Death Doesn’t Really Exist And May Be An Illusion, According To Quantum Physics
Some physicists propose that death is a transition rather than an end.
Mind /Body /Spirit
Scientist Reveals Five Strange Clues That He Claims Proves There’s An Afterlife
Dr Hugh Ross, a Canadian astrophysicist and Christian author, believes there's an afterlife.
Mind /Body /Spirit
The Egg – Warning! A Story That Will Blow Your Mind!
Yes. It is true. The story I am about to tell you will probably be…
Mind /Body /Spirit
Exploring The Enigma of Consciousness: Unravelling The Depths of The Human Mind
Consciousness is, for each of us, all there is: the world, the self, everything.
Mind /Body /Spirit
How To Lucid Dream (Even If You Think You Can’t)
Want to take control inside your dreams? Turns out it’s a skill you can practice.
Mind /Body /Spirit
6 Things You Need To Know About Psychedelics
These mind-altering drugs may just change the course of mental health treatment.
Science & Tech
Aerospace Billionaire Saw Interdimensional Forces: Says UFOs & Consciousness Are Linked
A US billionaire entrepreneur, who is working with NASA to create a new expandable spacecraft,…
Science & Tech
Scientists Monitored The Brains of 4 Dying Patients. Here’s What They Found
The dying brain experiences a surge of electrical activity. Could this help explain the mysterious…
3-Year-Old Boy Remembers His Past Life, Locates His Body & Identifies The Man Who Murdered Him
What happens when we die? Where does “consciousness” go?
Mind /Body /Spirit
Can Lucid Dreams Kill You?
If you die in your dream, will you die in real life?
Science & Tech
Researchers Suggest The Human “Soul” Doesn’t Die, It “Returns To The Universe”
The discovery of quantum vibrations in ‘microtubules’ inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness.
Science & Tech
Mind /Body /Spirit
31 Ways To Appreciate The Present Moment And Feel Happier Right Now
"Your happiness isn’t dependent on where you live, how much you weigh, or what you…
Mind /Body /Spirit
Why Do Near-Death Experiences And Psychedelics Have A Transformational Effect?
“Suddenly amidst all this pain I saw a light very faint and in the distance.…
Mind /Body /Spirit
9 Tips For Anyone Who Dates Emotionally Unavailable People
"You can’t fix anyone. I have learned this many times, the hard way. Trying to…
Mind /Body /Spirit
Why We Should Never Force Our Spiritual Beliefs On Other People
"When I started out, I was certain that everyone else needed to meditate, that everyone…
Mind /Body /Spirit
Why Judging People Is Really About You (Not Them)
"When someone judges you, it isn't actually about you, it's about them and their own…
Mind /Body /Spirit
When Something Has To Change: How To Push Yourself To Take Action
At some point, there comes a defining moment when you know beyond a shadow of…