Waving or Drowning? Astrology Forecast March 5th – 12th, 2023
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
March is the pivotal month of 2023 as both heavy hitters Saturn and Pluto change signs and, in the process, begin to change our reality.
On March 7 at the Virgo Full Moon, prepare for a deep dive into the Piscean waters of flux, churn and dissolution in the austere company of Lord of Time and Karma Saturn. Also known as the Dweller on the Threshold, the Guru or Master Teacher, I think of him as Obi Wan Kenobi-your own Jedi Coach.
This is going to be a surreal Saturn mission – a meeting of the planet of structure and boundaries with Pisces, the sign of dissolving back to Source.
Saturn will be in Pisces from March 7 2023 to May 24 2025 and then again from August 31 2025 to Feb 13 2026.
Previous Transits:
- March 24 1964 – Sep 16 1964
- Dec 16 1964-Mar 3 1967
- May 21 1993- Jun 30 1993
- Jan 29 1994- April 7 1996
If you have any planets or angles such as Ascendant/Descendant, MC/IC in Pisces, Virgo/Gemini/Sagittarius, the next 3 years will be a reality testing process of crystallising a new maturity – no matter what age you are.
Are you ready to evolve beyond your current self-created limitations, deal with the harsh realities of life and use your powers for a purpose?
- choices have to be made and stances taken
- actions matter more than intentions
- if you are flaky, lacking sobriety and accountability, you are likely to drown
- be impeccable with your word
- learn to swim upstream through untruths, conspiracy theories, GOOP type distractions, click bait and consumerism
- be kind and sensitive to the more vulnerable, messy, or chaotic parts of yourself
- quietly working hard can be a real strength – put your ego aside to get things done
Essential Resource. Immediate Digital Download! “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026”
New! Get your Personal March 2023-2024 Year Ahead Forecast
Chandra Symbol Saturn enters PISCES 1:
A field of dandelions.

“Teeming with mass consciousness. You feel yourself to be as anonymous and undifferentiated as you can possibly be. Hiding in this identification is comfortable and safe, and it can be prolonged indefinitely. While you wait here with individuality suspended and all of life being right at hand, the most remarkable discoveries can take place. In particular, you are welcomed and invited to know the ancestors, to know the collective, to know the sweep of evolution intimately and compulsively, to be swept along on the tides of time, to stay bonded and rooted in the dream plant state. It is a rapture and an abandon. Eventually it satiates itself. And then you are sprung very fresh and very new, to be free in the world, and to make the ultimate discovery of the vast difference between casting your fate to the winds and being vitally present in the moment’s dawning with a celebratory fervour.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
On March 7, Saturn will shift into your 12th house -the engine room of your chart-removing old dreams that have lost their juice. It’s the end of a 29 years cycle where outgrown habits, defences and limiting beliefs have to be permanently shed, so you can seed new goals. You will be nudged to grow beyond the four familiar walls of your habits, your physical and daily work routines and enter a new relationship with your mind-body-spirit.
Embrace a season of adapting to a new set of circumstances.
Taurus Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
After a three-year period of building structures and embracing responsibility in your career, Saturn will be shifting into your 11th house of friends, social groups, and networks on March 7 until 2026. It’s all about authenticity and contribution-having to step outside your familiar four walls of creative self-expression and life dreams. You’re ready to claim and express your most essential self, and to put yourself out there, be seen. This could lead to you forming new clubs or alliances and setting some essential boundaries in this area.
You may download a personal dream or vision that also happens to fit into a collective current.
Gemini Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
On March 7, Saturn will shift into your 10th house of career and public image, bringing increased responsibilities and the need for stronger boundaries. We all want to be recognised in the world 10th House), to essentially get paid for being our self (4th House). During this season you’ll attempt to marry your soul essence with the purposeful destiny you’ve chosen. You may have meaningful encounters with who you truly are, remember your legacy, discover a buried treasure from the past. You may be recognised on a whole new professional level.
Being creative within stronger containers.
Cancer Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
Saturn moves out of your 8th into your 9th House on March 7th. The Lord of Time and Karma in Pisces will evolve your mental circuitry and your worldview. It’s time to further your education, to study and to travel. Under this transit, your beliefs, your philosophy, your spirituality and religion will be in flux and dissolution until 2026. Learn to swim upstream through algorithms, social media and fake gurus or self-styled teachers.
Robust boundaries are needed on the journey.
Leo Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
As Saturn shifts into Pisces this month, you’ll experience increased responsibilities in your spiritual pursuits and quest for higher wisdom. This is an area where you tend to embrace freedom and idealism, so you may find that your sacred practices lack consistency. Fortunately, from now until 2026, you’ll be slowly building customs and rituals here that will allow you to reach new heights in your mystical endeavours. Saturn’s alchemical processes of the Eighth House removes the dross ready for transformation, through the honest stripping back of what’s inessential in order to discover what’s lasting and true. There’s potential for a shamanic magical or mystical journey. This transit rifles through the taboo topics of money, attitude toward possessions, sexuality, and intimacy.
Make sure you have the resources to become self-supporting.
Virgo Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
This month, Saturn will shift into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships, increasing the level of commitment and responsibility over the next three years. This transit will bring some of your hopes and ideals to fruition in your emotional life, but it will require an increased level of boundary setting and not-so-fun conversations at the same time. This transit can go one of two ways — it can mark the start of a long-term, serious relationship, or a period where you’re setting new boundaries and limits in love, prompting a period of isolation. Either way it plays out, by the end of Saturn’s journey through this sign, you’ll have more stability here than ever before.
You’re ready to express a new way of being in the world, and experience the evolutionary impact of others in your life.
Libra Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
On March 7th, Saturn moves from your 5th House into watery Pisces, your 6th, demanding structure and increased responsibility in your habits, routines and work life. This tends to be where you go with the flow, but over the next three years, you’ll be called to establish some effective systems when it comes to your daily practices. This transit also brings increased focus on your health and wellbeing, making this a great period to care for your body in a much more focused way. You may finally overcome those self-sabotaging habits.
Fix what can be fixed and let go of what you can’t control.
Scorpio Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
This month, as Saturn shifts into Pisces, you’ll experience an increased level of commitment and desire for structure in your creative pursuits, passions, and love life. While this tends to be the area where you lack organisation, Saturn’s journey through your 5th House is bound to offer some stability, along with a supportive dose of reality in this area. Whether this means you’ll be taking an artistic side-line more seriously or turning a hobby or a passion into a business, you’ll be determined to make your mark.
Personal limelights are possible.
Sagittarius Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
As Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, the Lord of Time and Karma leaves your 3rd House for the 4th – the roots of your chart. This transit will raise questions about your ancestry, your family inheritance and your beliefs imprinted from an early age. Circumstances will arise that challenge you to make your own vision of home and tribe a reality. You may start to parent and guide yourself in a different way. Your questing, freedom seeking spirit may find this transit restrictive but it will certainly prove redemptive.
Coming home to yourself.
Capricorn Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
On March 7, Saturn, your personal planet, will exit Aquarius and dive into the waters of mystical Pisces until 2026. As an Earth sign, you may find the constant flux and churn and emotional flooding challenging to handle. When it comes to communicating your thoughts and ideas, make it a goal to learn rapport, empathy and a whole new range of communication styles. Know what you want to get across then get your voice heard via blogging, podcasting, writing.
Culture shock.
Aquarius Forecast2023-26: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
This month, Saturn will finally leave your sign after two and a half years. Moving into watery Pisces, the Task Master will crystallise new lessons in managing your money and resources. It’s time to create financial structure and stability. Money is important. How are you managing yours? Are you in debt? Are you underestimating or undervaluing your skills? Until 2026, your income may be in constant flux while your outgoings and responsibilities increase.
Deciding what is negotiable and non-negotiable.
Pisces Forecast: Saturn In Pisces 2023-26
This is the first time since 1994-96 that the Lord of Time and Karma has visited your sign. As Saturn moves through Pisces, personal responsibilities will increase and cutting corners, being unreliable or flaky will lead to some immediate consequences. The next 3 years will be a reality testing process of crystallising a new maturity – no matter what age you are. Are you ready to evolve beyond your current self-created limitations, deal with the harsh realities of life and use your many powers for a purpose?
You can still dream big but, this time, turn those ideas into reality.
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About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1
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