How Fear Will Justify Anything
On the world stage, we see fears playing out constantly.
By Paul Lenda | Contributing Writer
The violence we see is motivated by fear. The oppression we see being done by individuals and institutions are motivated by fear. Fear will literally justify anything.
Given recent events around the world that you are probably well aware of, fear is being used as a tool to further goals and agendas that will hurt many (and already are). This, in turn, generates fear and anger in others, which adds more fuel to the fire. Even on a smaller-scale, people find things to be afraid of and become oppressors of others. It can happen on the level of a parent towards a child or a nation towards its inhabitants.
Fear is an incredibly powerful motivator to do something foolish. Think back in time to all of the moments in history when people were acting regressively against one another, justifying their actions because of some fear-based belief. Jiddu Krishnamurti said that, “the constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.” When someone feels the need to constantly defend their beliefs, along with what actions they take because of those beliefs, they are in a fear-based mindset.
You Have a Choice
Nelson Mandela once said; “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” If you feel fear within you, there is something you can do about it. It’s important to become aware of when fear wraps its tentacles around us, before it makes us justify doing something that violates the well-being of someone or something else. Transform fear through emotional alchemy.
We are collectively making a choice whether we will live in a fear-based or love-based world. At the end of the day, remember that fear disempowers and reflects disconnection whereas love empowers and reflects connection.
If there was ever a time for embodying love rather than being ruled by fear, it’s right now. Are you strong enough to love in the face of adversity?
The true mark of a conscious and evolved person is them being able to stay within the consciousness of love when there is fear all around them. Love is only possible when you are without fear. The two cannot exist harmoniously within you. As long as you are afraid of someone or something, you will be incapable of loving. You will be able to justify the most violating thoughts, words, and actions against other people.
There is always a better way to address an issue than succumbing to a fear-based mentality or belief. Fear makes the mind restless, thinking it will find peace and ease once it addresses what it perceives as being a problem. However, there will be no peace, as long as fear is held within you. Fear will find something new to focus its divisive and destructive force towards…it will never end.
One of the most renowned philosophers of the French Renaissance, Michel de Montaigne, once said that, “A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.” You see, suffering will not only be endured by whatever is on the tail end of a fear-based action, but it will result in a self-inflicted wound as well.
Fear is being used today to justify horrifying and devastating things. It doesn’t have to be this way. Yes, it takes courage, strength, and love to transcend the fear mind virus, but it can be done. The rewards of going through the inner emotional alchemical process will benefit us on an individual and collective level, as well as the environment we call home.
About the Author
Paul Lenda is a conscious evolution guide, founder & director of SHIFT, author, writer, speaker, meditation teacher, life coach, and ambassador for the New Paradigm wishing to provide an integral role in personal transformation and the collective social transformation of humanity. Paul offers private one-on-one holistic life counselling & conscious evolution sessions, via Skype or phone. Paul takes into account all aspects of the hyper dimensional matrix when providing guidance, counselling, and coaching.
You can connect with Paul via:
- https://evolvingmandala.com/ (Website)
- https://www.instagram.com/evolvingmandala/ (Instagram)