An Old Life Goes Dark – Astrology Forecast March 17th – 24th 2024
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week.
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
An Old Life Goes Dark
Back in February, I started my March 5D Report for subscribers with the words: “In March, the seismic power of a Super Moon, the Aries Equinox and the first Eclipse of 2024 are going to be an incredible catalyst out of past conditioning into the power of conscious choice.”
And so it is proving. The Pisces Super Moon has changed the frequency – everything feels different, including time itself. At a lower level, so many are drowning in delusion, ignorance, apathy, addiction and social media fabrication and distortion.
This week and beyond, the timelines shift then shift again starting at the Aries Equinox in the seismic field of the eclipse tunnel from March 25 – April 8th – a time warp of fractals, non-linear events and Chironic life shocks.
Expect turbulence as the New Year begins on March 19th at the Aries Equinox when the Sun crosses the World Axis at 0° Aries. This is the 1st degree of the 1st sign and marks the start of both the new astrological year and Great Round.
In the 2024 Equinox chart, the Aries Sun is just past a conjunction with Neptune, sextile Pluto at 0° Aquarius and square the karmic Galactic Centre at 0° Capricorn. The Node of Fate, Chiron, Mercury and Eris are all clustered in Aries.
The message is clear – that was then, this is now. It’s time to create the New.
Sit quietly and ask yourself: “If I were to put my highest interests first, what would I do differently, starting now?” Then without editing or analysing, write down whatever your unconscious sends you.
Find some solid higher ground to avoid being swept away in the cross-currents of Neptunian losses and endings. As old forms change and vanish without notice, create your own security and solid inner ground of being.
New! APRIL’S astrology is going to be off the scales with a Super Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, Mercury retrograde plus an electrifying Jupiter / Uranus conjunction in Taurus.
Seemingly impossible changes can manifest – but only if you co-create them. Nothing is going to fall into your lap. The key is to move from being “At Cause to being At Effect”. For essential Master Coaching on this, sign up to my subscriber-only APRIL 5D REPORT: ”Own It, Choose It or Change It”: 5D Report
A heads up! I’m in the process of transitioning my work from Facebook to Substack. If you don’t want to miss any posts or notifications, sign up at: Lorna Bevan
Chandra Symbol 24

Chandra Symbol Equinox Aries 1: A man repairing and extending a stone wall in the spring.
“Objective Earth existence embraced with a fury. Identifying yourself completely with physical capability, external results, and quantifiable criteria on all fronts. You submerge yourself in the brute facts and the bare phenomena. There is a virtue in this approach. You become ready and quite able to do what is asked or needed and to put nothing in the way of each next thing happening, right on schedule. You become a hardy vessel for strong Earth usage. It is a form of penance or probation for past excesses, now gravitating toward the straight and narrow and trying to get certain things straight for a brand -new start. It is the initial phase, the radically new cycle taken up with a passion, with an appetite for things to do, problems to solve, worlds to streamline. Tremendous for activating will; intended for nothing else.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: 17th – 24th March 2024
On March 19th at the Equinox, it’s the start of both the astrological New Year and your personal New Year. Your energy levels will pick up as soon as the Sun returns to Aries, but with your own planet Mars now in Pisces, the engine room of your chart, keep the pace calm and slow, rebalancing and healing those ragged edges.
Prepare for an emotional lunar eclipse on March 25th across Aries / Libra.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: 17th – 24th March 2024
Each year when the Sun enters Aries at the Equinox, your solar batteries are low. This year, with a lunar eclipse across your 12th House, you may be run down, burnt out or exhausted. Your own planet Venus is close to dour Saturn, making life feel like all work and no play. Listen to what your body is telling you and gift yourself some down time to rest, recharge and restore.
Prioritise your wellbeing.
Gemini Weekly Forecast:17th – 24th March 2024
As the Sun moves on from the top of your chart, both Venus and Mars arrive there. This energy might make you extra busy and also sought after. If you dislike visibility, keep a low profile and stay behind the scenes. Prioritise what matters over what seems urgent and delegate as much as possible.
A lunar eclipse in your 5th House on March 25th reinforces the need to put yourself before you’re to do list.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: 17th – 24th March 2024
Are you contemplating a change in career, role or status? A gathering of Sun, Mercury, Chiron in Aries amplified by a lunar eclipse across Libra / Aries on March 25th, suggests so. This could arrive out of the blue, due to circumstances beyond your control. People may leave or work dry up. Start making a financial plan A and B.
Watch for clues around the Equinox.
Leo Weekly Forecast: 17th – 24th March 2024
Both Venus and Mars light up your 8th House of finances and contracts. This is an excellent time to invest in your future by taking on a professional partner. Just make sure you have all the facts before you commit, since Mercury will be slowing down and turning backwards on April 1st. From March 19th at the Aries Equinox, make anything connected with travel, study and broadening your horizons a priority.
The eclipse on March 25th will bring endings to projects that have outlived their usefulness.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: 17th – 24th March 2024
The Sun leaves your opposite sign on March 19th for another year, but Mars and Venus join Saturn and Neptune there to boost partnerships. This is an excellent time to make a commitment to someone special, to sign a legal contract and make joint financial plans. Just make very sure that no important information is being hidden from you.
Take it slowly, as your own planet Mercury is slowing down from March 18th, turning retrograde on April 1st.
Libra Weekly Forecast: 17th – 24th March 2024
This week, Mars joins Venus, Saturn and Neptune in your Piscean 6th House in a once in two years energy boost. You may feel motivated to shake up your work place, your schedules and your health. Mars needs movement, so build running, walking or some form of martial arts into your new routine. On March 19th at the Equinox, the Sun returns to your relationship zone. Knowing that Mercury is already slowing from March 18th to retrograde on April 1st, take things one step at a time, testing the waters before making a commitment.
Listen more than you speak.
Scorpio Weekly 17th – 24th March 2024
Make the very most of this astrology before it disappears. Your 5th, 6th and 7th Houses are lit up, with planets making auspicious and helpful aspects to each other. In Pisces, your own planet Mars in a once every two years visit, joins Venus, Saturn and Neptune-time to go out, have fun, take some imaginative artist dates and enjoy what life has to offer. In Taurus, your opposite sign, Jupiter is in a mood to deliver a dose of luck and synchronicity-perfect for boosting a current partnership or feeling the heat of a new flame.
Carpe Diem – seize the day.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: 17th – 24th March 2024
It’s time to take the pedal from the metal and take stock of all you’ve achieved in a few short weeks. On March 22nd, Mars returns to your 4th House after a 2 years’ absence joining Venus, Saturn and Neptune. Home is definitely where your heart is, as you renovate, redecorate and beautify your sanctuary. Meanwhile from the 19th, the Sun joins Mercury in Aries, your angle of pleasure, leisure and enjoyment. That’s your cue to stop being a human doing and allow yourself a chance to enjoy what you’ve created.
Stop and smell the roses – the world will still turn without you.
Capricorn Weekly 17th – 24th March 2024
Can you feel change on the horizon? On March 25th and April 8th, wild card eclipses in Libra and Aries will activate two of the four important angles of your solar chart. This is the 4th / 10th axis of home and mission – being known in the world (10th) by being paid for being yourself (4th). During this eclipse season, you’ll attempt to marry your soul essence with the purposeful destiny you’ve chosen. You may have meaningful encounters, remember your legacy or discover a buried resource from the past.
You may achieve a whole new professional level or simplify and downsize.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: 17th – 24th March 2024
You’ll notice a shift in energy as soon as the Sun enters feisty Aries at the Equinox on March 19th, joining Mercury and Chiron. This is your 3rd House of connection, communication, studying, teaching and travelling. Wait, there’s more. On March 25th, the first eclipse this year activates this 3rd / 9th House axis just as Mercury is slowing down, then the second on April 8th is an absolute doozy. Mercury enters his retrograde shadow on March 18th, so be extra careful to avoid gaffes, glitches and crossed wires.
If ever there was a nudge to start a new project, a new direction or even a new life, this is it.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: 17th – 24th March 2024
On March 19th, the Sun enters Aries at the Equinox, joining Mercury and Chiron. Add to this a lunar eclipse on March 25th across Libra/Aries and your income flow becomes a pre-occupation. Is it consistent? Are you relying too heavily on one client or employer? Are you under earning or under charging? Knowing that Mercury – planet of commerce – will slow from March 18th to turn backwards on April 1st and that a lunar eclipse across Libra / Aries will change circumstances around you on March 25th, read the small print and look at the financial details.
Money equals freedom.
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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