Astrology Forecast November 10th – 17th – The Wheel of Fortune Turns
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
The Wheel of Fortune spins, and the Universal Law of Gravity makes itself felt.
As adult orphaned pilgrims in a chaotic world, we need ways to anchor, comfort and steady ourselves. There are signs and symbols and guidance all around, but their appearance is governed by a timeline written somewhere else. In this historic convergence of such huge time cycles, we are fooling ourselves if we think we can make events fit our small agendas.
The reality checks come thick and fast this week via Venus in Capricorn on the Galactic Centre, Mercury square Saturn, Saturn stationing Direct and a Taurus Full Moon conjunct Uranus aligning with Pluto Neptune.
Hardcore realist Saturn the Master Teacher turns forward on November 15 just days before implacable change agent Pluto enters Aquarius for the next 20 years. Frame it as a Rite of Passage, squeezing through the eye of a needle into a whole new era.
The Chandra Symbol for Lord of Time and Karma Saturn stationing at 12 Pisces says it clearly:
A woman asleep in a ring of flames.
“Drama, colour, sound. Magnitude and shakings. Great events surround and envelop you, yet do not penetrate. You experience a most unusual deep sleep in the teeth of collective and ancestral events and experiences which are huge and never-ending. Is it a grace or a curse? It can be either. It becomes a grace if you awaken in ripe timing and move on from here. It can be a curse if you stay down under too long and miss the cue to stir and look around and discover that the future has dawned and the old ways have fallen away. Sleeper, awake!”
Expect a sudden wake-up call at the electric Full Moon in Taurus on November 15th conjunct unpredictable Uranus
Wherever late Taurus is in your chart will send you on the hunt to stabilise your personal security. To do more than survive in these times of collective crises, refuse to give into denial, despair and emotional numbing.
- Make clearing and strengthening your own resilience and personal ecology your first priority.
- Consolidate the basics… shelter, food, air, water, means of exchange.
- Audit your resources – recognise that your inner resources of hard-won resilience and determination, life experience and wisdom are just as important as your physical, financial assets.
- Be very, very selective in your choice of social media feeds, online communities, the books you read, the programs you watch, the people you spend time with.
- Focus on feeding friendships and not defeating foes. No matter how difficult it might be, under pluto in Aquarius, it’s vital to build alliances, create community. Create safe places and gather to have radical conversations about uncertain futures. When we come together, we learn how to heal.
- Work in / with multiple tribes – be a node/a hub/a connector.
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Chandra Symbol Taurus

Chandra Symbol Taurus Full Moon TAURUS 25: Bees returning to their hive.
“Thematic worlds coming round again just as before, just like always. The highest and the best, maintained and sustained beautifully, impeccably, superlatively. Knowing inside that what counts, what is essential, is to abide, to be. You are a vast world unto yourself, an extraordinary network of intersecting dynamics. But the witness consciousness is blissfully sitting back in a restful perch, letting everything go by. And in the very centre of this dispassion and wakeful scrutinizing, one indwells a Buddha realization attained by hard work in many lives.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast
Venus crosses the pinnacle of your chart, smoothing your path in your career and putting your reputation in the spotlight. Keep doing due diligence-no cutting corners. On November 15th Saturn turns forward and a practical Taurus Full Moon brings your income and resources to your attention. Expect some sort of shock or surprise news that changes your perspective on what you most value
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Taurus Weekly Forecast
Your personal Full Moon in Taurus arrives on November 15th, just as Saturn turns forward. Expect the unexpected as the Moon is conjunct unpredictable Uranus. You might surprise yourself by acting out of character or having to step up to the plate in a situation that involves your family. With Mars is in your 4th House of home and tribe until next February, the dynamics are definitely changing.
Gemini Weekly Forecast
With Mercury in Sagittarius aligning with Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces-now turning forward-life should be busy and sociable. Make a note of the days surrounding the Full Moon conjunct volatile Uranus on November 15th. Avoid alcohol or opioids and keep your feet firmly on the ground.
Cancer Weekly Forecast
After a couple of dispiriting weeks, Venus enters your opposite sign and lightens up all your personal relationships. If there are bridges to be mended or bonds to be strengthened, now’s the time to forgive and forget. On the 15th, Saturn turns forward at the Taurus Full Moon. Expect some sort of surprise that affects your friendship groups.
Leo Weekly Forecast
Life picks up pace with Mars in your own sign until February 2025. What will you do with the boost of energy and momentum coming your way? Whatever it is, get on with it now before Mars turns retrograde in early December and plans may need to be revised. On November 15th, the annual Taurus Full Moon delivers an opportunity to boost your career or reputation. Deliberately shake things up to see what happens.
Virgo Weekly Forecast
With generous Jupiter at the top of your solar chart opposite Mercury, what will you do with all the new information and bright ideas for the future that are being downloaded? That said, Mercury will slow down from November 7th then retrograde from November 26th and Mars will also start to back track until February next year. Knowing this in advance, refuse to rush into anything and allow life to develop at its own pace.
Libra Weekly Forecast
Welcome Venus to your 4th House of home and family to smooth your path after 15 years of Pluto’s destabilising influence. Find ways to soothe yourself, to make where you live and spend your time a restful and beautiful sanctuary. This is especially needed at November 15th’s Taurus Full Moon conjunct unpredictable Uranus, when secrets you or someone close would rather keep hidden may be revealed.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast
With your own planet Mars at the top of your chart in Leo until next February, your every action becomes more visible. Be accountable and transparent and safeguard your reputation. Then on November 15th, the Taurus Full Moon conjunct unpredictable brings news or information that could shake your closest relationship. This has been under pressure since 2022.Is there a fault line that could be repaired or a bridge to be rebuilt?
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast
It’s a sociable, busy period for you as Mercury in your own sign aligns with expansionist Jupiter in Gemini. Lots to organise, lots of plans to set in motion, many centred around home and family where Saturn turns forward on November 15th. On the same day, the Taurus Full Moon conjunct Uranus delivers surprising news about a work situation.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast
Mercury and Jupiter are aligned across the deepest part of your chart, feeding your imagination and your spiritual side. Then Venus enters Capricorn, smoothing your path, whilst nudging you to beautify both yourself and your surroundings. Just in time for a Taurus Full Moon on November 15th in your angle of creativity and pleasure. Do something-just for you-something that makes your heart sing.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast
One of your two personal planets -Lord of Time and Karma Saturn- turns forward this week right on the electric Full Moon in Taurus- a definite nudge to start looking to the future and making some plans. With Mars in your opposite sign of Leo, make sure you get those who matter on board first. Expect some unexpected or exciting news around the 15th in connection with your family or tribe.
Pisces Weekly Forecast
With energy planet Mars in Leo, make your health and wellbeing a top priority. Take the long view, since Mars will retrograde in early December and stay in your 6th House until February next year. Make a note of November 15th when Saturn-your Master Coach and Guru-will turn forward in Pisces at the same time as an exceptionally electric Full Moon in Taurus. Don’t let all those weird and wonderful insights, epiphanies and lightbulb moments fly by-journal, mind map, paint or vision board them
New! As Master Teacher Saturn turns forward in Pisces, get “Your Guide to Saturn in Pisces” as an immediate digital download: Your Guide to Saturn in Pisces.
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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