A Reminder of Goodwill And Humanity: Astrology Forecast June 12th – 19th, 2022
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
Tuesday’s lunation is not just a Full Moon but a Super Moon – creating an energy vortex between the deep space points of the Great Attractor at 17° Sagittarius – the Wavelength of the Creator – and the Galactic Centre – our Homing Signal – at 27° Sagittarius. These immensely powerful Black Holes are square Neptune in Pisces downloading mystical and metaphysical insights.
It opens a June 11-17 geo-physical shock window when strong storms and seismic activity are likely to make news. A Super Moon is planetary in scope, so there’s no limiting the zones of Earth’s atmosphere, seas and crust that are subject to the Super Moon tidal effect. That said, the astro-locality map for the June 14 Full Super Moon draws a longitudinal bead straight north-south through Western Europe and West Africa, China, another through the Bering Strait, one through eastern North America and the Gulf of Mexico another through the middle of East Asia.
It marks the spiritual Gemini Festival of Goodwill and Humanity. Gemini is the sign of the interplay of light rays – our world is coalesced light – that carry messages of Goodwill to humanity. The Gemini Festival takes forward last month’s Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival on May 16th – itself a rare lunar eclipse. During the Gemini Festival, the Light of the Buddha generated at Wesak is streamed to humanity, so that those of us who are awakened can recommit to being World Servers. As Gemini refracts its zodiacal light via the 2nd Ray of Love/Wisdom, the Gemini Festival disseminates an esoteric equation for peace. It begins by setting an intention for Goodwill, which creates within you Right Human Relations, which in turn creates Peace and Harmony in our world.
The Esoteric Mantra for Gemini: And the Word said: “Let instability do its work. I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow” from Alice Bailey’s Treatise on the 7 Rays.
In your own life, this is a moment to:
- create a meaningful personal ritual
- shift from ego obsession to eco focus
- shift from self-help to planetary care
- shift from being a consumer to sustainable living
- commune with the guiding forces of the planet and participate in the great celebration of fellow travellers
- synthesise your understanding of both the great Eastern and Western spiritual teachings
Chandra Symbol for Sagittarius 24

A statue of Isis covered by a transparent veil.
“The one who lives inside is awash in colours, tones, and symbolic ritual displays of an extraordinarily precise attunement to the heart and soul of ancient wisdom. You are suspended in a long-ago time. So much of your being is still back there. The evolution of the world since the ancient times is neither acknowledged nor accommodated in any way. It all depends upon whether this exquisite gift of soul remembrance is honoured or exploited. If it is exploited, which is so very tempting, the life empties out of meaning and value and becomes false and repulsive. If it is honoured, the expanded faculties on tap become revitalised and find a fresh relevance. As the Divine Feminine reveals what we need to know and draws us to our utmost capacity, it is with an unfallen grace of sensing directly into the deepest parts of people and all they can become in the ancient future just ahead.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
The week is marked by your own planet hot headed Mars meeting Chiron in your sign. This might make you uncharacteristically sensitive, vulnerable and wanting to do as much as you can to help those less fortunate than you. Chiron acts as a pattern breaker, so notice if any of your usual ways of approaching things is no longer getting the results you want. Tuesday’s Super Moon across your 9th/3rd Houses turns your thoughts to making travel plans. Expect insights into new ways to break out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons.
The world is waiting.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
Fresh from a meeting with Awakener Uranus, your own planet Venus conjuncts the Node of Fate on Wednesday in Taurus. At the very least, you will feel at home in your own skin and it’s possible you could experience an encounter with more than a touch of destiny or synchronicity. At the potent Super Moon on Tuesday 14th, which is aligned with both Saturn and Neptune, a whole new direction could be revealed. At such a choice point, take the road less travelled. After all, in recent years, you have put in the work, built strong foundations and now it’s time to claim the rewards.
A crossroads of fate.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
Interesting times for solar Geminians! On Tuesday the Full Moon in your opposite sign is actually a Super Moon aligned with Neptune at the pinnacle of your chart. Relationships of all kinds will be centre stage, so be prepared for a sociable time. If you have something to release into the world – a blog, a podcast, a book-rally your supporters and launch it on June 16th to make the very most of the lunar power surge. Something very unusual is going to continue the impact of this Moon for much longer than usual. From August, Mars will cross and re-cross Gemini for an entire 6 months! So, look for hints or clues on the 14th for themes/issues/opportunities you’ll be dealing with through to January 2023.
Mercury returns to Gemini on June 13th and your words are golden.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
Keep reminding yourself that Jupiter-planet of positive opportunity-is on the Mid Heaven of your chart until October and moving forward until the end of July. With Mars lighting fires in your career zone, you will need to speak your truth when it matters. This extremely helpful, lucky transit only happens every 12 years, so, knowing this, be ready to say a big Yes to offers that come your way. This is no time to for hiding in your comfort zone-new and wider horizons have your name on them. On Tuesday June 14th, the Super Full Moon is a call to enhance your physicality, get active and take your health habits up a notch.
Be extra-sensitive to your wellbeing between the 13-16th of June.
Leo Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
This is astrology to lift your spirits. Venus on the pinnacle of your solar chart is raising your profile until June 23rd, so make the very most of this beautiful transit. On the 15th the Goddess meets the karmic Node of Fate and there could be unusual synchronicities or serendipitous meetings. On Tuesday 14th, a stunning Super Full Moon lights up your 5th House inviting you to have fun, to get out and socialise, be romantic or enjoy spending time with children. Throw a spanner into all your usual routines and kick up your heels.
Time to gather ye roses where ye may, as Shakespeare said.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
From June 13th, your own planet Mercury returns to Gemini to join the Sun at the pinnacle of your chart in your career angle. Waste no time in devising some creative blueprints and then make a solid case for a pay rise, promotion or, if you are self-employed, for attracting more clients. If you are a solar Virgo who prefers to stay behind the scenes, make more of an effort now to have your contribution noticed. Venus will smooth your path to the top and add to your appeal from June 24th. Meanwhile the stunning Super Full Moon on Tuesday June 14th lights up the roots of your chart, putting home, family and tribe in the frame for new developments.
Your time to shine.
Libra Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
How are your relationships going? You are hosting Jupiter-who expands everything he touches- in your opposite sign of fiery Aries until October with Mars currently alongside lighting little fires in some of your exchanges, transactions and interactions. Happily, communicator Mercury returns to his own sign of Gemini on Monday June 13th, nudging you to look at the bigger picture and avoid becoming entangled in interpersonal soap operas. On the 14th, under a stunning Super Moon in free spirited Sagittarius, if you get the urge to travel or to explore, go for it.
A sense of perspective.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
Until June 23rd, lovely Venus is in your opposite sign, scattering rose petals through your relationships, especially those closest to you. On June! 5th the Goddess meets the Node of Fate and you might enjoy an unusual encounter or surprise synchronicity. Meanwhile, a rare Super Full Moon on Tuesday 14th puts your finances and resources under the spotlight. Do you need to add an extra income stream to make ends meet or perhaps sell some unwanted possessions to release some extra cash? With Saturn in your 4th House of home now retrograde, think about whether it might be time to downsize or rent out space.
Improving your money flow.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
What a month and what a week! Your own planet-lucky Jupiter – is travelling through your 5th House of romance, fun, pleasure and children until October, reminding you that life is to be enjoyed, not endured. There’s more to come. From June 13th, Mercury joins the Sun heating up your relationship zone then on Tuesday 14th, a rare Super Full Moon in Sagittarius turns life technicoloured. It’s perfect for having a spontaneous get together or celebration, just for the sake of it. One special relationship could go from strength to strength right through until to the middle of July, thanks to Venus cruising through Gemini.
Carpe diem…seize the day.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
Life at home is heating up, thanks to Jupiter and Mars together at the roots of your chart. This may be playing out as friction between family members or exciting plans for renovation or even a big house purchase. Just be careful not to overextend yourself on a wild goose chase or pie in the sky scheme. With Mercury-planet of business-back in his own sign of Gemini from June 13th, work is going to get busier. “People to see, places to go” is the order of the day. Take care not to overdo it around the Super Full Moon on Tuesday 14th which is in the deepest, most hidden part of your chart.
Take some quiet time on your own between the 13-16th.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
Now that Saturn has turned fully retrograde in Aquarius until October, you have some breathing space to catch up with yourself. Since late December 2021 when the Lord of Time and Karma returned to your sign for the first time since 1993, you’ve been experiencing a period of inner and outer personal growth and evolution. No matter what age you are, you’ve moved on to a new stage of life which calls for adaptation and adjustment. Part of that is a shift in how you relate to other people and Tuesday’s Super Full Moon delivers an opportunity to go out and socialise more than usual.
Changing the filters on your view of the world.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: June 12-19, 2022
Home, tribe and family really is where your heart is until June 21st, as Mercury returns to your 4th House on June 13th, joining up with the Sun. On June 14th, a rare Super Full Moon in Sagittarius gives you an insight into more creative ways to manage your work/life balance. It falls exactly on the Mid heaven-the pinnacle of your solar chart- making you suddenly much more visible at work than usual. Something you say or do or suggest could place you right in the spotlight. As it’s an extra potent Full Moon, power struggles could bring something to light that changes your plans. Don’t react emotionally, stay centred and wait to see how it plays out.
Your supporters have your back.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1