Once In A Very Blue Moon: Astrology Forecast August 27th – September 3rd, 2023
Everything you need to know for the upcoming week.
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
Expect a week of sliding doors moments as unpredictable Uranus and Morning Star Venus both station to turn direct in the seismic window of this very rare Blue Super Full Moon – the second Super Moon of August.
This extreme lunar alignment brings especially powerful tides in the atmosphere, seas and crust of spaceship Earth including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Super Moons also affect your nervous system – creating that fritzed, fried, tired and wired syndrome.
Make a note of the dates of the seismic geo-cosmic shock window between: August 28 – September 3 to increase your hydration, get more rest and down time.
The Piscean Super Moon is conjunct retrograde Saturn opposite the Sun conjunct Black Moon Lilith in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus. With the Moon in far seeing Pisces, your heart and soul are yearning to dream large without boundaries, to create ideal visions of what could be. Pisces key words are: spiritual; empathic; intuitive; receptive; compassion; healing; dreams; visionary; mystic; vague; elusive; slippery; escapist; inflated; prone to illusions; deceptive.
Lord of Time and Karma Saturn is insisting on trying to put boundaries on this watery formlessness whilst Sun and Black Moon Lilith in Earth sign Virgo require a plan, a map and a do-by date. Jupiter in Taurus is asking: “Where’s the money coming from?”
Saturn in his guise as your own Jedi coach will test your ideas to see if they are weak, unstable or built on shifting sands. The big question is:
Are you ready to evolve beyond your current self-created limitations, deal with the harsh realities of life and use your powers for a purpose?
Are you aged 29, 58 or 84 or will be in the next 3 years? Welcome to Your Saturn in Pisces Return Years …
Saturn takes 28-30 years to make a full turn of the zodiac. When the Task Master returns to his natal position by sign and degree on the day you were born, you experience a series of roadblocks along with a course correction, forcing you to make a necessary jump in your individuation and maturity. If you resist, you get a harsh reality check pushing you out of your comfort zone.
Nothing about Saturn is casual. The Lord of Time and Karma demands that you take full and complete accountability for your choices, propelling major – albeit challenging – transformation. Get your Personal September 2023-24 Year Ahead Forecast to find out how to navigate this transition from one life stage to another.
Chandra Symbol Super Moon PISCES 7

Chandra Symbol Super Moon PISCES 7: A candle burning. There is a ring of salt around it on the floor.
“From this place spirit can empower itself to be whole, to commune, to remember, and to conceive. However, all of this happens inside, deep inside. The outside situation may belie the inward experience. But here what seems in the moment is as nothing, and what is really there between the lines and through the cracks is everything. This is a domain set apart for special purposes, projects, and endeavours, and is the perfect retreat for anyone who wishes to remain in touch with the living spirit, who wishes never to forget what it is that stands under the phenomenal world and keeps the eternal flame burning without a flicker.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
On August 27th when your ruler Mars enters your opposite sign of Libra, you can clearly see where you stand in relation to others. It’s a time for a changing of the guard, letting go of draining or toxic alliances to make space for new people to come into your circle. On the 30th, the Super Moon in Pisces illuminates your hidden 12th House of secrets, dreams and defences. Let your imagination run riot in creative expression through photography, painting, drawing, writing, composing.
Capture your inspirations before they flyaway.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
On the 29th stand still and watch the changes spin around you as Uranus stations at 23 Taurus to turn retrograde until the end of January 2024. The Awakener is shaking you right out of your comfort zone, pushing you to notice that the cage door is wide open. Circumstances will arise to break you free your old self-imposed rules and boundaries that have been keeping your too small and too safe. The Super Moon on August 30th in Pisces intensifies your desire to change things up. It’s time to meet new people, to come in from the cold and join in.
Your beautiful planet Venus turns forward on September 3rd revealing how far your heart’s desires have radically shifted-pay attention.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
On August 30th, a rare Super Full Moon sits right on the pinnacle of your chart, putting you in the spotlight and making everything you do much more visible than usual. Since the Moon is conjunct Saturn in your angle of public reputation, career and direction, do due diligence, keep an evidence trail of your achievements and don’t cut corners. Take time to consider your options or make a course correction as your agenda has changed in recent months.
Is your ladder up against the right wall?
Cancer Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
Change is in the air as Venus turns forward in your income zone -hooray!-Uranus turns backwards in your career zone-expect surprises-and a very rare Super Full Moon in fellow Water sign Pisces lights up your imagination. It’s time to dream large and let your creative side out to play. Since the Moon is conjunct Saturn, commit to something bigger than you-a programme of study, some deep research into an intriguing topic or a trip you’ve always wanted to make.
It’s all about engaging rather than dabbling.
Leo Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
So much is changing around you that it’s hard to keep track of it all and more is on its way. On August 29th, unpredictable Uranus turns retrograde on your Mid Heaven, shaking up your career. Start planning for best/worst case options and scenarios. On the 30th, a rare Super Full Moon in Pisces brings issues of your finances, shared assets and long-term relationships up to the surface. As Mercury is retrograding back through your income zone, don’t ignore any warning lights. Check bank statements, call in or pay down debt and make a savings plan.
August 30th’s Super Moon conjunct Saturn suggests a course correction is needed.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
With the Sun now in your own sign after the dog days of August, you should be feeling much happier in your own skin and ready to collaborate with your own planet Mercury retrograding in Virgo to evaluate what’s working and what isn’t. This is perfect for editing your wardrobe, your home, your workplace and for decluttering and organising. The month ends with a huge Super Full Moon in Pisces putting your closest relationships in the frame.
Is it time to make or break a commitment?
Libra Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
It’s set to be a week of quick change on many levels. First unpredictable Uranus turns retrograde in your 8th House, putting shared finances and assets in the frame, then Mars enters Libra for the first time in 2 years making you more ambitious, competitive or even argumentative. Life turns focussed and practical on the 30th, as a rare Super Moon in Pisces nudges you to put your nose to the grindstone. With Saturn conjunct the Moon, do your due diligence and don’t cut corners.
On September 3rd, your own planet Venus turns forward and you start to feel happier in your own skin.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
Knowing that it’s going to be a week when emotions run high and people are more sensitive than usual, employ your usual strategy of watching and waiting. On August 29th, unpredictable Uranus turns retrograde-watch for unexpected news that affects your closest partnership. The next day, a rare and potent Super Moon in fellow water sign Pisces conjunct Saturn requires you to make a long-term commitment of some sort. It could be to a creative project, a new romance or a cooperative venture.
No dipping a toe in the water-you’re either all in or all out.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
With Saturn in your 4th House for the first time in 29 years, how you see your home, your family and your roots is undergoing transformation until 2025. In essence, you’re putting your own stamp on where and how you live and how you maintain bonds with your tribe. The rare Super Moon in Pisces on August 30th in this part of your chart reveals how far you’ve evolved from following the norms and rules you imprinted in childhood to claiming your own individuality and preferences, whether that’s your taste in furnishings or how often you invite the relatives over.
Putting down deep roots.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
Knowing that it’s going to be a week when emotions run high, pick your strategy now, so that when dramas erupt or people overreact to the slightest remark, you know where the exits are. On the 27th, Mars crosses the top of your chart for the first time in 2 years, giving your career a welcome injection of energy. If you’re ambitious, go for it but be careful not to ride roughshod over anyone. Then on the 30th, a potent Super Moon in Pisces conjuncts your own planet Saturn in your 3rd House of siblings, neighbours and friends.
Expect endings whose time has come.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
At a time when many people are returning to work, with Mars returning to your 9th House for the first time in 2 years, you’re itching to be on the move. If you can, take a trip or plan an adventure before the end of September. On the 29th your joint ruler unpredictable Uranus turns retrograde until January 2024. Life at home or in your wider tribe or family brings the unexpected. Time to throw a spanner into your usual routines. Finally, on the 30th a Super Full Moon in Pisces conjuncts Task Master Saturn, your other ruler.
Time to remove those rose tinted lenses and set a realistic budget.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: Aug 27-Sep 3, 2023
With the Sun in Virgo until September 21st, it’s all about your relationships, whether intimate partners, professional contracts or friendships. Pay attention to feedback in throwaway remarks and listen more than you speak. Then on the 30th August ends with a very rare Super Moon in your own sign, marking the halfway point of your personal year. Since it is conjunct Lord of Time and Karma Saturn-in Pisces for the first time in 29 years-it could bring something of a reality check.
No matter how it plays out, notice how much you’ve changed, grown and evolved since your last birthday.
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini.
In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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