Instant Karma: Astrology Forecast October 1st – 7th, 2023
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
“There’s a mysterious door that appears when we stop attaching ourselves to the comfort of what we believe to be are our obstacles. This is where the light of our inner fire appears. This is where we start to see, feel and listen. This is where we stop pretending. And this is where we no longer seek refuge outside of ourselves…” – Tanya Lee Markul
October is going to be one of the most intense months of 2023. An energetic crossroads where karma, fate and free will combine to create significant endings, beginnings, turning points and breakthroughs. Expect to feel the ground rumble and shake beneath your feet as Pluto turns direct followed by two wild card eclipses.
If you are ready to own it, this is a power surge….
This week, a web of multiple inner planetary contacts to the deep space karmic points of Eris, the Nodes of Fate, the Super Galactic Centre and the Galactic Centre turns up the dial on your sensory acuity and intuition. When the old and new Gods conspire, it’s time to pay attention.
On October 4th, the Messenger crosses the Super Galactic Centre into Libra as Venus finally exits Leo after her extended retrograde renewal and enters Virgo on the 8th. Mars at the end of Libra is conjunct the karmic South Node of Fate, square Pluto, opposite Disruptor Eris and the Node of Fate.
Be discerning–your actions have consequences and almost instant karmic bounce back.
On the world stage, expect to witness many examples of hubris and personal reckonings.
Chandra Symbol Mars LIBRA 25

Chandra Symbol Mars LIBRA 25: In the midst of a forest, a great circular open area.
“In Celtic lands, steeped in a power beyond the world, there were openings always into other times and places, from within this time and place. Discovering once again these passages and sending an expanded part of yourself to explore and inhabit all of the times and places officially denied. And being therefore given to a harkening to the unknown, and to the sensibility of simultaneously feeling linked up with just about everybody everywhere in a mystical, magical realisation that pulls you along and calls one to become free and true, you walk onward into the limitless ways as though you had never lost them and no time had elapsed between great inward breaths.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
The Full Moon in Aries last Friday was a moment of catharsis or clarity about how you see yourself and how others see you. Take some quiet time to reflect on what you learnt, as this is going to be a central theme in your astrology until January 2025, thanks to the Node of Fate in Aries delivering 5 eclipses between now and then. Your own planet Mars in Libra is at odds with disruptor Eris in your own sign.
Don’t ruffle feathers just for the sake of wanting to be right.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
Your personal planet Venus has been in fiery Leo since early June-an unprecedented four months due to her long retrograde-and this week on October 8th finally enters fellow Earth sign Virgo. What a relief, as you your emotional temperature drops and you start to feel more at ease with yourself. With so much intense planetary activity across Aries and Libra for the next 14 months, happiness for you comes from staying in your own lane and focusing on what’s yours to do.
Following your golden thread.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
This week, your personal planet Mercury enters Libra to join the Sun, the South Node and Mars boosting your creativity. It’s going to be important to find your tribe or tribes and spend time with them. Sometimes you find it a challenge to distinguish between those who get you and those who just want to hitch a ride on your coattails. The solar eclipse coming up on October 14th is going to be a game changer in terms of what it shows you about your creative life.
What is negotiable or non-negotiable?
Cancer Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
Last Friday’s Aries Full Moon at the very top of your chart shone a clear light on your path or direction. What was revealed? Are you following your golden thread or is your ladder up against the wrong tree? Ask yourself these questions, then allow them to percolate quietly in your unconscious over the coming months, rather than seeking for an instant one-size-fits-all response just to lessen the pressure. With the Node of Fate in your career zone delivering several eclipses across Aries/Libra in the coming 14 months, circumstances changing around you will deliver you to where you are most needed.
The journey is the path.
Leo Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
This week on October 8th, Venus finally departs your sign having had an extra-long stay of 4 months due to her 7 weeks’ retrograde. As the Goddess departs, take some quiet time to look back through your journal or diary during June, July, August and September to track the personal themes that emerged for you. Look at your style of relating and notice what gets you closer to others and what has the opposite effect.
Successful relationships don’t just happen by magic.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
Notice the energy shift this week as Mercury-your personal planet-leaves your sign for Libra on October 4th whilst Venus enters Virgo on October 8th. The Goddess will shine her light on you, smoothing your path and increasing your attractor factor until November 9th, so make the very most of this favourable passage. If you need advice, support or encouragement, just ask for it. Opposite Venus is Saturn in Pisces, available as a master guide or coach to keep you on track and help turn your imagination into practical projects.
Ditch the deadlines and find your flow.
Libra Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
What did Friday’s Full Moon in Aries reveal about one particular partnership? Relationships of all kinds-personal and professional-are in the frame now and will be until early 2025 as the karmic Nodes of Fate travel through Libra and Aries. This will bring eclipses that change circumstances around you, rather like a series of lock gates. On October 4th, Mercury enters your sign to join the Sun, South Node and Mars, nudging you to adjust relationship dynamics that are out of balance.
Aim for win/win.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
With your co-ruler Mars plus the Sun, South Node of Fate and Mercury gathered in your deep 12th House of old dreams, unconscious desires and secrets, more than ever you feel the need to look below the surface of everyday life for meaning. This is an ideal time for a conversation with a close friend or trusted psychotherapist, especially as a Libra solar eclipse in this part of your chart exact on October 12th is already sending ripples of change in your direction.
There is grace both in holding it together and also in letting things fall apart.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
How did you channel last Friday’s powerful Aries Full Moon in your 5th House? Hopefully, you started a creative project or at least allowed your imagination to run free. This part of your life-your self-expression-is going to become much more central over the next 14 months as the Nodes of Fate travel through Aries and Libra, delivering wild card eclipses at 6 months intervals. So set up a workshop and gather your tools. Meanwhile, lady luck Venus crosses the top of your chart on October 8th, boosting your career and smoothing your way for the next month.
It’s all to play for.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
Last Friday’s Aries Full Moon illuminated your 4th and 10th axis of home and career. No matter how it played out, see it as a foretaste of the next 14 months when the Nodes of Fate across Aries/Libra deliver a series of wild card eclipses that will change circumstances around you. If there is any imbalance in the dynamics of life at home and life at work, think about finding ways to restore it to equilibrium before the solar eclipse at the pinnacle of your chart on October 12th.
Balancing your priorities.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
The intense planetary emphasis on Aries and Libra signals that it’s time to open the doors and windows, let in some fresh air and start living a bigger life. These are your angles of communication, connection and far horizons and with the Nodes of Fate activating them for the next 14 months via eclipses, expect to leave your comfort zone behind. Start finding ways to break up your routines through study or teaching or travel or a combination of all three.
After several years of Saturn’s restrictions, it’s time to make the most of your freedom.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: Oct 1-7, 2023
Are there issues to be sorted out in connection with joint assets and finances, perhaps a divorce or an inheritance? Whatever your situation, the planetary gathering in your 8th House of hidden private issues is a good time to talk to a trusted psychotherapist or a wise friend. Last Friday’s Full Moon in your 2nd House of income, resources and self-esteem is the opening chapter to what will be 14 months of these issues, as the Node of Fate delivers a pair of eclipses at 6 monthly intervals.
Be prepared for a stripping down of what’s inessential in order to discover what’s lasting and true.
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They’re incredible. Amazing. Magical. But perhaps the most fantastic thing about lucid dreams – in which the dreamer becomes aware they’re dreaming – is how realistic they seem.
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READ MORE: Everything You Wanted To Know About The Pineal Gland
More on Astrology: Scorpio Compatibility: Exploring Love & Relationships
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