Jesus Christ
Ancient Manuscript Suggests Jesus Married Mary Magdalene And Had Two Children
A recently uncovered ancient manuscript, quietly kept hidden in the British Library for centuries, has…
AI Unveils ‘Face of Jesus Christ’ Using Turin Shroud After Bombshell Discovery
The Shroud of Turin has been imaged by AI in a bid to work out…
The Origins of Christmas
When did Christmas start in history, anyway?
Life After Death Is Real! Here Are 5 Examples of People That Met Jesus During Near Death Experiences
Everyone is going somewhere.
USA News
The Percentage of Americans That Believe In God Has Fallen To An All-Time Low
Gallup: Americans’ belief in God just plunged to an all-time low
Jesus Is Your Only Hope
No matter what anyone is going through, Jesus is the answer.
Experts Claim That Moses Did Cross The Read Sea, After Finding The Egyptian Army Underwater
Here we explain the story of Moses, who he was and what he did.
Jesus Wasn’t White: He Was A Brown Skinned, Middle Eastern Jew. Here’s Why That Matters
There is no doubt that the historical Jesus, the man who was executed by the…