Through A Glass Darkly: Astrology Forecast September 4th – 11th, 2022
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
This month, with so many Copernican and deep space Planets retrograde at the same time, keep in mind the ancient dictum: “As Above, so Below” and deliberately mirror the inner/slower pace. No matter what is happening in the outer world, September is a month for simplifying, for renewal, for refreshing your journey by closing the doors on old choices and habits, for tending the well.
Meanwhile, this week, much is working itself out behind the veils in karmic twists and turns. Mercury turns retrograde on September 10th at 8° Libra, turning direct on October 2nd at 24° Virgo. This is the 3rd Mercury Retrograde of 2022 and all three have been in the Air signs – Aquarius/Gemini/Libra. Hubris and falls from grace are likely for those less than impeccable with the truth.
On September 10th, the Pisces Full Moon forms a kite aspect of fate or destiny due to the geometry of three distinct astrological patterns working together. Events can feel as if they are almost scripted.
This Pisces Full Moon is conjunct psychic Neptune, supercharging your intuition and sensory acuity. Trust your own Knowing. The Sun in Virgo is trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn – both Earth signs nudging you to pay attention to your body, to grounding and to your need for belonging. May you know for certain that even as you stand by yourself, you are not alone!
Between September 6-10th make sure you
- Double check your cyber security
- backup all your communication platforms
- re-balance your day-to-day schedule
- find magic in the detail
New! my SEPTEMBER 5D Report: ”Spiralling Towards 2023…” is essential preparation for the storms of the next few months.
My 5D Reports are especially written for creatives, path pavers and sensitives to give you essential strategies for surviving in the intensifying chaos, flux and churn without being flattened by it.
Chandra Symbol Full Moon PISCES 18

White lilies blooming alone in the shade.
“Gifted with deep and subtle qualities that are germinating in the subconscious and coming into their own. Transported into inner worlds in order to dream, imagine and conceive from a pure place. Disengaged with phenomenal appearances, staying just apart. Much that goes on here stays under, percolates timelessly. A special karma to cultivate the mysteries, to be different, yet no issue. Deep down, creative forces work unceasingly and design alternatives for the world to partake in, if the world turns that way.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
Your own planet Mars is going to spend the next 7 months pushing you to broaden your horizons. Any form of learning, study, travel and publishing are getting a big boost of motivation. Think seriously about starting a project close to your heart and take the first steps. Meanwhile Mercury turns backwards on Friday 9th until October 2nd, so relationships of all kinds need some sort of spring clean. You may need to revisit an old friendship or renegotiate a contract with a business or financial partner. On the 10th, the Full Moon in Pisces in your hidden 12th House could make you more absentminded than usual. Check you’ve got your keys and phone before you leave the house.
Slow down and consider your options carefully.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
This month looks less stressful for you than August, as both the Sun and your own planet Venus are in fellow Earth sign Virgo. You should be able to sort out practical issues very easily, so you can go outside and do something just for you. This could be enjoying some artist dates or visiting somewhere off the beaten track, rummaging in antique shops or just sitting under a tree in the forest. The psychic Pisces Full Moon conjunct far seeing Neptune will inspire you to step off the treadmill and just be. As Mercury slows down to retrograde, update some of your routines and set up some health checks.
Trusting your instincts.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
Saturday’s Full Moon lights up the pinnacle of your chart giving your career and purpose a green light. Everything you do in the days around the full Moon will be more visible than usual, so no cutting corners. Follow your instincts and write, paint, sculpt, take photos, go swimming-anything that draws on your creative imagination. Mercury, your personal planet, turns retrograde at the Full Moon, in your angle of self-expression, encouraging a deep dive into rediscovering aspects of yourself you’ve abandoned and left by the wayside. Think about your childhood passions and hobbies-do any of them still hold juice?
Tell your inner critic to go away and enjoy experimenting.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
You will feel the welcome change of season this week as a stunning Full Moon in fellow Water sign Pisces rises on Saturday September 10th. Allow your powerful instincts and intuition free rein to conjure up new worlds to explore and new adventures to arrange. Jupiter is on the pinnacle of your chart until October, encouraging you to think big and spread your wings. There is one situation that is making you feel stuck, trapped or restricted – as this is a once in 12 years transit, please don’t ignore the opportunity to think out of the box then stamp on it.
Born free….
Leo Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
With Uranus in your career zone between 2018-2026, your path in life is seeing plenty of surprise twists and turns. With the Awakener now retrograde and both the Sun and Venus in your money House, this week could bring a bonus or promotion that will boost your cash flow. All your alliances and contacts are going to play a pivotal role in the coming months. The people you associate with- personally, professionally, online or IRL – are your echo chamber-be very careful in your choices. Mercury turning backwards on the Pisces Full Moon on Saturday 10th, gives you a green light to expand your communication platforms.
Take your time.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
For the first time in 2 years, Mars is giving your career a boost of much needed motivation. Unusually, this will continue for the next 7 months, so there’s no excuse to stay stuck in your comfort zone hiding your light. If there is something you feel passionate about-a project or a cause-start pushing for it now. Your own planet Mercury turns backwards at the lovely Pisces Full Moon putting your finances in the frame. Take a long look at your sources of income and make some hard choices. Are you overly reliant on one job or client? Are you under charging? How could you diversify?
Partnerships and cooperative working are well starred at this Full Moon.
Libra Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
A strong theme for you to develop right through until next March, courtesy of Mars in Gemini, is expanding your horizons. Anything connected with travel, education publishing and media are very well starred. If you are a teacher, a student, a coach, a writer, grab this opportunity with both hands to get your voice heard. Online programs could work well for you bringing in an international following. Mercury turns retrograde in Libra at Saturday’s Pisces Full Moon, so start researching new ways to raise your profile. Look at your resources, your tools of the trade, your work space and update them to make them more efficient
Preparation is everything.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
With change agents Saturn and Uranus sitting for months on key angles of your chart-partnerships and home-nothing feels stable or predictable. Frame it as a long overdue opportunity to make some radical moves on your own terms. Saturday’s Pisces Full Moon in a compatible Water sign lights up your 5th House. Is it time to indulge in some wild swimming, a moonlight stroll or writing poetry? Inspiration will be plentiful with Mercury turning backwards in your angle of the hidden and the unconscious. Make a note of any big dreams this week.
A week for just being, not overdoing.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
Both the Sun and Venus in Virgo are lighting up your career zone, making you and everything you do much more visible than usual. Just don’t cut any corners. Your motivation is sky high with Mars in your opposite sign for the next 7 months but make sure you take partners-personal and professional-along for the ride. Mercury turns backwards at Saturday’s Full Moon so expect to have to back and forth over agreements involving teams or collaborations. Don’t jump the gun as not all the data is available. Enjoy the Full Moon in your 4th House by inviting family and friends for an impromptu get together.
Flying high.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
Everything flows better this month as the Sun and Venus in fellow Earth sign Virgo link to Uranus in Taurus delivering innovative ways to make real progress. Anything to do with travel, study, publishing or media is lit up like a Christmas tree. Turn a passion or a skill into an online program to add value to others and build a new income stream. As Mercury turns backwards on your Midheaven, reflect on how past choices have led to where you are now. Then think about your current career. Is your ladder up against the wrong tree or are you on the right track?
Now is the moment to make a course correction.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
Ever since 2021 and continuing for the next few months, both your sign rulers Saturn and Uranus are at odds with each other across stubborn Fixed signs Aquarius and Taurus. Uranus is at the base of your chart and Saturn in your own sign, so it’s playing out through unexpected changes or disruptions to where and how you live and to how you see yourself. Look back to last year and notice how much your thinking has shifted, how much more flexible you’ve become and how you’ve adjusted to changing circumstances. Saturday’s Full Moon is all about money and income streams. Do you need to earn more or spend less? Which skills, assets or passions are you failing to cash in on?
You have more options than you think.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: September 4-11, 2022
As a Pisces, home seems to be on something of a war footing. Warrior Mars is sitting at the base of your chart and staying put for the next 7 months, so at least some drama looks inevitable. Channel this go-for-it power into home renovation, a relocation or just bringing where you live up to date to better match how you live now. Start drawing up plans but don’t take any important financial decisions until Mercury turns direct in October. Saturday’s Full Moon is in your own sign, clearly showing you who is for you and who is not. It could be an emotional time as you realise how stressful life has been recently and how much responsibility you’ve shouldered.
Decide to find workable ways to lighten your load.
Originally published at Hare in the Moon Astrology and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1