Japanese Scientists Admit The Existence of Aliens Similar To Humans

Aliens may be more like us than we think…

The very idea of ​​the existence of extraterrestrial life excites the minds of people throughout the entire existence of human civilisation. There is a theory that life itself on Earth originated, being brought from space.

According to one theory, life on Earth appeared after one of the celestial bodies brought it to the Blue Planet from space. Proponents of this theory have recently received confirmation of their ideas. This happened during a careful examination of meteorites with the help of modern technology.

Complex molecules have already been found in fallen meteorites, and in the current study, scientists managed to find all the key “letters” of the genetic alphabet, DNA and RNA. The former include adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and uracil – in combination with sugars and phosphates. Thanks to them, life can be born.

It was found that all the fragments that are necessary to recreate DNA can exist inside such objects.

One of the leading experts in the study of meteorites does not exclude the possibility that the inhabitants of other planets may be humanoids.

“Meteorites contain all the nitrogenous compounds necessary for the existence of the genetic code. It could have originated before life appeared on the early Earth,” says Yasuhiro Oba.

Thus, aliens may well be similar to humans. They also do not exclude the presence of arms, legs and brain. There may not be serious differences between people and the inhabitants of other planets, not only in appearance, but also in metabolism.

Most likely, they need the same nutrients and trace elements for respiration and nutrition.

From this, scientists have drawn certain conclusions. First, aliens are everywhere. Because everywhere in the Universe everything went the same way or approximately the same as on Earth.

Secondly, all these aliens are just like us. Of course, with local features. In general, we are all “written” by the same “letters”. And there will be no abyss, fundamental misunderstanding when contacting them.

Unfortunately, this means that everything vicious that is in us is also inherent in them. Whether it is worth rejoicing at a meeting with aliens is a serious question.

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