NASA’s MRO Photographs A Crashed UFO On The Surface of Mars; According To UFOlogists
Did the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter photograph a crashed UFO on Mars?
NASA’s MRO photographs a crashed UFO on the surface of Mars; The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has done an incredible job ever since it arrived to Mars. One of the most interesting images taken by the MRO is the one we are displaying below. According to experts, it is believed that the mysterious object crashed on the surface of Mars somewhere between February 2012 and June 2014. NASA experts are still calculating the size of the peculiar object that crashed into the red planet’s Elysium Planitia plain. The object in question has left a very distinct crater rim and ejecta that, according to researchers is much darker and very different from the surrounding terrain. UFOlogists believe that we are looking at a classic UFO.

For everyone who is eager to check out the original RAW image, please visit the following link.
According to UFOlogists who have analysed the image, the “disk-shaped” object that crashed is clearly visible at the centre-right of the impact site. Some believe that the metallic-nature of the object is visible as it reflects sunlight.
The HiRISE camera is one of the six instruments that is located on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. According to NASA, the camera commonly monitors impacts like these
The image in question is regarded by numerous UFOlogists and UFO hunters as one of the best pieces of evidence which point toward the existence of extraterrestrial beings in our solar system.
The mysterious disk-shaped object crashed into the region called Elysium Planitia, which is the second largest volcanic region on Mars after Tharsis, and is around 1,050 miles by 1 490 miles (1,700 by 2,400 km) in size.
In the image below, you can see the comparison of the same region of Elysium Planitia but before the object crashed. To view the original image, please visit the following link.

What do you think this one is? Is it just another meteorite that found its way to the surface of the red planet? Or is it possible, as UFOlogists suggest, that we are looking at the remains of a “flying saucer” that crashed on Mars.
Is it possible that we are looking at a Roswell scenario but on the surface of our neighbouring planet?
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Ex-CIA Pilot Said NASA Landed On Mars In 1966 & Its Former Employee Saw Humans There In 1979
A woman named “Jackie” called on Coast to Coast AM, an American radio station, claiming she was the former NASA employee who managed to see humans on Mars in 1979. This statement sparked rumours of a “secret space program” that is kept hidden from the public.
Jackie said she had seen a man in a spacesuit in a live broadcast from Mars, but this information is concealed by NASA authorities.
She claimed to be part of a team of specialists processing information from the Viking, the first Mars rover to send images from the surface of Mars to Earth.
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READ MORE: Secret Space Program Whistleblower Claims Humans Are On Mars Since The 70s
Read more on Planet Mars: New NASA Nuclear Rocket Plan Aims To Get To Mars In Just 45 Days
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