Mercury aligning beautifully with Uranus God of surprises, it looks set to be time of luck and good fortune, as long as you can capture it before the moment passes. The seasons have shifted the energy at the Equinox and the Aries Full Moon on September 29th is reminder to do the same. Take a leap of faith.
Open your mind and your heart to new adventures.
Libra Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
It’s your birthday month, beginning just the season’s change and the Great Wheel turns. This year through to 2025, you are hosting the karmic South Node of Fate which is changing circumstances around you, starting at October 14th’s wild card eclipse. Watch for a foretaste at the Full Moon in Aries-your opposite sign-on September 29th, when a close partner may need your shoulder to lean on.
Be sure to mark your personal new year in some meaningful way,
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
At this Libra Equinox, the Great Wheel turns and the Sun-our Light-disappears into the hidden depths of your 12th House-the engine room of your chart. This the repository of your unconscious drives, your faded dreams and your ancestral heritage. With so many planets still travelling retrograde, the next 4 weeks are a time to make contact with your interior angel or inner ally and explore the riches normally just out of your awareness.
The Full Moon on the 29th shines a spotlight on what was previously hidden.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
The Equinox on September 23rd changes the season and changes your focus. With the Libran Sun warming up your angle of friends and alliances, the next four weeks could be very sociable. If possible, choose to meet up face to face rather than via zoom. This applies especially to the 25th when your own planet Jupiter makes a brilliant link to Mercury, delivering a piece of very welcome news on the work front.
Squeeze all the juice out of Friday’s Full Moon in fellow Fire sign Aries-a time for fun and pleasure.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
As the Sun enters Libra at the Equinox, you’ll definitely notice both the change in seasons and the change of pace. The Sun joins Mars at the pinnacle of your chart, making you much more visible than usual at work. Get ready to receive some sort of reward or recognition for recent efforts. If you are studying, teaching or hoping to be published, the 25th is the day to request a big favour.
Re-balance your work/home life at the Full Moon on Friday 29th.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
Almost as soon as the Sun returns to Libra-a compatible Air sign-at the Equinox, you’ll start to feel much more at home in your own skin. With both Sun and Mars here in your 9th House, far horizons and adventure are calling you. Even if you can’t take a big trip at the moment, make sure you do something outside your usual comfort zone and shake up your routines. The Aries Full Moon on Friday 29th is the perfect time to connect with friends, family and neighbours.
How about getting together to raise money for charity?
Pisces Weekly Forecast: Sep 24-Oct 1, 2023
Each year at this time, the Sun-our Light-slips into your 8th House-a repository of secrets, intimacies and subjects that are usually taboo. With Mars here, issues connected to inheritances, shared assets, joint finances and legal proceedings are all possible. This is the month to take long hard look at how you manage your money and to stop any self-sabotaging behaviours around self-worth. Are you under-charging or under-earning? Are you spending instead of saving?
Friday’s Full Moon will reveal ways to create extra income streams-pay attention.
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
More on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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