The “Genetic Disc” Revealed Advanced Biological Knowledge Acquired By An Ancient Civilization
A disk shaped ancient artefact found in South America is one of the most interesting and puzzling finds of archaeology.
By Robin Hale | Guest Writer
Since the beginning of the new millennium, the human genetic plan of life is deciphered. But the functions and origins of many genes are still unknown. Sceptics are afraid of unscrupulous scientists that might create cloned “wonder-children” that could be ordered in a catalogue. But geneticists are sure that the knowledge is enough for a revolution in medical history. In ancient times people connected the evolution of life with the “tree of life.”
But what is a “tree of life”? In many texts of ancient cultures, it is written by gods that once created men and other creatures. Who have been those creative gods? Do stories of fabulous beings, amphibious creatures and mythical creatures are based on real experiences or are they only results of fantasies?
- Genetic Disc: Deep Biological Knowledge In Ancient Times?
- Drawings That Beckon To Another Part Of Human History
- Underground Tunnels Located Throughout The Jungles
- Incredible Illustrations On The Stone Circle
- Conclusion
Genetic Disc: Deep Biological Knowledge In Ancient Times?
A disk shaped ancient artefact found in South America is one of the most interesting and puzzling finds of archaeology. The unique relic is made of black stone and measures about 22 centimetres in diameter. It weighs about 2 kilograms. On the disk, there are carvings that describe the astonishing knowledge of our ancestors. The object has been examined in the Museum of Natural History, Vienna, Austria. It was not made of artificial materials like cement but of lydite, a marine sedimentary rock that is formed in the deep sea. The artefact was discovered in the territory of Colombia, and was called the Genetic disc.

The disk, known as “Genetic Disc”, was dated in a prehistoric epoch, scientists estimate that the disk has been made almost 6000 years, and assigned to the Muisca-culture. Dr. Vera M. F. Hammer, the expert for precious stones and minerals, analysed the enigmatic object. The symbols on the disk are very impressive. Both sides of the disc are covered in illustrations of the intrauterine fetal development in all stages.
Moreover, a lot of information on human genetics are strung on the outside of the disc, Strange is that this information could not be seen with the naked eye but under a microscope or other advanced optical instrument. The current level of knowledge of humanity does not allow such a possibility, which induces a certain aura of mystery on how to obtain the information by a culture that did not have the technology to access such information.
So, how this knowledge could be known 6,000 years ago? And what other knowledge could have been possessed by the obscure civilization which made the disc?
Drawings That Beckon To Another Part Of Human History
Colombian professor, Jeime Gutierrez Lega, has been gathering unexplained ancient objects for years. Most of the artefacts from his collection have been discovered in explorations of the almost inaccessible region of Sutatausa, in the province of Cundinamarca. They are stones with illustrations of people and animals and baffling symbols and inscriptions in an unknown language.
The main exhibits of the professor’s collection are the Genetic (also embryonic) disc, among other possessions, made from lydites – a stone, first mined in Lydia, an ancient country in the western part of Malaysia. The stone is similar to granite in the matter of hardness, but it also processes a layered structure along with the hardness, which makes it very difficult to work with.
The stone is also known as darlingite, radiolarite, and basanite, and has a bright colour. Since ancient times, it has been used for the manufacturing of jewels and mosaics. But cutting something from it should have been impossible using the tools possessed by humans 6,000 years ago.
The problem comes from its layered structure, because it will automatically break upon contact with incisors. And still, the genetic disc is made from this mineral, and the drawings on it more closely resemble a print rather than a carving. It seems that when the mineral underwent treatment, a technique unknown to us was used. Its secret remains a mystery to this day.
Underground Tunnels Located Throughout The Jungles
Another mystery is the place where the stone was discovered. Professor Lega discovered it in the possession of a local citizen, who claimed he found the stone disc with the inscriptions somewhere around the city of Sutatausa. However, some researchers (for example writer of Ancient Astronauts theory, Erich von Däniken) believe that the disc could be from the rare collection of Father Carlos Crespi – a missionary who worked in Ecuador in the middle of the 20th century. Father Crespi bought ancient objects from local citizens, which they found in fields or jungles – from ceramics of the Incas to stone tablets.
The priest never categorized his collection, but it is known that there were objects which did not pertain to any one of the known ancient cultures of South America. Mainly, these were objects made from different metals, but there were also stone circles and tablets covered with inscriptions and drawings.
After the death of the priest some valuables from his collection were given to the Vatican, and others were just thrown away. According to Crespi himself, local citizens discovered the drawing-covered tablets not far from the Ecuadorian city of Cuenca – in underground tunnels and chambers located throughout the jungles. The priest also claimed that there was an ancient system of underground tunnels, 200 kilometres long, from Cuenca to the jungles. Couldn’t the Genetic disc somehow be related to the people who build these underground structures?
Incredible Illustrations On The Stone Circle

The illustrations on the disc are also a source of many questions. The entire process of the beginning of human life is illustrated on the circumference of both sides with incredible accuracy – the purpose of male and female reproductive organs, the moment of conception, development of the fetus inside the womb and the birth of the baby.
On the left part of the disc (if we are to imagine the circle as a dial on a watch – the location of 11 o’clock) a clear drawing of sperm with no spermatozoids and next to it – one with spermatozoids (the author probably wanted to illustrate the birth of the male seed).
For the record – spermatozoids weren’t discovered until 1677 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek and his student. As is known, this event was preceded by the invention of the microscope. But the illustrations on the disc prove that there was presence of such knowledge in ancient times.
And at the position of 1 o’clock, several completely formed spermatozoids can be seen. Next to it is a baffling drawing – scientists still haven’t come to a conclusion as to what it means. Around the position of 3 o’clock there are images of a man, woman, and child.
A fetus in several stages of development, which end in the formation of a baby, is illustrated on the upper part of the opposite side of the disc. The drawing shows the evolution of intrauterine life. And in the region of 6 o’clock, a man and woman are illustrated once again. A study determined that there really are illustrations of the basic stages of development of a human fetus, and they can easily be identified.
There are many intriguing questions about the “Genetic Disc” before we come to any conclusion on the ancient artefact. For now, no one can explain what kinds of technologies were used in the production of this object and which fact influenced them to create that. From all the studies and discoveries we can only assume that it belongs to an unknown and highly developed civilization of the past. Believe it or not!
About the Author
Robin is a blog writer and independent researcher whose interests cover a variety of subjects. His areas of focus include history, science, cultural studies, true crimes, unexplained phenomena, and mysterious historical events. In addition to writing, Robin is a self-taught digital artist and a successful web developer.