A Slow, Deep Outbreath: Astrology Forecast June 5th – 12th, 2022
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
After the relentless turbulence of the first 5 months of 2022, welcome a month without a huge celestial storm. In June, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune are all at home in their own signs where their energy flows relatively unimpeded. Slowing down the tempo, Saturn turns retrograde on June 4th followed by Neptune on June 28th.
That said, Jupiter and Mars in Aries feels like having your foot on the accelerator while Saturn retrograde stamps on the brakes. Tempting as it may be to rush full steam ahead, so much is still to be brought into the light from the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses combined with the recent Mercury retrograde which only ended two days ago on June 3rd. There’s a lot of unfinished business to sift and sort. As Carl Jung wisely said: ”What is not brought to consciousness, comes to us as fate.”
As Venus in her own sign of earthy grounded Taurus conjuncts Awakener Uranus on June 11th, feel the Body Electric. No matter what seems to be happening around you, this week is a time for a slow, deep exhale……..a time to ground yourself in your physicality, your senses and your instincts…….a time to pause and smell the roses.
Take a digital detox after the artificial soap operas and competing dramatic agendas of Mercury retrograde and notice the difference. Your soul will thank you.
New Resource for JUNE!
As we enter the endgame phase of the very necessary Separation of Worlds, my subscriber-only JUNE 5D Report: “Evolving/Ascending or Devolving/Descending?” is essential guidance and master coaching for those of you who are sensitives, creatives, and path pavers and want to become consistently self-supporting.
Discover your degrees of Personal Reinvention between now and 2030 as this potent astrology delivers a series of Choice Points – forks in the road – which will shape your time-line, your bandwidth of experience and direction for a long time to come.
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“The June 5D report is extraordinary in its clarity and analysis of our current here and now having ridden this evolutionary track alongside you has made the journey so much clearer. You are a much beloved messenger, Lorna.” – Jeanette N, North Carolina, US.
Chandra Symbol Venus/Uranus TAURUS 17

A pomegranate broken open.
“The spilling out of blood and guts–arriving at the critical point where it all comes out. Huge relief and release. Something held forever, with great tension and pressure, yet destiny brings such a reckoning of all the places at once that you will postpone it as long as you can. The freeing up of karmas when all else is lost. The glory in defeat. The great turnaround is always in you and waiting for it is the hardest thing you will ever do. It has to be so ripe to bursting–the moment that counts. Timing is the great art. Everyone freed as you are freed. Nothing held back any longer ever again.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.
Aries Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
This is a season when you are back in your element courtesy of Jupiter and Mars in Aries. Mars is your personal planet so is doubly at home in your sign and raring to go – as are you. On Friday June 3rd, Mercury turned direct again in Taurus, your angle of income and resources. Hopefully, you’ve been patient and waited until now to make any big financial commitments. Before you rush in where angels fear to tread, take the time to look carefully at your incomings and outgoings to see which no longer reflect your needs and values and can be pared right back to make space for the new. Expect surprise money news on June 11th when Venus conjuncts Uranus.
Revving the engines.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
The Sun may have moved on into Gemini and the Taurus eclipse light show might be behind you, but you are still the flavour of the month. Your personal planet Venus in Taurus is smoothing your path, helping to make friends and influence people and generally making you more attractive than usual. On June 11th when Venus meets planet Uranus, you’re lit up like a Christmas tree. Of course, there may be a surprise or two around that date as the Awakener is nothing if not totally unpredictable. Now that Mercury in Taurus is moving forward, remember the message of the May 16th eclipse and take the road less travelled. Saturn also changed direction on June 4th at the pinnacle of your chart in your career zone and rewards for past efforts may be delivered.
The Way of Beauty.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
Your personal planet Mercury has been retrograde recently and turned forward on June 3rd in Taurus. You’ve probably been mulling over making changes to your appearance, identity or way of life. If so, finalise your plans but wait to implement them until June 13th when the Messenger returns to Gemini and it’s all systems go. On June 4th, Saturn turned backwards in Aquarius until October-time to revisit travel plans or programmes of study you decided on before the eclipses. You might be surprised at how your tastes are changing. Make a note of June 11th when Venus meets Awakener Uranus in your deep 12th House of dreams and the unconscious. The mystical meets the material and synchronicity could be in play.
Look for symbols, totems and chance encounters.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
The biggest influence on your chart is Jupiter in Aries right on the pinnacle of your chart until October. This is a once in 12 year’s auspicious transit and, unusually, you’ll get a second bite at the cherry between January-May 2023! Your career and public reputation are receiving a huge boost of energy, meaning that anything connected with your status or publicity is very well starred. As a sensitive Moon – ruled water sign, you’re not naturally drawn to the limelight and it doesn’t mean you’ll become famous overnight. Choose how you’re going to make the very most of this good fortune by saying yes to offers that fit your values and that help you grow. Saturn turning retrograde on June 4th will support good judgment. Meanwhile, Venus in Taurus is putting you in the right place at the right time to meet people who could turn out to be your biggest supporters.
The ripening of good karma.
Leo Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
There’s a lot of positive, optimistic energy in your chart at the moment, inviting you to lighten up, to socialise and make some big plans. Mars and Jupiter are together in fellow fire sign Aries giving you the urge to explore new horizons, see the world and break right out of your comfort zone. Squeeze the juice out of it in June and early July. Now that Mercury has turned forward again right on the top of your chart, joined by Venus until June 23rd, expect your career and public profile to get a major boost. Any business marketing or publicity will be well received. Make a note of June 11th when Venus meets Uranus-a day of out of the blue surprises.
Build it and they will come.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
Until June 21st, the Sun in Gemini is lighting up the pinnacle of your chart and boosting your career and visibility. At the same time, Mars and expansive Jupiter in fiery Aries are lighting a fire under anything that involves groups, networks or cooperative working. That’s where your greatest opportunities lie. Now that your own planet Mercury has turned forward again in fellow Earth sign Taurus, you’re going to be busy. Widen your horizons, broaden your knowledge and perspective by studying, travelling or researching, ready for Mercury to cross your Mid Heaven on June 13th, when it’s all systems go.
Watch for surprises on June 11th when Venus meets wild card Uranus.
Libra Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
Your relationships-both personal and professional-are in the frame with Mars and Jupiter pouring petrol on the flames in your opposite sign of Aries. This could play out at many different levels-literally, physically or emotionally, depending on your situation and your attitude. The ball is very much in your partner’s court, so if they ask for a time out or demand a wholesale renegotiation of the ground rules, take your time before reacting. In fact, instead of reacting or overreacting, be responsive and measured. Expect this to be a busy month socially with more people than usual people asking for your time and attention. Make a note of June 11th when your own planet Venus encounters wild card Uranus-there could be a financial surprise.
Little fires everywhere.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
The combination of action planet Mars and expansive Jupiter in your 6th House is challenging to both your health and your work. This could play out as anything on the spectrum of feeling overloaded, burnt out and stressed or on fire with bright ideas and full of energy. You will definitely be busy -just make sure it’s not for its own sake but has a value and a purpose and build in time to decompress at regular intervals. Meanwhile, Venus in your opposite sign of Taurus until June 23rd is smoothing your relationships as Mercury turns forward, disentangling communication glitches and crossed wires.
Time out, not burnout.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
Lucky you! Not only is the Santa Claus planet Jupiter your own personal guide but for the next 5 months he is in fellow Fire sign Aries, boosted by action planet Mars until July 6th. It’s all systems go for fun, adventure or passionate love affairs. Anything that needs physical expression such as sport, drama, activities with children travel is very well starred. Just be careful not to get your wings singed by drinking too much or gambling away your savings in a fit of over enthusiasm. Calibrate the risks first.
Sagittarius needs a meaningful quest- what’s yours?
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
Both Mercury and Saturn-your personal planet and guide- change direction on June 3rd and 4th. While the Messenger moves forward, the Lord of Time and Karma turns backwards until October, as he does each year around this time. You’ll feel the energy shift, especially where financial matters are concerned. One source of income or funding might disappear or you might receive a big bill. This is a time to pay what you owe, rein in your spending and take no risks. At home and in your tribe or family, Mars and Jupiter are raising the temperature. Watch for outbursts of temper or arguments about sensitive issues. That said, June 11th is a day to smooth ruffled feathers and have some fun together.
Tread carefully.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
On June 4th, your own planet Saturn slows to turn retrograde in Aquarius until October. You’ll definitely feel the energy shift for a few days either side. The Task Master has been traveling slowly through your sign since December 2020 in a long season of growth and reflection. You’ve learned to accept what can’t be changed and to take responsibility for your actions. Meanwhile, Mercury is turning forward at the base of your chart and issues connected with your home or family will start to resolve themselves. Make a note of June 11th when Venus meets unpredictable Uranus-expect some interesting news that gives you a new slant on a stuck situation.
A new phase of development.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: June 5-12, 2022
After a few months of constant growth and change, life starts to settle down a little. Your own planet Neptune is already slowing ahead of turning retrograde at the end of June, so you’ll start to feel the pressure release. As both Mercury and Saturn change direction on June 3rd and 4th, take some time out to assess where you are now and process how you’re feeling about it all. This is all the more important as Mars and Jupiter together in your money zone could be nudging you to take some financial risks. Instead of splashing the cash, channel this energy into attracting a more consistent income. When Venus meets wild card Uranus on June 11th, you could charm your way to a breakthrough.
Taking stock.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1