Taking Back Personal Agency: Astrology Forecast October 10th – 17th, 2021
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
As the Lord of Time and Karma turns forward in Aquarius on Monday October 11th, recognise that the unprecedented events of 2021 have all been fuel for your own growth. Have faith that, as you faced Saturn’s karmic lessons with grace during his long retrograde from May 23rd, you’ve been shaping your future because when energy recedes – when you’re lost, fed up or full of grief – a new inclination and impetus is always quietly coalescing underneath. And if you had a meltdown or three, that’s okay too.
In 3D, Saturn was seen as the strict Master Teacher, framing us as children waiting to be guided by the hand of fate. Think of the people you’ve given your power to, the rigid belief systems you’ve accepted or the rules you’ve swallowed whole. It was all about restriction, hard work, roadblocks and lack.
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In 5D, Saturn represents:
- your evolving potential
- amplified intentionality
- having the free will to act as your own sponsor, guide, coach and mentor
- enlightened Self-interest
- the leverage you’ve been waiting for to disentangle yourself from what no longer fits
- your Flow Magic – the sweet spot between surrender to life as it unfolds and full on engagement/participation
Often your mind is loud, while your intuition whispers. The idea that seems soft and comfortable, the one that sounds appealing, is often the very thing that will end up holding you back. The other quiet idea that pops up, the one to which you say, “oh maybe later,” and make excuses as to why you can’t do it, is often the very action which will help you evolve.
As Saturn goes direct, it is the time to take those actions. Nothing grows in comfort zones! This has been the perfect time for tying up the loose ends that have been keeping you rooted in the past.
Saturn Direct is the time to check the progress of your process.
Chandra Symbol Saturn Direct AQUARIUS 7

A woman burning a book of black magic.
“Karma works by indirection. We draw to ourselves what we previously activated and as it comes back, we curse the reflection. Such gestures multiply. They gather force and momentum. And soon we have fixed ideas about what is pulling us back and what is carrying us forward. Before you know it, you have become partisan, taking up this side against this other side, swept up in the drama. And you even become sure in your mind that whole segments of existence are bad and terrible and must be renounced completely. But there must come a point in the journey when the mind strips away its disguise and you know once again that all is toward the good and nothing can ever harm you, unless you insist upon it.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
It’s all about the people in your life at the moment with Sun, Mercury and Mars powering up your relationship zone. These are the people you have a deeper connection with or a long- term commitment to, such as life partners or business partners. On Monday 11th, Saturn finally turns forward, easing the recent roadblocks, crossed wires and misunderstandings in your dealings with friends, networks, groups and online tribes. Venus has moved into Sagittarius giving you itchy feet and the desire to get out and broaden your horizons. Make some definite plans now to take a trip or to break out of your comfort zone after the doozy of the annual Full Moon in your own sign on November 20th.
Make a note of October 15th-a day to celebrate with those you love.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
Now that your personal planet Venus has moved into Sagittarius, one particular partnership is on your mind. Is it on the right track? Are you having fun? If not, what are you going to do about it? With Pluto now direct in your angle of mentors and helpers and Saturn turning forward on Monday 11that the pinnacle of your chart, make progress in your career by mixing and collaborating with work colleagues. Ideas and leads that emerge from these conversations could sprout wings when Mercury turns direct on November 18th. Make a note of Thursday October 15th when a stroke of luck could put you in the spotlight at work.
A sense of optimism.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
Relationships of every kind will get a boost now that Venus has returned to your opposite sign of Sagittarius. On Thursday 15th, the Sun in Libra makes a beautiful link to Jupiter in Aquarius from your 5th to 9th House. You may hear good news about a piece of work you created a while ago around this date. Make a deliberate effort to go out and socialise, trying out new places and different events to shake you out of your comfort zone. Saturn in your 8th House turns forward on the 11th, loosening his grip on your finances. Don’t suddenly go totally overboard and splurge but earmark some money for a luxury or treat with friends.
Enjoying life’s small pleasures.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
With Mercury retrograde until October 18th at the base of your chart, you’re dealing with issues related to your family of origin. It’s an excellent time to study your ancestry and genealogy or to gather up old family photos in one place. Saturn turns forward in your opposite sign on Monday 11th aligning with Venus in your 6th House of health and routines, so start making some practical tweaks to your daily life. This could be a new eating or exercise regime, visiting a heath practitioner for a check-up or streamlining your time to free up as much as possible. Find ways that make you feel good to de-stress and relax and then incorporate them into every day.
Leo Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
As Saturn turns forward in your opposite sign on Monday 11th, your partner-personal or business-could soon have some news that will have a knock-on effect on you. It’s likely to arrive around October 15th. Wait until after October 18th, when Jupiter turns forward alongside Mercury, to have a conversation about the long- term implications. Venus in your angle of love, romance and enjoyment until November is giving you the green light to take one special relationship to the next level. If you are single, you will find yourself meeting a wider range of people than usual. Just keep in mind that Mercury is still retrograde until the 18th and be extra -clear in all your communications.
A crash course in building rapport.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
Keep in mind that your personal planet, Mercury, is retrograde until October 18th in your angle of values, income and resources. This is often a great time to recover lost items or to get back in touch with old friends or relatives from long ago. Go back over your financial accounts to see if you’ve missed anything or ask for a debt to be repaid in full. The positive news is that Saturn turns forward on Monday 11th in your 5th House of creativity. In the days following, many of the roadblocks, glitches and delays that have frustrated you this summer will fade away. All to the good, as on October 18th both Jupiter and Mercury turn direct bringing opportunities your way and making this a very busy season.
Checking the bottom line.
Libra Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
Hopefully you’re making the very most of the energy boost delivered by the Sun, Mercury and Mars all clustered together in your own sign. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde until October 18th and cut yourself and others some slack. Give yourself plenty of leeway where arrangements are concerned. In positive news, Saturn turns forward again on Monday 11th followed by gift bringer Jupiter on October 18th.This should deliver an influx of creative ideas, plans and solutions to longstanding problems. Mark Thursday October 15th in your diary as it is one of the luckiest days of the year for you. Have a celebration, give yourself a treat or do something really special you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t.
A Red Letter Day.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
Last week your personal planet Pluto turned forward, this week Saturn does the same followed by Jupiter and Mercury on October 18th.Frame it as a release mechanism, ridding you day by day of the frustrating glitches, roadblocks and delays that have held you back recently. Remember to pace yourself and take it slowly, as the Sun, our Light source, is still in your hidden 12th House until October 23rd.With Saturn and Jupiter at the base of your solar chart, start looking at plans for a relocation or renovation that somehow got shelved earlier this year. Are they still relevant ? Can you update your dream? Take your time as events around the Aries Full Moon on October 20th could change your perspective.
More time reflecting, less time doing.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
This is definitely a week to have fun, influence people and to be at the heart of events at your optimistic best. Venus is now back in Sagittarius adding to your attractor quotient and making others much more willing than usual to listen to what you have to say and that’s plenty! With your personal planet Jupiter slowing to turn forward on the 18th alongside Mercury and before that Saturn in your money angle loosening the purse strings, it’s all to play for. Circle Thursday October 15th as one of the luckiest days of the year for you when Jupiter and the Sun skip the light fandago together. Be sure to get your ideas out there any way you can and follow up offers, leads or opportunities.
Enjoying the halo effect.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
Are you on track with your purpose, whatever that might be? Whether you are a careerist, a voluntary worker, self-employed or out of the world of work altogether, the question of whatever gives your life meaning and direction is under the spotlight for the whole of October and into early November. Red planet Mars is at the pinnacle of your chart in a once in 2 years reminder that life is too short to let it drift by without making a difference, however small or however local. Your own planet Saturn is turning forward on Monday October 11th with Jupiter following along with Mercury on the 18th.Both Saturn and Jupiter are in your income angle and the days between October 15th-19th could ease your financial situation quite a bit.
To spend or save? that’s the question.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
The welcome news is that both Saturn-your own planet-and Jupiter are about to turn forward in Aquarius after months of go-slow and delays. Mark October 11th,15th and 18th on your calendar as days to start moving forward with your plans and projects. On Monday,11th, Saturn in your own sign gives you a green light then on the 15th the Sun aligns with Jupiter, making this one of the luckiest days of the year. Wait until the Full Moon on the 20th to make a big move or to launch something new. After that, it’s all about broadening your horizons, leaving your comfort zone behind and expanding your field of influence.
Time to think big.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: October 10-17, 2021
After quite an intense time, you’ll be relieved to know that this week, both events and the pace of life start to move much more quickly and purposefully. It starts with Venus returning to your career sector, supporting you to expand your contacts and widen your network. People will be more receptive to your ideas than usual, so make the very most of it. Momentum starts on October 11th as Saturn turns forward and builds all week to October 18th when both Jupiter and Mercury turn direct. Circle October 15th as one of the luckiest days of the year and be ready to catch new opportunities before they fly by. Channel Saturn’s practicality by upgrading all your communication platforms.
How can you turn some of your best ideas into value added resources for others whilst attracting income?
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About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1