Searching For The Anunnaki: Exploring Antarctica
Is it possible that Antarctica really hides ‘evidence’ of highly advanced ancient civilizations beneath its thick layers of ice? Is it possible that the Piri-Reis map, the Buache map, and the Orontius Finaeus map are evidence that before Antarctica was discovered in modern times, someone managed to map the contents before it was covered in ice? And, could this be the reason why the Nazi’s were so interested in the now icy content?
Antarctica is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. It is there where scientists and military personnel have seen and witnessed many strange things.
It is a place shrouded in mystery where extraordinary discoveries have ‘apparently’ been made.
From pyramids to otherworldly technology, it seems that Antarctica offers it all.
But what’s really going on? Is there a slight possibility that there’s really something hidden beneath the thick layers of ice on Antarctica?
Have you ever thought it possible that in the distant past, when Antarctica was much different than it is today –without ice covering its vast surface— that somehow civilization may have developed there?
A map uncovered in the 1900’s has created a worldwide debate about Antarctica and what’s really down there.
The unusual map details a coastline that mirrored the continent of Antarctica. However, instead of being covered with ICE, the map depicts Antarctica as a continent covered with vegetation, filled with jungles, rivers with no ice at all. The map is called the Piri Reis map.
This map means that someone actually saw the continent of Antarctica hundreds or perhaps thousands of years ago when the continents weren’t covered by ice.
The map suggests that someone officially found Antarctica some three hundred years before official explorers stumbled across it.
However, in addition to the Piri-Reis map, other similar cartographical charts have been discovered throughout the centuries.
These maps suggest that hundreds, perhaps thousands of years ago, a technologically advanced civilization may have existed on Earth.
Mainstream scholars disagree.
In addition the Piri Reis’ map, another controversial cartographical chart was created by a French geographer by the name of Philippe Buache de la Neuville.
The Buache map has two versions. One of the charts is believed to accurately depict the ice-free coastline of Antarctica while the other chart makes no mention of the continent whatsoever. Many indicate that Buache was unaware of the existence of the Icy Continent and that his depictions were nothing more than a hypothesis.
The Orontius Finaeus map is another map that which shows Antarctica Ice free. Interestingly, using the dating method of Dr. W.D. Urry from the Carnegie Institution in Washington D.C., scientists discovered that Antarctica’s rivers, sources of fine-dispersed deposits, were flowing as depicted on the Orontius Finaeus map, about 6,000 years ago.
Interestingly, the Nazis knew about these maps and considered thought to themselves ‘Antarctica must have been a very important place.’ Hitler is well known to have been fixated on the occult, lost civilizations, ancient technology, and Atlantis.
He eventually became convinced that Antarctica was home to Atlantis, and believed that somewhere down there he would find mystical ancient artefacts buried in the ice that could help him achieve his ultimate goal: World domination.
It is said that the Nazis eventually formed a team in order to investigate the continent and during their explorative expedition, they created a massive artificial cave on the continents, which was big enough to hide vehicles and military equipment whilst exploring the icy land.
The Nazis are said to have built a massive base on Antarctica called Station 211.
According to a number of rumours, ‘Station 211’ did exist, and if it did, then it must have been (maybe still is) located inside the ice-free mountain range in the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains of Neuschwabenland, aka Queen Maud Land.
According to geologists who participated in the German expedition, the areas where vegetation was present were due to hot springs or other geothermal sources.
One of the most interesting quotes about Neuschwabenland and Antarctica comes from German Navy Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz who said that: “The German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress.”
Eventually, the Americans found out about the Nazis exploring Antarctica and decide to launch an explorative mission of their own.
Many doubtful claims have been made about this story. However. There are other claims which are backed up by facts.
According to reports from American scientists which participated in the mission to Antarctica, during their stay, they witnessed disc shaped craft flying in the sky, and technology that was anything but ordinary.
But for years, scientists and researchers traveling to the icy continents have seen things that are reminiscent of what many are calling ALIEN technology. A Massive UFO sighting occurred in 1965 when scientists and military personnel from Great Britain Chile and Argentina witnessed numerous UFO’s near Antarctica. According to reports, these UFO’s caused navigational and scientific equipment to malfunction.
But many other sensational discoveries were made which have resulted in numerous scientific and military expeditions to Antarctica.
But… what’s down there that’s so important? Is there really something on Antarctica that everyone wants to find?
Is there –as some suggest— evidence of a technologically advanced ancient civilization buried under the thick layers of ice on Antarctica?
Numerous documentaries point to the fact that for decades if not centuries, people have travelled to Antarctica in search of something valuable.
Maybe, after all, there may be traces of technologically advanced civilizations buried beneath the ice.
These civilizations may have flourished on the now icy continent in the distant past when Antarctica was covered by dense vegetation and exotic animal life.
As always, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
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A ‘Supermassive Wall’ Beneath The Earth’s Ocean Encircles The Whole Planet, According To A Mysterious Video
UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists have discovered several inexplicable items on Google Earth in the past. Google Earth has captured the imaginations of people all across the world, from pyramids to strange structures, petroglyphs, and even underwater towns.
We recently reported on a rumoured discovery off the coast of Mexico—12°8’1.5′′N, 119°35’26.4′′W—where a researcher allegedly uncovered a massive underwater pyramid. ‘Researchers’ have discovered items that purportedly contradict what we know about our past among the various constructions that are thought to remain concealed beneath the water.
Last year, a youngster using Google Earth ‘found’ one of the Maya’s largest, previously undiscovered ancient towns, according to academics.
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READ MORE: Piri Reis Map – How Could A 16th Century Map Show Antarctica Without Ice?
Read more on The Forbidden Continent: Interesting Claim: “Antarctica Is The Place Where Fallen Angels Are Still Alive But Locked In”
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